Page 229 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 229
Communication Teachers will use the All Faculty Weekly
Logs provided template to report and Staff Every Saturday
Office Hours and by 11:59pm in
Communication with Schoology
Virtual Lesson Teachers will use the All Faculty Weekly
Plans provided template or the Every Saturday
Learning Focus Template to by 11:59pm in
report virtual lesson plan Schoology
for students to complete.
April 20, 2020
Daily Remote Teachers will use the All Faculty
Learning Schedule provided template to report
daily schedule and office
Class Rosters for Teachers will use the All Faculty April 30, 2020
2020-2021 provided template to report
student groupings for next
years classes.
Teachers will schedule All Faculty April 30, 2020
conferences and meet with
End of the Year Parents to discuss student
Conferences for 1st performance. Teachers are
Year and Specialty to use the form provided
School Concern and complete each one for
Students student conferences.
Mrs. Porter will share her
Remote Learning EOY
Conference template with
the staff.
School-Wide Meeting Forms ©2019 LaTausha Daniels Ed.S. NBCT Effective 2019-2020 3