Page 225 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 225

Re: Request for Ed Tech PD

                 KIMBERLY CLARK MOSS <>
                 Thu 4/23/2020 9:11 AM
                 To:  LATAUSHA D DANIELS <LDANIELS2@BHM.K12.AL.US>
                 Good morning,

                 Following up on Friday’s conversation for a Schoology training
                 tomorrow at 9:15am for your faculty. I need a few questions or

                 concerns to prepare a personalized presentation and the meeting ID

                 Kimberly Clark Moss, Ed.S
                 Coordinator, Educational Technology
                 Birmingham City School
                 205-249-2008 cell
                 “Children Are Why”

                 Lincoln Professional Development Center
                 901-9th Avenue North
                 Birmingham, Alabama 35204

                 From: LATAUSHA D DANIELS <LDANIELS2@BHM.K12.AL.US>
                 Sent: Friday, April 17, 2020 2:24:06 PM
                 To: KIMBERLY CLARK MOSS <>
                 Subject: Request for Ed Tech PD

                 Good evening Mrs. Moss!
                 Several of my teachers participated in your PD session today, and asked if I would
                 request a special session for Princeton only. Do you have time in your schedule to
                 conduct a PD for us on next Friday?

                 La'Tausha D. Daniels, Ed.S., NBCT

                 Instructional Leader & Interim Principal
                 Princeton Elementary School
                 Birmingham City Schools
                 1425 2nd Avenue West
                 Birmingham, Alabama 35208
                 Together We Can. Together We Will. Grow.Serve. Lead!
                 (205) 231-2500 Office
                 (205) 306-6654 Cell
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