Page 270 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
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Great Morning Mr. & Mrs. Green.
Thank you again for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with us and address
your concerns about Grace's success at Princeton Elementary. I wanted to provide you
with an update from our meeting.
1. 504 Plan & Status: I was able to locate a copy of Grace's 504 plan that is dated
January 30, 2019 and is in effect until January 30, 2022. I will ensure the teachers
have a copy of it, and provide the appropriate accommodations. I also have a copy
for you to have for your records. Please email me and let me know if you want me
to send it home with Grace, or if you would like to pick it up from my executive
assistant, Mrs. Holmes.
2. I have met with my ELA chair for 3rd-5th grades and our in house Reading
Specialist. They have both agreed to Volunteer their time and tutor grace in the
area of reading. This tutoring will begin on Tuesday March 10, 2020 and
continue until May 13, 2020. Mrs. Givens will tutor grace from 4:30 to 5:00pm on
Tuesdays and Mrs. Scott will tutor grace on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:00pm.
Grace will report to afterschool care and the teachers will pick her up for her
session and return her when they are complete. In addition, they will collaborate
and create a report that will provide and overview of her progress. Remember, the
goal is to provide some supports to help improve her grade level performance. We
will track data based on iReady intervention performance.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via phone at 205-231-
2500, or via email at Remember, we are in this together!
La'Tausha D. Daniels, Ed.S., NBCT
Instructional Leader & Interim Principal
Princeton Alternative Elementary School
Birmingham City Schools
1425 2nd Avenue West
Birmingham, Alabama 35208
Together We Can. Together We Will. Grow. Serve. Lead!
(205) 231-2500 Office
(205) 231-2523 Fax
"The Woman Warrior who is armed with wit and courage will be among the first to celebrate victory."~Maya
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