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The ZENITH OF   UnrivalLed

 CONTENTMENT  Management


 World-renowned amenities and   130 years; the unparalleled artistry
 fittings have illustrious histories and   of Kallista bath collections; and
 are worthy of the Kadoorie Hill’s   appliances from Gaggenau, whose
 refined traditions: Kohler, which has   mastery of German engineering has

 set the standard of gracious living for   been 333 years in the making.

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 One more convenience is to be                  Along with the satisfaction afforded   maintenance, and party planning to
 treasured: an abundance of car                 by Kadooria is the peace of mind     dining reservations and limousine
 parking spaces, which further                  provided by its remarkable 24-hour   arrangements, to name but a few.
 enhances these illustrious, prestigious        concierge services.                  Such attentive care assures residents

 apartments.                                    These top services are available to   of carefree living.

                                                solve your problem and meet your
                                                need, from shopping, housekeeping,


 This page contains images taken in some residential properties of the Development on 1,2,3 (1 September, 2017). They have been edited and processed with computerized imaging   This page contains an image taken of the lobby of the Development on 12 September, 2017. It has been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques and is for
 techniques and are for reference only. The images only show the general appearance of some residential properties of the Development. The Vendor reserves all rights to make changes to   reference only. The image only shows the general appearance of the lobby of the Development. The Vendor reserves all rights to make changes to the Development and the
 the Development and the residential properties therein, and the design, installations, materials, décor, equipments, facilities and other items thereof which are subject to the final approval of   residential properties therein, and the design, installations, materials, décor, equipments, facilities and other items thereof which are subject to the final approval of the relevant
 the relevant Government authorities. Contents in the Sales Brochure shall prevail under all circumstances. Fittings, finishes and appliances of the residential properties of the Development are   Government authorities. Contents in the Sales Brochure shall prevail under all circumstances.
 subject to the provisions in the agreement for sale and purchase. The Vendor also reserves its right to make changes to the fittings, finishes and appliances in accordance with the agreement
 for sale and purchase. The fittings, finishes and appliances are not standard provisions and are for reference only. Please refer to the Sales Brochure for standard fittings, finishes and appliances.
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