Page 22 - Kadooria_ImageBook_224x294_20pp1222
P. 22
Name of Street and Street Number of 發展項目所位處的街道名稱及門牌
the Development: Nos. 111, 113, 115, 號數:嘉道理道 111, 113, 115, 117, 119,
117, 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, 129, 131
and 133 Kadoorie Avenue * 121, 123, 125, 127, 129, 131 及 133 號 *
District: HO MAN TIN 區域:何文田
The address of the website to be designated
by the vendor for the Development: 賣方就發展項目指定之互聯網網站
The photographs, images, drawings or 本廣告 / 宣傳資料內載列的相片、
sketches shown in this advertisement/
promotional material represent an artist’s 圖像、繪圖或素描顯示純屬畫家對
impression of the development concerned 有關發展項目之想像。有關相片、
only. They are not drawn to scale and/
or may have been edited and processed 圖像、繪圖或素描並非按照比例繪
with computerized imaging techniques. 畫及 / 或可能經過電腦修飾處理。
Prospective purchasers should make 準買家如欲了解發展項目的詳情,
reference to the sales brochure for details
of the development. The vendor also 請參閱售樓說明書。賣方亦建議準
advises prospective purchasers to conduct 買家到有關發展地盤作實地考察,
an onsite visit for a better understanding 以對該發展地盤、其周邊地區環境
of the development site, its surrounding
environment and the public facilities nearby. 及附近的公共設施有較佳的了解。