Page 2 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN short
P. 2
4 62
Foreword Mortgage Credit Directive
6 64
Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) Motor Insurance
10 64
Capital Markets Union (CMU) Directive (MID)
12 66
Sustainable finance Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
20 69
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Brexit
24 71
Cybersecurity Environmental Liability Directive (ELD)
28 73
Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) European Committee for Standardisation (CEN)
31 74
EU Regulation on European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occu-
pations (ESCO)
KID for PRIIPs 75
Social Affairs
Digitalisation 76
Solvency II Directive 78
New European Parliament
eIDAS 79
Next EU Presidencies
Pan-European Personal Pension Products (PEPP) 79
Presidencies of the Council up to 2030
Institutions for Occupational Pension Funds Directive 80
(IORP II) New European Commission 2019 – 2024
49 81
New prudential regime for investment firms EU Commission 2020 work programme
51 82
DMD - Evaluation by the European Commission WFII - International Affairs
53 85
European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) and BIPAR Glossary
58 86
EU consumer law: New Deal for Consumers BIPAR 2019-2020 STEERING COMMITTEE
61 87
CCD - Evaluation by the European Commission BIPAR members and associate members
editorial deadline : 15 June 2020