Page 84 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN short
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                                                                                                                              AI            Artificial Intelligence
                                                                                                                              AML/CFT       Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism
                                                                                                                              AMLD          Anti-Money Laundering Directive
                                                                                                                              BDA           Big Data Analytics
          Cyber Risk and its Insurance                       services for two years now.  The services delegation met         CCD           Consumer Credit Directive
                                                             several Ambassadors and commercial counsellors of                CEN           European Committee for Standardisation
          During  the  last  two  years,  the  IPPC  examined  the  role   WTO members and discussed the state of play of these   CMU       Capital Markets Union
          of  insurance  in  managing  cyber  risk.  The  Committee   talks and of their support for these initiatives. WFII seized   CRD / CRR   Capital Requirements Directive/Capital Requirements Regulation
          organised a conference on this issue and published a set of   the  opportunity  offered  by  these  bilateral  meetings,   Directive   "A Directive is a legislative act that sets out a goal that all EU countries must achieve. However, it is up to the
          recommendations that different stakeholders (businesses,   to  bring  its  perspective  regarding  liberalisation  of  the         individual countries to devise their own laws on how to reach these goals." (
          intermediaries, (re)insurance companies and governments)   insurance mediation sector and the issue of multinational   DMD        Distance Marketing of Financial Services Directive
          could implement to address the challenges to the cyber   placements to the attention of the WTO Ambassadors and     EBA           European Banking Authority
          risk insurance market’s development. WFII contributed to   their teams.                                             EDPB          European Data Protection Board
          this OECD report and participated in the conference as a                                                            EDPS          European Data Protection Supervisor
          panellist. As a next step in this project, the IPPC studied   EU-US Insurance Project                               EEA           European Economic Area
          the differences in policy and regulatory requirements that                                                          eIDAS         electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services
          affect the scope or form of cyber insurance coverage.   The EU-US Insurance Project started in early 2012,          EIOPA         European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
          At the December 2019 meeting the initial report was   when the European Commission, EIOPA, NAIC (National           ELD           Environmental Liability Directive
          presented in two separate reports, one on claims data   Association of Insurance Commissioners) and the FIO         ENISA         European Agency for Network and Information Security
          sharing, the other on insurance coverage issues.   (Federal  Insurance  Office  of  the  US  Department  of  the    ESAs          European Supervisory Authorities
                                                             Treasury) agreed to participate in a deeper dialogue project     ESCO          European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations
          The  institutional  structure  of  insurance  regulation  and   to contribute to an increased mutual understanding and   ESFS      European System of Financial Supervision
          supervision                                        enhanced cooperation between the EU and US to promote            ESG factors   Environmental, social and governance factors
                                                             business opportunity, consumer protection and effective          ESMA          European Securities and Markets Authority
          In  2018  the  IPPC  published  a  Report  on  the  institutional   supervision in the EU and US.                   ESRB          European Systemic Risk Board
          structure  of  insurance  regulation  and  supervision.  Building                                                   FATF          Financial Action Task Force
          on this work, the Committee developed policy guidance   The above-mentioned insurance regulators and supervisors    FOE / FOS     Freedom of establishment / Freedom of services
          to complement the IAIS Insurance Core Principles (ICPs) on   had the intention to continue their dialogue by organising   GDPR      General Data Protection Regulation
          the objectives, powers and responsibilities of insurance   a public event in Washington D.C. in March 2020, related   IAIS        International Association of Insurance Supervisors
          supervisors. This includes guidance on the institutional   to cyber security risks, the cyber insurance market and   IBIPs        Insurance-based investment products
          structure of insurance regulation and supervision as well   the use of Big Data. A representative of the American   ICT           Information and Communication Technology
          as issues related to the independence and accountability   insurance  intermediary  sector,  submitted  by  WFII  to  the   IDD / IMD   Insurance Distribution Directive / Insurance Mediation Directive
          and mandates and objectives of insurance regulators and   organisers, would have been one of the panellists but due   IORP        Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision
          supervisors.  WFII  commented  in  2019  on  the  draft  policy   to the COVID-19 outbreak this event was cancelled.   IPID       Insurance Product Information Document
          guidance. WFII suggested, among others, to the drafters to                                                          IPPC          Insurance and Private Pensions Committee (OECD)
          give more attention to innovation in the sector. New concepts   The 2019 WFII Annual meeting                        IRSG          Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group
          that appeared in the market could be elaborated in the                                                              ISSDC         Insurance Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee
          guidance. WFII also suggested mentioning the consideration   Due  to  the  COVID-19  outbreak,  the  WFII  World  Council   ITS      Implementing Technical Standards
          that regulation should be based on high-level principles   Singapore 2020 meeting in person was cancelled. Instead,   KID         Key Information Document
          and should not be subject to a constant change in order to   a  WFII  General  Assembly  was  held  by  email  and  on   MCD      Mortgage Credit Directive
          guarantee stability, and to ensure that the supervisor has the   Wednesday 29 April 2020 a video conference took place   MID      Motor Insurance Directive
          time to deliver effective supervision.             which was joined by many World Council members and               MiFID / MiFIR   Markets in Financial Instruments Directive/Regulation
                                                             the members of the ExCSE Committee. Mr. Yoshi Kawai,             OECD          Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
          Activities with the WTO                            Chairman of the OECD- Insurance and Private Pensions             PEPP          Pan-European Personal Pension Products
                                                             Committee (IPPC) also joined  this video conference. Mr          POG           Product Oversight and Governance
          Within the framework of the WTO Public Forum that took   Kawai, who would have been a speaker at the WOC 2020       PRIIPs        Packaged retail and insurance-based investment products
          place in October 2019 in Geneva, WFII joined a delegation   Singapore meeting, elaborated in his speech on the OECD   REFIT       Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme
          of the Global Service Coalition and met several key country   note Initial assessment of insurance coverage and gaps   Regulation   "A Regulation is a binding legislative act. It must be applied in its entirety across the EU." (
          negotiators  who  have  been  discussing  e-commerce,   for tackling COVID -19 impacts.                             RTS           Regulatory Technical Standards
          investment facilitation and domestic regulation in                                                                  UCITS         Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities
                                                                                                                              Trilogue      Step in the legislative process during which the three EU institutions (Commission, Parliament, Council) work on a
                                                                                                                                            compromise text which reflects most of their common views
                                                                                                                              WTO           World Trade Organization
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