Page 71 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
P. 71

Environmental Liability

          Directive (ELD)

 that equal treatment of intermediaries on the respective   petent authorities should assess any distribution model   Background   One of the issues that has come up over the years in the discussion at European
 market  is  guaranteed.  30.  When  assessing  whether  a   against the definition of distribution activity as provided   level is the availability (at reasonable costs) of insurance and other types of financial
 specific UK intermediary or entity is providing distribu-  for in the IDD”.     security, and the need or not for mandatory financial security.
 tion  activities  in  the  EU,  competent  authorities  should   The Environmental Liability
 take into account that only the consistent and uniform   On  31  October  2019  EIOPA  published  on  its  website   Directive (ELD) was adopted   The implementation checks of the Directive found that lack of data on ELD cases
 application of the IDD can guarantee the same level of   responses from NCAs on whether they comply with each   and on comparable incidents/accidents treated under national legislation, were the
 protection  for  consumers  and  ensure  a  level  playing   of EIOPA’s recommendations (or explain the reasons for   in 2004 and last amended in   cause of the Directive’s limited effect in preventing and remedying environmental
 field in the Union. Competent authorities should ensure   not complying with those recommendations).    2013. The overall objective of   damage.
 that  all  intermediaries  carrying  out  distribution  activi-  the ELD is to apply common,
 ties which target EU27 policyholders and EU27 risks fall   According to the information published, all NCAs comply   legally binding EU standards   In February 2017, the European Commission published a Multi-Annual ELD Work
 under the scope of the IDD. 31. For this purpose, com-  or intend to comply with almost all recommendations.  Programme “Making the ELD more fit for purpose” for 2017-2020. This Work Pro-
              designed to reduce damage
                                          gramme consists of three main pillars:
               to natural resources. It sets
             out an environmental liability   1.  Improving the evidence base for evaluation and decision-making for the Com-
                                             mission,  Member  States, stakeholders  and  practitioners (assessment frame-
                framework to prevent and
                                             work and ELD registry),
                  remedy environmental    2.  Supporting  the  implementation  through  tools and  measures for more even

                  damage to pre-damage       implementation (common understanding of terms and concepts, capacity build-
                                             ing and training),
               condition when it is caused
                                          3.  Ensuring sufficient availability of financial security, in particular for large losses
                  by economic operators.
                                             or in case of insolvency (secure, sufficient and available instruments to cover
                                             ELD liabilities).

                                          In the framework of the work programme the Commission requested law firm Ste-
                                          vens & Bolton to do a study (“Financial Security Study 2019”) and publish a report to
                                          fill the gap in knowledge for the Commission on voluntary and mandatory financial
                                          security for ELD liabilities, and to suggest ways in which such financial security could
                                          be improved both at an EU level and a Member State level.

                                          In March 2019, BIPAR attended a European Commission stakeholder meeting and
                                          in summer and autumn 2019, BIPAR and its working party on environmental liability
                                          provided feedback for the draft study through questionnaires on the presence and
                                          functioning of environmental insurance policies at national level.

                                          On  4  June  2020,  the  European  Commission  and  the  law  firm  published  the  final
                                          report on improving financial security in the context of the ELD.
                                          The report states that it is premature to recommend harmonised mandatory finan-
                                          cial security for ELD liabilities or an EU-wide fund.
                                          The report however adds that effective implementation of the ELD cannot occur in
                                          the absence of insurance for liabilities under it.
                                          Therefore, it recommends measures to increase availability and demand for ELD
                                          liabilities insurance, referring to an EU-wide training programme. The report refers
                                          to BIPAR and its members in this respect (as well as other European trade associa-
                                          tions), to provide advice into such a training programme.

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