Page 75 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
P. 75

European Skills, Competences, Qual-                          Social Affairs

 ifications and Occupations (ESCO)

 Background   The aim of ESCO is to:  2019/20  activities of  the  ISSDC                    Background
            partners in the insurance sector
 1.  Bridge the communication gap between the education sector and the
 ESCO is a multilingual classification   labour market,                                     In 1998, the European
 (developed in an open IT format)   2.  Enable online matching of people to jobs,   In February 2019, European social part-  Commission decided
 3.  Enable mobility (cross-border exchange of data, employment services   ners in the ISSDC Committee, including
 of European Skills, Competences,                                                           to launch Sectoral
 will be able to exchange job vacancies, CVs and other meaningful infor-  BIPAR,  signed  a  Joint  Statement  on  the
 Qualifications and Occupations. The   mation across the EU),   effects  of  regulatory  requirements  and   Dialogue Committees
 European Commission decided to   4.  Support education and training in the shift to learning outcomes (ESCO,   compliance  on  employees.  In  this  Joint   promoting dialogue
 as a standardised terminology, should make it easier to describe how   Statement, the social partners note that,
 develop ESCO some years ago in order                                                       between the social
 occupations, skills, competences and qualifications are linked and how   while  they  support the  new  European
 to map the existing “occupational                                                          partners (employers
 they interact with each other),   rules aimed at ensuring a higher level of customer protection in financial
 profiles” in Europe with skills,   5.  Support skills intelligence and statistics ( a basis for research,   services, such reforms have an impact on operators, customers and finan-  and employees) in different sectors at
 competences and qualifications for all   such as benchmarking and cross-country comparison)  cial sector employees  who  witness  disproportionate,  burdensome and   EU level. The Insurance Sectoral Social
            duplicative legal requirements. The social partners warn that information
 the sectors of economic activity (i.e.                                       Dialogue Committee (ISSDC), which is
 BIPAR  and  its  members  provided  feedback  to  the  classification  of  the   overload may lead to confusion, resulting  thereby in a decision-making
 the kind of activities that are carried   “financial chapter” when it was created, looking, in particular, at financial   process which is difficult and stressful for the customers. Moreover, the   an informal working group composed

 out, a description of the tasks, what   occupations such as insurance broker, insurance sales agent, investment   significant  increase  in  regulatory  requirements  has  led  to  a  substantial   of organisations representing
 adviser, credit adviser and mortgage broker. BIPAR called for better reflec-  rise in insurance employees’ workloads. The social partners call, therefore,
 they exclude, what the work context                                          employees and employers, was
 tion of the sector specific regulation of intermediaries.   for employees to be given enough time to assimilate the latest changes in
 is, what the necessary and optional                                          established in 1999. The BIPAR EU
            legislation and to apply them.  In this Joint Statement, the social partners
 skills and competences are, if there are   The first full version of ESCO was published in July 2017.  further highlight that the negative effects have a disproportionate impact   Social Affairs Committee, chaired by

 regulatory aspects to the occupational   on small and medium-sized entities, which contribute significantly to local   Mr. Didier Pissoort, takes an active
 In  spring  2019,  the  European  Commission  announced  that, in  order to   economies but face a heavy burden keeping up with constant regulatory
 profile).  27 sectors of the economy                                         role in participating in the EU Social
 reflect the reality of the labour market it will review ESCO and publish a   changes.
 (taken from NACE) were identified to   new version in 2021. In summer 2019, BIPAR was contacted by the Com-  Dialogue in order to protect the
 be listed in the ESCO portal, including   mission as a “domain expert”, to provide specific expertise and to review   The social partners also signed a follow-up to the joint declaration on “the   interests of intermediaries.  BIPAR
 the current references to the sector of insurance/ financial intermediation.  social  effects  of  digitalisation” adopted  in  October 2016.  By signing  this
 “finance, insurance and real estate”.                                        regularly informs and consults its
            follow-up, the social partners aim to make employees ready for the digi-
 BIPAR responded  to the Commission, stating amongst others that for   tal age through underlining the importance of continuous training as well   members before proceeding with the
 insurance intermediation, the main category of “insurance intermediary”   as the need for employees to engage in further training opportunities, by   signature of any formal statement.
 as  defined  in  IDD  should  be  mentioned  in  the  ESCO  database  and  that   addressing the issue of work-life balance of employees and by encouraging
 as subcategories under “intermediary”, “insurance broker” but also “insur-  mobility of employees.
 ance agent” should be mentioned. BIPAR also flagged a number of inac-        The ISSDC partners meet around 4
 curate translations.  In view of the ISSDC work programme 2019-2020, the EU social partners   times per year. These meetings are
            are  exploring  the  possibility  of  adopting  a  joint  declaration  on  Artificial   the occasion to discuss and analyse
            Intelligence (AI) and a joint declaration on gender equality, diversity and   topics relevant to the insurance sector
 Next steps  inclusion. In addition, at their meetings, the EU social partners will continue
            to share new developments and initiatives at sectoral and company level   at European level. At the meetings, the
 BIPAR will continue and follow up this review.  in relation to demographic challenges in the insurance sector and digitali-  European Commission also regularly
            sation. This particularly includes qualifications, lifelong learning, work-life   provides updates such as on the state
            balance, etc. The next plenary meeting is scheduled to take place in Octo-  of play on the implementation of the
            ber 2020.
                                                                              EU Pillar of Social Rights.

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