Page 80 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
P. 80

New European Commission                                                                                                                  EU Commission 2020

          2019 – 2024                                                                                                                                               work programme

          In July 2019  – then candidate – Commission President,   The Commission is composed of the College of Commis-            On 29 January 2020, the European Commission adopted   For some European files, the original deadlines have been
          Ursula  von  der  Leyen,  presented  her  agenda  for  2019-  sioners from 27 EU countries. The following Commission-    its 2020 Work Programme. This sets out the 2020 Com-  postponed. This is for example the case for the Commis-
          2024: “A Union that strives for more”.  In this document,   ers are of particular relevance to BIPAR and its members:    mission actions to turn the “Political Guidelines” of new   sion’s Action Plan on the Capital Markets Union (2020 Q
          she outlined six political priorities to shape her Commis-                                                               Commission President von der Leyen into tangible ben-  4 instead of Q 3). Other files (such as the MiFID II review)
          sion’s work programme.                             •   Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive  Vice-President  and                efits for European citizens, businesses and society.   keep their original deadlines for publication by the Com-
                                                                Commissioner for An Economy that Works for People                                                                      mission.
          1.  European Green Deal                                                                                                  Taking  into  account  the  Covid-19  crisis, the  European
          2.  An economy that works for people               •   Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President and                  Commission published on 27 May 2020 an updated ver-  On the occasion of the publication of the Work Programme
          3.  A Europe fit for the digital age                  Commissioner for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age                  sion  of  its  2020  Work  Programme.    The  Commission   in January, Ursula von der Leyen, said: “This Commission
          4.  Promoting our European way of life (initially       called                                                           stresses that the priorities that were set at the beginning   is committed to tackle our generational challenges such
             “protecting our European way of life”)          •   Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy                         of its mandate and presented in January 2020 remain val-  as  climate  change,  digitalisation  and  migration.  We  are
          5.  A stronger Europe in the world                                                                                       id. Indeed, the Commission remains fully determined to   committed to deliver on the European Green Deal and to
          6.  A new push for European democracy              •   Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market                  deliver on its flagship initiatives, the European Green Deal   improve chances for European citizens and businesses in
                                                                                                                                   and the Digital Strategy, as they are key to relaunching the   the digital transformation. This Work Programme will help
          On 27 November 2019, a large majority of members of   •   Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice                      European economy and building a more resilient, sustain-  building a Union that strives for more.”
          the European Parliament voted in Plenary in favour of the                                                                able, fair and prosperous Europe. At the same time, with
          “von der Leyen Commission”.                        •   Věra  Jourová,  Commissioner  for  Values  and                    the adjusted Work Programme for 2020, the Commission
                                                                Transparency                                                       is  responding  to  the  coronavirus  pandemic  by  refocus-
                                                                                                                                   ing its work and prioritising the actions needed to propel
                                                                                                                                   Europe’s recovery and resilience.
                                                             Based on Mrs. von der Leyen’s agenda and her various
                                                             mission  letters to the  individual  Commissioners of  the
                                                             College, BIPAR prepared a paper “How the insurance
                                                             intermediaries’ sector contributes to “A Union that strives
                                                             for more”.

                                                             In the paper, BIPAR explains how we believe, and under
                                                             what conditions, the intermediaries’ sector  can/or  does
                                                             contribute  to  some  of  the  political  priorities  defined  by
                                                             the new Commission.  We call for regulatory stability, we
                                                             welcome the Commission’s attention for the importance
                                                             of SMEs, we point out the need for flexible business mod-
                                                             els and promote the level playing field. Furthermore, we
                                                             explain how intermediaries are close to their clients and
                                                             can help promote awareness for sustainability, cyber risks
                                                             and pensions (and much more).

                                                             The electronic format of this Paper is available here on
                                                             our website and was sent to the Commission President
                                                             and various other European policymakers

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