Page 84 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
P. 84

Brokers’ Committee

          A  word  from  the  Chairman  of  the  Brokers’                                                                          Risques (Vol 73 -2, July 2005). The author puts into perspective the conceptual outlines to be taken into account in
                                                                                                                                   order to build the most appropriate insurance responses to the challenges posed by catastrophic risks.
          Committee, André Van Varenberg                                                                                           Sophie Chemarin distinguishes, on the one hand, proven major risks, i.e. those for which the uncertainty can be

                                                                                                                                   probabilised and objectivised and, on the other hand, uncertain major risks, i.e. non-probabilisable, for which there
                                                                                                                                   is a lack of repetition of past experience and for which, consequently, there is no scientific basis for measuring the
          Yesterday, today, from Covid-19 to the world of tomorrow                                                                 uncertainty.

          Covid-19                                                                                                                 In any event, this uncertainty gives a new dimension to large-scale risks and is likely to call into question the financial
                                                                                                                                   and structural capacities of our companies to manage them.  Faced with such an upheaval in risk management,
          This pandemic has taken us all by surprise.                                                                              traditional insurance and all risk-sharing tools (pools, alternative risks transfer, cat bonds, captives, etc.) will be
          No one was ready.                                                                                                        sought after.
          Nothing was ready.
                                                                                                                                   The three-stage solutions previously implemented for natural disasters, terrorism ... may become the benchmark.
          As I write these lines, health and economic uncertainty remain considerable. No one is yet fully aware of the impact,    What will the world be like tomorrow?
          except that it will be devastating.  Let us recall that the Brokers’ Committee, without having predicted anything, had   After the Glorious Thirties and the era of Rhine capitalism, 1979 was a crucial date.  Amin Maalouf called it “the
          on the agenda of its meeting held at the end of January in Brussels, two topics which were Solvency II and, the other,   year of the great turnaround”.  Ronald Reagan became President of the United States and Margaret Thatcher Prime
          our professional income through a stocktaking of the ban on commissions in Europe.                                       Minister of Great Britain. Both promoted less State, individual fulfilment and crush collective equilibrium. This was
                                                                                                                                   the starting point of a frantic search for profit, globalisation, the financialisation of the economy and the vertiginous
          In these times of progressive unlockdown, it is indeed to unsolvable problems of liquidity and solvency that economic    widening of inequalities with regard to an unprecedented production of wealth.
          players are giving absolute priority, as a matter of extreme urgency.
                                                                                                                                   How are things going to turn out tomorrow?
          Our profession is a privileged one. It invests moderately and is initially protected from the pressures of a cash flow   The role of the State has been dramatically rehabilitated and the importance of public services brought back into
          on the ropes, thanks to the mechanism of commissioning as opposed to fees.                                               the spotlight. The relative usefulness of each is put into perspective through the prism of the pandemic.  The time
                                                                                                                                   has, therefore, come for questioning and the questioning of taboos.
          However, our portfolios will be affected in a delayed manner by the distressing wave of bankruptcies and insolvencies
          that are bound to hit our customers. Voluntary government interventions, which will themselves create an abyssal         Our societal contribution, as brokers, our usefulness as a service dedicated to the protection of heritage in the
          public debt, will not be enough.                                                                                         broadest sense of the term,  will  condition  the place we will  occupy tomorrow in the chain, the networking  of
                                                                                                                                   economic activities.
          Once the most gaping wounds have been healed, we will have to learn lessons, rethink or reinvent the added value
          of our profession. Thus, in terms of emerging and catastrophic risks, solutions will have to be put in place. Unless     BIPAR and each of its member federations will have to contribute to this exceptional and crucial exercise of reflection.
          these solutions become mandatory, we brokers will have to take them into account when analysing needs and
          exercising our duty to provide information and advice because, although the need for protection is intense after the     I would like to thank everyone in advance for their future involvement.
          occurrence of a disaster, the phenomenon of forgetting quickly takes over.

          Catastrophic risks (*)
          Without going back to Methuselah, the OECD has long identified natural disasters, technological accidents, infectious                                                                                     André Van Varenberg
          diseases, terrorism and food safety as the major risks of the 21st century. Incidentally, let us recall that the Seveso
          dioxin cloud (1976) was to lead, 20 years later, to the Directive of 9/12/1996 on the risks of major industrial accidents.
                                                                                                                                   (*) Pandemics: HIV, Asian flu, Spanish flu, Hong Kong flu, cholera, ...
          Numerous experts and researchers in many countries and universities have set a framework for our thinking in             Terrorism: Oklahoma City, Twin Towers, Madrid, London, Paris, Brussels, ...
          this field. In this respect, I recommend reading the study “Coverage of potential catastrophic risks. Towards an         Industrial accidents: Bophal, AZF, Lubrizoil, Buncefield, Ghislenghien, ...
          economic  theory  of  insurability  of  uncertainty”  (“Couverture  des  risques  catastrophiques  potentiels.  Vers  une   Nuclear Accidents: Three Miles Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima
          théorie économique de l’assurabilité de l’incertitude”) by Sophie Chemarin published in Assurances et Gestion des        Natural disasters: tsunami, floods, hurricanes, fires (California, Australia, Amazonia, ...)
                                                                                                                                   Oil spills: Torrey Canyon, the Amoco Cadiz, the Erika, Exxon Valdez, Braer, Prestige, ...
                                                                                                                                   Dam breaks: Malpasset-Fréjus, Val de Stava, Machu 2, Henan, Vajont, Mina Plakalnitsa, ...

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