Page 83 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
P. 83

Agents’ Committee    Activities of the Agents’


 A word from the Chairman of the Agents’

 Committee, Jean-François Mossino
            Reinforced cooperation of agents at European level

 The global pandemic has put Europe to the test. While we hope to have no health consequences, we still need to do   In addition to the permanent information exchange between its members on various issues, the BIPAR Agents’ Committee
 a lot to address the economic and social consequences in the context of a severe financial crisis.  decided a few years ago to reinforce agents’ cooperation and to facilitate meetings of the national organisations of
            agents’ networks of various countries and of the same company in order to study the policies of the latter with regard
 As in any crisis situation, however, opportunities arise and experience leads to paradigm shifts, as new values   to their agents in different European markets. Today, an increasing number of decisions are taken at international level
 emerge or others are reassessed.  and it is important to have a global vision of a company’s strategies to avoid possible negative effects and to benefit
            from favourable experiences of agents’ colleagues in other markets.
 How did insurance agents contribute in this context?
 As important assets of the mandating companies, insurance agents have indirectly participated in the economic   •   European Association of AXA agents
 interventions carried out by insurance companies in favour of the urgent health and economic state in the different
 countries.  Despite the lockdown, they have continued to guarantee their irreplaceable services for local advice   The European Association of national organisations of AXA agents was set up on 29 June 2006 in Brussels under the aegis of
 and assistance on a daily basis, while responding to the recommendations and rules imposed by the coronavirus   the BIPAR Agents’ Committee. Its members are the French (Réussir), German (USV), Italian (Unione Agenti AXA), Spanish (Club
 pandemic, in order to protect the health of their customers and employees. Agents have demonstrated their ability   Diálogo de agentes generales AXA) Swiss (COMON) and Luxembourg (Interaxa) organisations of AXA agents. Belgium has an
 to use the most modern remote communication systems, even in countries where it has been decided that agencies   observer status.
 must remain open to the public.
            The association held two regular meetings during 2019 (in Barcelona in April and in Naples in December). The first meeting
 This provided companies with further confirmation of strong, reliable and systemic support.   of 2020, which was scheduled to take place in Winterthur in May, was replaced by a video-meeting due to the Covid-19 crisis.
            A second meeting is scheduled in December in Brussels. The Association has successfully continued its work exchanging
 Clients showed their appreciation, indicating that they preferred that the remote digital relationship be integrated   information and good practices.
 by the added value of a qualified professional, with a human touch, in assessing needs and identifying the most
 personalised solutions, especially in difficult times.  The European Directory for AXA insurance agents (made fully operational in November 2010) further developed. It aims
            at facilitating cross-border collaboration between AXA insurance agents who are members of one of the members of the
 In a Europe which aims to protect consumers in the context of the digital evolution of insurance distribution and to   European Association. 359 agents have registered. The Directory exists in French, German, Spanish and Italian.
 bring social and economic value to the Member States, it is important that we all build on these signals.  Qualified
 professional intermediation is a value to be preserved and guaranteed, particularly in the distribution of insurance   The current President of the European Association is Pascal Chapelon from the French Association of AXA agents. The French
 and in the era of digital evolution.  presidential programme aims at strengthening the structures of the Association to pass on agents’ messages with the Group.

 The Agents’ Committee, within the more general framework of BIPAR, will continue to engage in this direction in a   •   European Association of Allianz agents
 timely, proactive and constructive manner.
            The European Association of national organisations of Allianz agents was created in April 2008 under the aegis of the BIPAR
 The good relations, as well as the principles and objectives shared by the Agents’ Committee with BIPAR as a whole,   Agents’ Committee. Its members are the French (MAG3***), German (IG), Italian (Associazione Agenti Allianz) and Austrian
 have enabled us to face - all together - these difficult moments with confidence.  Today, even more than in the past,   (Allianz Agenturverbund Österreich) organisations of Allianz agents.
 solidarity between professional intermediaries - and the values we share - will serve as a lever in a changing society
 and market.   As Chairman of the Agents’ Committee, I refer to the foreword of the BIPAR Chairman and the BIPAR   In October 2019, the Association met in Milan. The March 2020 meeting, which was scheduled to take place in Paris, has been
 EU Committee Chairman, and I share the logic of their remarks.  postponed to November 2020, due to the Covid-19 crisis.

 Together, we share a common interest in safeguarding the value of the professional entrepreneur in the insurance   The current President of the European Association is Herbert Pilzweger from the German Association of Allianz agents.
 industry, with a focus on client and consumer protection.
            •   European Coordination Group of Generali agents
 Due to the health crisis caused by the coronavirus, it was not possible for us to meet on the occasion of the BIPAR
 2020 annual meetings.   We will, however, continue our mission, with the hope that we will soon be able to meet   On 21 May 2015, under the aegis of the BIPAR Agents’ Committee, the associations of agents of the Generali Group of Italy,
 again under normal conditions.  France and Germany (GA-GI, Triangl and IVHV) set up the “European Coordination Group of Generali agents”. The objective
            of this Group is to compare, promote, analyse and study the role of agents within the Generali Group and consequently, to
 I wish you good health, courage and confidence in the future.  promote and examine the evolution of the profession.

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