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consistency with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)   could  be  strengthened.  When  in  June  2019  a  first  draft   Cyber Risk and its Insurance  services for two years now.  The services delegation met
 Recommendations. In response to the consultation, WFII   report was presented, WFII provided comments and a WFII   several Ambassadors and commercial  counsellors of
 made  suggestions  about  flexibility  and  the  optimisation   delegation discussed the draft report with the drafters. WFII   During  the  last  two  years,  the  IPPC  examined  the  role   WTO members and discussed the state of play of these
 of the ML/TF assessment.  In order to avoid duplication   commented, inter alia, that the report should make clear that   of  insurance  in  managing  cyber  risk.  The  Committee   talks and of their support for these initiatives. WFII seized
 of effort, and to optimize the process, WFII proposed that   it is in the interest of the consumer, that all actors distributing   organised a conference on this issue and published a set of   the  opportunity  offered  by  these  bilateral  meetings,
 consideration should be given to allow intermediaries and   insurance products, regardless of their title, should fall under   recommendations that different stakeholders (businesses,   to  bring  its  perspective  regarding  liberalisation  of  the
 insurers to distribute the tasks amongst them. This could   the scope of the regulation and supervision (the activity-  intermediaries, (re)insurance companies and governments)   insurance mediation sector and the issue of multinational
 be done in a contract between insurer and intermediary.   based approach). The report should also include the message   could implement to address the challenges to the cyber   placements to the attention of the WTO Ambassadors and
 Furthermore,  WFII  proposed  mentioning  in  the  ICP  that   that there is a distinction between non-life  insurances/  risk insurance market’s development. WFII contributed to   their teams.
 intermediaries  should  take  steps,  proportionate  to  their   pure  risk  life  insurances  and  life  insurance  products  with   this OECD report and participated in the conference as a
 nature and their size, to identify, assess and understand   an  investment  element.  Many  jurisdictions  already  make   panellist. As a next step in this project, the IPPC studied   EU-US Insurance Project
 their ML/TF risks.     this  distinction  when  regulating  insurance  distribution.  A   the differences in policy and regulatory requirements that
 statement should also be included about certain limits of the   affect the scope or form of cyber insurance coverage.   The EU-US Insurance Project started in early 2012,
 Activities with the OECD  report due to the enormous complexity and variety of the   At the December 2019 meeting the initial report was   when the European Commission, EIOPA, NAIC (National
 sector when trying to compare words, business models and   presented in two separate reports, one on claims data   Association of Insurance Commissioners) and the FIO
 WFII attended the 2019 meetings and roundtables of the   legislation from around the world. Considering the potential   sharing, the other on insurance coverage issues.   (Federal  Insurance  Office  of  the  US  Department  of  the
 Insurance and Private Pensions Committee (IPPC) of the   misunderstandings  in  terms  of  terminology,  WFII  asked   Treasury) agreed to participate in a deeper dialogue project
 OECD. The following issues, inter alia, are on the agenda of   the drafters to avoid recommendations. More specific, as   The  institutional  structure  of  insurance  regulation  and   to contribute to an increased mutual understanding and
 the IPPC and followed by WFII:   the word independent has a different meaning in different   supervision   enhanced cooperation between the EU and US to promote
 jurisdictions and triggers different regulation, WFII insisted   business opportunity, consumer protection and effective
 Report on insurance intermediation: regulatory/supervisory   that paragraphs regarding independence of intermediaries   In  2018  the  IPPC  published  a  Report  on  the  institutional   supervision in the EU and US.
 framework and market conduct   should be deleted.  Many of WFII comments were taken into   structure  of  insurance  regulation  and  supervision.  Building
 consideration and important paragraphs, supportive to our   on this work, the Committee developed policy guidance   The above-mentioned insurance regulators and supervisors
 In 2018-19, the IPPC examined the regulatory and   sector,  were  inserted.  The  final  report  is  a  description  of   to complement the IAIS Insurance Core Principles (ICPs) on   had the intention to continue their dialogue by organising
 supervisory framework of insurance intermediation for both   regulation in place in different countries and, contrary to its   the objectives, powers and responsibilities of insurance   a public event in Washington D.C. in March 2020, related
 incumbent and emerging digital distribution channels with   initial intention, and in line with what WFII always said and   supervisors. This includes guidance on the institutional   to cyber security risks, the cyber insurance market and
 the view  of  identifying  areas  where  consumer  protection   wrote, the IPPC has not included policy recommendations.   structure of insurance regulation and supervision as well   the use of Big Data. A representative of the American
            as issues related to the independence and accountability   insurance  intermediary  sector,  submitted  by  WFII  to  the
            and mandates and objectives of insurance regulators and   organisers, would have been one of the panellists but due
            supervisors.  WFII  commented  in  2019  on  the  draft  policy   to the COVID-19 outbreak this event was cancelled.
            guidance. WFII suggested, among others, to the drafters to
            give more attention to innovation in the sector. New concepts   The 2019 WFII Annual meeting
            that appeared in the market could be elaborated in the
            guidance. WFII also suggested mentioning the consideration   Due  to  the  COVID-19  outbreak,  the  WFII  World  Council
            that regulation should be based on high-level principles   Singapore 2020 meeting in person was cancelled. Instead,
            and should not be subject to a constant change in order to   a  WFII  General  Assembly  was  held  by  email  and  on
            guarantee stability, and to ensure that the supervisor has the   Wednesday 29 April 2020 a video conference took place
            time to deliver effective supervision.              which was joined by many World Council members and
                                                                the members of the ExCSE Committee. Mr. Yoshi Kawai,
            Activities with the WTO                             Chairman of the OECD- Insurance and Private Pensions
                                                                Committee (IPPC) also joined  this video conference. Mr
            Within the framework of the WTO Public Forum that took   Kawai, who would have been a speaker at the WOC 2020
            place in October 2019 in Geneva, WFII joined a delegation   Singapore meeting, elaborated in his speech on the OECD
            of the Global Service Coalition and met several key country   note Initial assessment of insurance coverage and gaps
            negotiators  who  have  been  discussing  e-commerce,   for tackling COVID -19 impacts.
            investment facilitation and domestic regulation in

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