Page 90 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
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Glossary                                                                                      BIPAR 2019-2020 STEERING COMMITTEE

    AI            Artificial Intelligence
    AML/CFT       Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism                                                                                     Management Committee
    AMLD          Anti-Money Laundering Directive
    BDA           Big Data Analytics
    CCD           Consumer Credit Directive
    CEN           European Committee for Standardisation
    CMU           Capital Markets Union
    CRD / CRR     Capital Requirements Directive/Capital Requirements Regulation
    Directive     "A Directive is a legislative act that sets out a goal that all EU countries must achieve. However, it is up to the
                  individual countries to devise their own laws on how to reach these goals." (
    DMD           Distance Marketing of Financial Services Directive                                                                                         Juan Ramón Plà     Ulrich Zander    Dominique Sizes
    EBA           European Banking Authority                                                                                                                    Chairman        Past Chairman   Incoming Chairman
    EDPB          European Data Protection Board
    EDPS          European Data Protection Supervisor
    EEA           European Economic Area
    eIDAS         electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services
    EIOPA         European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
    ELD           Environmental Liability Directive                                                                                                        Christoph Berghammer   Nicolas Bohême  Nic De Maesschalck
    ENISA         European Agency for Network and Information Security                                                                                          Treasurer     Secretary General      Director
    ESAs          European Supervisory Authorities
    ESCO          European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations
    ESFS          European System of Financial Supervision
    ESG factors   Environmental, social and governance factors
    ESMA          European Securities and Markets Authority
    ESRB          European Systemic Risk Board                                                                                                                Paul CARTY       Jaap MEIJERS        Jean-François
    FATF          Financial Action Task Force                                                                                                                                                       MOSSINO
    FOE / FOS     Freedom of establishment / Freedom of services
    GDPR          General Data Protection Regulation                                                                                                                Attachés to the Management Committee
    IAIS          International Association of Insurance Supervisors
    IBIPs         Insurance-based investment products                                                                                            Other members                                 Honorary members
    ICT           Information and Communication Technology
    IDD / IMD     Insurance Distribution Directive / Insurance Mediation Directive                                                                    Hans-Georg JENSSEN                                  David HARARI
    IORP          Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision                                                                                     Yossi MANOR                                     Gérard LEBEGUE
    IPID          Insurance Product Information Document                                                                                                Davide PILOTTI                                     Manuel VILA
    IPPC          Insurance and Private Pensions Committee (OECD)                                                                                    Roger  VAN DER LINDEN
    IRSG          Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group
    ISSDC         Insurance Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee                                                                                       André VAN VARENBERG
    ITS           Implementing Technical Standards                                                                                                        Elie ZIADE
    KID           Key Information Document
    MCD           Mortgage Credit Directive
    MID           Motor Insurance Directive                                                                                                     BIPAR Permanent Secretariat
    MiFID / MiFIR   Markets in Financial Instruments Directive/Regulation
    OECD          Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
    PEPP          Pan-European Personal Pension Products                                                                                                                       Director  Nic DE MAESSCHALCK
    POG           Product Oversight and Governance                                                                                                                         Legal Director  Isabelle AUDIGIER
    PRIIPs        Packaged retail and insurance-based investment products                                                                                              EU Policy Manager  Rebekka DE NIE
    REFIT         Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme                                                                                                             Legal Adviser  Stella MITTA
    Regulation    "A Regulation is a binding legislative act. It must be applied in its entirety across the EU." (                                               Policy Adviser  Isabelle HEUNINCKX
    RTS           Regulatory Technical Standards                                                                                                                          Office Manager  Christine LEGRAND
    UCITS         Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities                                                                                           Translator  Aruna MANICKAM
    Trilogue      Step in the legislative process during which the three EU institutions (Commission, Parliament, Council) work on a                      Translator-Communication assistant  Clément SIMIZ
                  compromise text which reflects most of their common views
    WTO           World Trade Organization
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