Page 75 - Engine IQflip'21
P. 75

Operating Modes & combinations

                      Mains parallel operation only         Island operation only                 Mains parallel operation
                                                                                                  with island mode                       Blackout-start

                      The genset/module                     The genset                             When the grid CB is                   A blackout start is
                      is only operates                      operates without                       closed and the grid                   performed, when

                      connected to the                      any connection to                      healthy, the genset/                  there is no power at
                      grid. In case of grid                 the public grid.                       module operates in                    the busbar and the
                      failure, the genset                   It tries to keep                       mains parallel                        genset is the first

                      circuit breaker                       speed constant to                      operation, when the                   producer that
                      opens and the                         keep the grid                          grid fails, the mains                 provides power to

                      genset does not                       frequency constant                     CB is opened                          the „black“ busbar.
                      supply power                          (50 or 60Hz) when                      and the                               In this case the
                      anymore.                              producing power.                       genset/module                         generator CB will be

                                                                                                   continues to run.                     closed without
                                                                                                   When the grid is                      synchronization

                                                                                                   restored, the genset                  (first close).
                                                                                                   is re-synchronized
                                                                                                   with the grid.

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