Page 2 - Online Learning on August 7th
P. 2

Asking and showing attention

             Attention = Attention is the process that a person is a general interest that leads
             people want to know more.  (Perhatian adalah proses dimana seseorang
             memusatkan perhatian dan menyebabkan orang ingin tahu lebih banyak.)

             Please click blue button to hear teacher’s voice and follow the audio voice

                    Asking for other’s                         Showing attention to the
                            attention                                         speaker

                   •  Everybody, May I have your                •  Yes, sure

                       attention please?                        •  Oh, I see

                   •  Please look at me!                        •  Is that all?

                   •  Attention please!                         •  Really?
                   •  Are you ready to learn                    •  Wow!

                       English?                                 •  Tell me more!

                   •  Excuse me, do you know                    •  Right

                       where the toilet is?                     •  Yes, Sir / yes, ma’am

                   •  Can I have your attention


                   •  Look here!
                   •  Look at me!

                   •  Look!

                   •  Hey, Listen!

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