Page 4 - Online Learning on August 7th
P. 4

Asking and Giving for opinion

             Please look the dialogue below and click blue button to hear teacher’s voice

             Jono:  So, do you think that Bangkok is a great place to live?

             Marni:  I think that, yes. Food and clothes are very cheap and it’s easy to
                            travel around the city.

             Jono :  What do you think about the idea that there are too many people
                            living in Bangkok?

             Marni:  I don’t think so. There are a lot of people but the city is always busy
                           and exciting.

                         Asking for opinion                                  Giving opinion
              •  What do you think about my new                 •  I think . . .
                  house?                                        •  In my opinion . . .
              •  What do you think of my new house?             •  From my point . . .
              •  Do you have any thoughts on that?              •  In my opinion, . . .
              •  How do you feel about that?                    •  I don’t think . . .
              •  What is your opinion about my new
              •  Do you have any idea?
              •  Do you have any opinion on this
              •  What’s your view?
              •  Please tell me your opinion on my
              •  Can you give me your thoughts
                  on my new house?
              •  What are your feelings about his

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