Page 29 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 29

 The Lookout
1941 Good Sports Year Lobert Most Courageous War'May Save Baseball Bowlers Welcome Series
I P SLUMS THAT AT THE FAG END OF EACH year just as She cartoonists dip into moth balls for tha '"pvoni picture of a babe chasing an old man ofl the face of the earth sports writers always pop up with a set of "bests of the yoar" which usually amount to nothing and come mighty close to rivaling those All-Amencan grid teams.
However, in keeping wilh the spirit-of the holi- days it is only lilting that we list a few of our own quips, l-or the benefit of all concerned and as a de- fense measure, it is suggested that the following be read in the dark wilh or without a hat on.
STORY OF YKAR-The one "Babe" Phelps Iold about being sick and not showing up to plav with the Dodgers.
GREATEST COMEBACK—The return of Hank Leiber to (he New York Giants after a lengthy vacation with the Chicago Cubs
BEST NEWS OF 1041-The announcement that Mel Oil had been named manager of the Aew York Giants, proving that you don't have to be a sourpuss to get along with Hoi-ace Sloneham Now the Giants bench will take on the friendly tone and lose all resemblance to a morgue
BIGGEST THRlLL-Trying to guess the al- lendance at Lowell high school football games Vie came within 6000 at (lie Peabody conlesl
MOST COURAGEOUS A THLETE — Hans j-obert, who accepted the management of the Philadelphia Phillies after 403 other "llvs C011 ncclcd with baseball had enlisted in the" armed forces lest they be chosen for (liejob.
BIGGEST FLOP—Walter Drown, Giants 265- pound pitcher, tripping as he attempted tofield a bunt ut the Polo Grounds. They've made a W. P. A. project of the job of filling in the hole caused by the fall but it is believed the infield will be ready for the 1942 season.
FIGHTER. OF THE YEAR -'_ Lingle Van Mungo, whose invasion of Cuba, will rank with the leading offensive maneuvers of the year
COACH OF THE YEAR-Winstoii Churchill who openly stated that his learn will have an of- fense m 1943, which is much more than we can say for some of the clubs we've seen.
Mussohni-to-Tojo. The first two played all season
but the last-named joined the trio in December
with a Sunday game. His Pearl Harbor sneak
play erased Ty Cobb's stolen base record and
shoved the Black Sox scandal into the background
Although the official averages have not been re-
leased it is believed that Hitler and Mussolini get
assists on the Pearl Harbor play. This is the
last year for this combination, the new Roose- in good shape. Coach Jim Crowlei-
velt-Churchill outfit taking over.
CHICAGO, Dec.:w (INSI—An-'lirsl nnd second tennis follow: other mighty plug for the brand FiliS'i: TKA.M
High Bridge one clay...When Ihc opposing flinger cut the plate wilh his iirst pitch,.Gus't ready, but he heard the umpire shout "Ball. "...An- other perfect pilch brought the same result...Gus didn't take his bal off his shoulder all afternoon and always reached - first... After the game, the urnp told him;"I know all about you as a hitter, Schwartz, When you didn't swing I knew they • were no good."
minule mile never will be run The bid for America's grealesl because such speed would be amaleur golf show was issued by loo .much of a strain on the George .s. May, representing Chi- human heart. . . The "no cago's Tarn O'Slianler Country pass" rule won't be in effect I'lub. who wired a proposal to Ihe at Tropical park for the New I'mIeel Slates Golf association for Year's morning card. The holding Hie amaleur tournament I rack will give out 20,000 free simultaneously wilh the Slfi.QOf) tickets. . . The stout gentle- Tarn O'Sh.-tnlcr O|ie-n. the rie'liest man rooting for Wyoming's meet scheduled for ll,e 19I'2 golf- ba.skclhailers at the Garden
Duke Wary of Stiner, Oregon; Fordham Gets Crowley's Okay
lU'RHAM, N. C.. Dec. .10 UNs> --In Ihis Hose Bov.-l macl tobacco (own, the chief speculation loci i> was on what surprise Lon Stiner, coach for" the Oregon Stale [Beavers, was cooking up for the- ifiiime New Yeai's day against the
I powerful Duke football team. Sliner drove his men through a lough workout yesterday al Chape! Hill, the last, heavy eii-j [ before ihc nil-important, battle.
Keith Academy Varsity Opposes All^Star Alumni
Skippy Roberge of Bees, and Johnny
Kelley, Ex-Holy Cross, Among Graduate Starters In Game Tonight on Thorndlke Hill
] Light prse'tic'e was the
| for today and tomorrow.
Besides « starling lineup of Alh.-rl "Slclppy" Koherge of the- Boston Bce.s; Cnptain .lohnny Krlley, former Holy Cross star; Danny Itegan o'f the lornier Lowell Wonders team; Freddie .McCall and I're.lilie O'Brien of tin- Im- nmciilnte Conception parish
make for Mike Jacobs in Feb- ruary, may. never conicoff. l-'rccldie has asked the navy for
a month's furlough to get ready for it and nobody seems lo he listening to him...The pro foolhall learns may en- courage their players to lake defense jobs so they'll be around nesl Jail, when they . can practice evenings anrl
Tbe I'niveisily of Alabama fnol- hall scjuad got down lo work to- day in preparation for its Cotton Bowl game Thursday wilh Tc\as A. A M. The Aggies were sched- uled to arrive [his afternoon.
Boy, Pro All-Star
Named to Second Team With Plasmanof Chicago Bears as Ends—Hutson, Schwartz on First Eleven—Only Three "Unanimous"
Sets Up Grid Night
Speechless Dinner to Be Followed by "Open House"
There will be general dancing
a (lei the grime. The hooppro-
gram will get under way al. 7..10 Sunday Call tells this one on
announced loelay.
"You will see nil Thursdiiy
W'""('rl 'pic-keel for "nll-NntionRl Icaciir" KILLKItlCA. A lone list n[| . ~-_ - sey hills to play a game at
Lowell Mass. Tuesday December 30 1941
The Oregon State coach too
his snuad behind closed gales and FOOTBALL COACHES MAKE PLANS-The American Football Coaches association's conven-
bailed cvorvbodv.
had with them in football reg-ili; gan, president of Ihc association. They are shown during the opcninq meeting of the rules
their former teammate, George • c o m m ;H c c ._ A p WIREPHOTO.
stars on hnnd for aelion.
Among these will be: l-'rankie play Sundays...Buck Weaver
(One Play) McAfee, now a shining < star wilh ihc Chicago Bears, wh-> possibly gave them some pointers.
DALLAS, Tex., Dee. :m UNS —
^>~. "" " ~
of Green Bay, Bi erica
St. Peter, Tommy and Jimmy Kel- Iclier. Eddie O'Melia, Dick Burns, Jackie Goelel. Jimmy Silk, John Hurley, John llorjan, 'Elmer Hynne and others.
Coach O'Neill will open wilh a team of Jack Ready, center; Leo Mahoney and Bud " Dmifey, f o r - wards, and Waller Roberts and Johnny Kelley.
This aggregation has worked well so far in practices and hopes to lake (he Alumni.
of ihe Louisville Times comes ' up wilh the swell suggestion
t h a i everyone \vho listens lo the Bow: fjames on the air should buy 51 worth of de- fense stamps as a "ticket" to
a same that would cost him Jive bucks or so to sec...Nor- folk's Ocean View Golf asso- ' cialion members voted unani- mously for a proposition - r e - quiring each member to buy at least one S25 defense tend. Schwartz nt Ihe. liat
-The Fordham football team is
at its peak and will t;o into 'he
Sugar Bowl game against ', he-
Missouri Tiger* New Year's e!nv (International News Service sports ! professional f o o t b a l l plnycr-,
John Beer of the Newark
a good Forclliam team playing of football played in the middle
notable InotlKill fii;uies will sjieak 11 HirDMrt Rlrtr at Ihe ".Spoils Nichl" (or mem- V»lllV,dUU DIUS hers of the Howe high schnnl fool- t . , .
War May Save Baseball
Believe it or not but the current war may save Missouri, propping for the came c m Lg, Dnnny l''ortmann, Chicago -Krani at (i.;!0 o'clock is closed lo
at its hest,' lie said.
v.cst I.e. Dem Ilntson, (Irrcn Bin.
durin; the 1911 season wax; I.t, Frank Kinarcl, Broolihll. I'1"" lram- Only the bnnquelpro- furnished -today by Ihe announce-
for National Amateur Golf
baseball. We've been wondering these last few al Edgewater Park. Miss., had ils>' <>< 'he llilli annual official Bears. .those \vilh invitations, while Ihe
of the Newark sandlots...
tion brought together many fop-flight grid mentors including A. N. (Bol McMillan, left, of In-
L U L1Hl f <'. V. A. learn, Ihero will he
'" " " ° '< «"'"• ° ColUmbi. and Herbert O.IFnM Crisler, right, ofMichi-l " hosl of other former Keith
| CHICAGO, Dec. 30 (INS)—The- Schwartz, noted slugger
final hard practic.e. session v.. e.t.'.honor teams of I lie National Pro-, C', Clyde Turner, Clm-ngn Bears. "I"'11 house program at K o'clock
years just how far night baseball would go before it spoiled the game made famous in the sunlight. With gate receipts mounting in the minors and the 'majors going for bulbs like a kid at Christmas there was no tellinghowdeepaninroadthemazdaswouldmakein the National pastime.
Now, with the coming of war night baseball will be cut shorter than a rookie gob's hair. We'll admit the move may exterminate some of the minor circuits which depended on the lights for existence but it couldn't come at a better time for the sake of the game.
,"hether you like it or not the diamond sport, is back where it belongs—out in the sunlight Times have changed and all that but the move will prove (hat baseball exclusively in daylight is okay After the war, bring on the lights and we'll have guys like Adolf and Bemto cleaning up the park. How" about the other guy? They'll use him for the mop or is that what they're trying to do now?
Welcome Howling Idea
Recently we suggested in this space (hat leading
bowling teams like the Highland Hotel. Moosehead Cafe. Farragiil Five and others get together for a few matches now instead of waiting until the tail end of the season. Since then we have received phone calls from four team managers expressing a willingness to roll a series of matches under set Yules and regula- tions.
We're all in favor of the idea and will do all in our power to help. We know the Moosehead, Hi"h- land, Farragut, Pawtuckctvillc Social club,' Abbot Worsteds and C. M. A. C. would make a classy six- team circuit. If these managers could only get to- gether once we believe things could be ironed out and a .series-of matches rolled on various alleys of the city. What say boys? We'll be listening.
•Just Jottings
If we asked you who made more errors last sea-
son. Joe Gordon or Jim Tabor, the majority would
say Tabor...However. Gordon had 32 misrues as
compared with 30 for the Sox third sacker.. .But Gor-
don handled 761 chances and Tabor -130...Second
sackers always have many more chances than hotcor-
ner performers...Al Branrato, of the A's, bad the du-
bious distinction of topping everyone in the error de-
partment.. .He came up with Gl bobblrs...By the
way. while on the figures, Stan Spence, Iho kid the
Red Sox traded to Washington, was in only 32 games
last season and bad six assists.. .Bruce CampMl of
the Tigers, was in 133 contests and had only'five as-
sists.. .Barney McCosky, of the same Tigers, partic-
ipated in 122 games and had only six assists.. .Camp-
bell will IK with the Senators next season...Just an-
other guy who has a job in Washington.. ."Pep" Mar-
tin can field an a!I-formcr-big league club at Sacramen-
to this coming campaign if he chooses...And Uncle
Sam doesn't mind...He'll have Buck Sturdy on first,
Johnny Mesner at second. Vic'Scalzi 'at short Don
Gutteridge at third. Ray Mueller behind the plate and
himself. Debs Gat;ms and Bud Mosor in the outfield
On the mound would be Kemp Wicker. ..There is talk
of Gutteridge giving up the game hut the addition of
Mueller may make Don change his mind...These
boys are cousins and hail from Pittsburgh. Kan..!.
They both played on the same high school loam back-
there...You'll have a tough time beating "Gabby"
Hartnclt's outfield at Indianapolis...He'll have Jake
Powell, "Jo-Jo" Moore and Morrie Arnovich available
with Milt Galatzcr also due back... .Weil, to one and
all a Happy and Propcrous New Year and we promise Riddicl; was named left end on the second team. He hasjus! not to bother you again with this chatter until 1912..
completed.'his third year with-the Green Bay Packers.
jlerday. ' ifcssional league. , IIIf, -loo Kiitmrich, Chicago Cnr-;is !l'r''' '" Ihc- gcnernl pnlilii-.
I Wilh Ihe champion Chicago! dinols. I There will lie no speaking pro- < IIICAliO, D<-
Bears selling (lie pace by landintri : n ! .10
| .MIAMI, Fla., Dec-. .10 UNS)--jfour pliiyers on the hYsl loam,I Hi, W rlhcir Williiti, Washiri(-foii.; K' '» " 'he banc|iiel «hj,-h will be Pawed over when new sites were jWjth hard scrimmaging out nfjcliihs of the league's Western di-l Ite, Terry Schwartz, Brooklyn, jheld in Ihe school e'afeleria. .selected for Ihe Hose Bowl. Kasl-
the way for bolh teams, theop-jvision dominated the selections,I Qh, Sid Liicliinnn; Chicago
''llr entire oialorial affair
'I"' saved for the general public in games, Chicago today lodged an Ihe .school auditorium. Among ihos" early hid for anolher"great spoil-
posing coaches. Dutch Meyer fc;r:'aking }~i positionson the first and': Bears.
I.Mb, Cecil [shell, Green Buy.
the Texas Christian Horned Frogs second elevens, picked by a com-! Kllli, '(Jeo McAfee, Chicnto r
and Wally Butts for the Georgia miltee of professional football] Bulldogs, pronounced their players wrilers.
ready today for Ihe New Yeai's Kvi'ii more nolalile. |ierhaps, day Orange Bowl game. WHS Ihe- fact Hint Uic Ni-w
'S|je<led lo spo.ojf are: Joe Me- Ib, Clnrli Hi;inkle, Oce-n BayiHay Riddick, end for Ihe Green
ing event which may have lo be
transferred away from the Pacific-
coasl the 1012 Nalional Amaleur ham trainer, says Ihc four- Golf tournament.
1'aelr.ers. Chief interest is expected lo York (limits., who were good SKCONII TKA.M
Bay Packers and former Kordhnm
I renter on Iwo players who hav-' enough lo win tin1 Lastcru di- \s, Kay Hidilick, <;reen Bay.
had brilliant seasons in spite i.f vision championship, failed to LI, John Mellns, New Yorlc. !Knne, University of I'eniiMIvania
I injuries. Frankie Sinkwich c.' laud n player on tho tirsl leam. LIT,, Itilcy Malhcwson, ('levc- li.all star; Charley Ilownrlli, iGeorpia nnd Kyle C,iNcspio of 'i'. Three' (limits were naine'd lo lainl. iH-r Howe siar, now a Bates JC. \'. The offensive strength of Ihe si-cond team, lieewever, C, (ieorge Svendsen, fireen Ba>-. eKe fcuilballer; Waller Kinna-
jT. C. IT. revolves about Gillospie. Only three players we're unani- UK, Willinni Kelvvnrels, New ;.ius| as Georgia's revolves about mous choices and all v.cie nicm- York.
.slued-nl .-,1 - Lri\ .'uiitas
Coach Geeirc,' Direct or
er Howe.' bf
"'• f
liers of Western riivisinn teams. HI, Kcl Kolman, CiiicnRo Rear*. '
They were Geoigo (One Play) Mc-
Afee of the Bears, gene-rally roil-
reeled in he Ihe gionle'st brokcn-
jTlie Louisiana cidlegn football;1'0''1 runner of the year; his |f;im- <ifi, Alfons-e Leetiinns, Neu
He, Kiclmrcl rlasmnn, Ciiicr:i;oi Bears.
Originally. Ihc Nalional Amaleur
last night was .Steve Owen of Ihe football Gianls, who "fed lo play on the fame t'rid (cam as Everett SheUon, Wyoming coach. . . When a Dutch ship docked at Hamp- ton Roads. Va.. the other day, one of ihe jirst orders sent ashore was for M soccer p.-uiis. . . When a publicity man for the San Diego pro football club started to phone news of his team's doings to a Tiajuana CMe.x.) radio sta- tion, he got as far as "The Kan Diego Bombers." When a censor inlerrupted, -Sorry, yon are to ditcuss no military information."
Today'., Guest Sfar
C. A. Pnul. Cliarlotfc (N. C.)
News: "The coast powers- llmt-lie may regret moving the. liose. liowl game to North Carolina. this winter Ims been so marvelous the game will probably be ployed cm a rnihl day and the MIII will likely he .shining. That won'l do the California rlimale n hit of good.'1 Service Dr-pl.
.loe Man/o, former Boston College i;riei star, played 22 names this fall 10 for Camp Croft C.S. C.) and 1? for a Koanok" iVa.'i pro team. . . Four players on the Second Ki-ld Artilleiy basketball team, winnnr" of the Canal Xone title, hail from Western Pennsylvania. . . Bmieiy Lewis. ex-Washington Ibird sacker, has been made a squad leader al (lie armored force replace- ment center. Fort Knox. Ky.
Practice Called LOWELL—Members o{ the C. Y. A. basketball team are request- ed to show for an informal drill tonight on Ihe Ktackpole street court. The next game on the slate not. iisleii until Monday night, Jan. 5, and because of activities in the C. Y. A. hall this week,.to- night will provide one of the few
squad look its first workout to'hv !rn:1"'. "ullelor ruini'r, ihe bnily York.
in preparation for the -Orc-hiei i"'"1''!- who <-.«st,..ei Nov.-York's MC| l.h, Marshall (ioldhnrg. ChicnRO Bowl" game New Year's dav -,, iih :Iif''" fl""' "'" All-League pivot Cnrfllnals.
"i|\vas .vhedHlort for Snpi. 7 |0 VI '"'.at Ihe Pebble poai-h ,.„(,,..,,, in n~t
for ltr n; sl liri1 Kb, Byron While, llelroil.
ithe Univcrsit-.- of Mexico cle-vn ''"*' ' - " '» "''"' sea- l"b, Clnrenee Mrsndcrs, Brooli- (OAST SA^'S "NO"
Ope,, v.,;i, ,,|f,rj ,,„. S rn | ,„ ,n
H : nn 1 ij n
iThe Amerie'.i'n team arrived bv ' '" '- . ' " Unison, the ;,n^.
I'I. Vnder M proposal, how- eu-r. it; tournament:; would run ane.fHisly. strele-hinr from
jfiutomohile yesteiday from Pin--;'
HNS i • -"I'ehhlc Brad,' ,-,ne| ii .| r
Iville, La., wflh Heael" Cua'.-h '-I Philips.
kin- rnrl of the G J'ackers.
ts Danny
|him n first-tr-rtm pevsilion for 1he rail, despn,.. war conditions." ,!,-}- -One of ,he bitterest l,atlles i,, 11,'
\ "
Lacking only one vole
lliroil(;li .Sept. 13. plans i,, |,,,]el (he naiional ama- isi'GAK BOWL TKNNIS
COMIN' AT YA—Here's Lowell's own Rd-? Ria'cficV who was yesterday selected for the National Football league's second team or, a poll of experts who followed league action A!! season.
ALABAMA TEAM ARRIVES—Alabama's Crimson Tide rolled opportunities (o drill.•
, , It won't be regular rehesrsal In through downtown Dallas on the traditional red firetruclt yes-!lhnt (-TM<* McGunne won't be terday, waving Their new cowboy hats, as fhcy were welcomed'able to be present. However, Manager Jim King' will take to the city for their New Yea-'i day CoHon Bowl game with charge of the drill. It will afford Texas A. & M,—AP. V/IREPHOTO. team members a chance to prac-
DI'.L .MONTH. Cal., I),.,.. .';(,
a unaniinrius choie-e
Fo; Ininnn, 1 he Bear'f
guatd, v.-hose sm;i:-hing jdriy wejn eu. golf e.hiMiipionship lieie nr->;i
Monte-, Cal. The Tarn O'Shanler
fourlh straiglil \-ear.
Oilier Western division play-
ers named lo Ihe lirsl team
cago Cardinals at guard; Cecil Isbell nnd ClnrL Hinlile. of Green Bay al Imlfl.arti nnd fullback, respt-elivrly, and Sid Lnckmnn of the Bears nt f|narlfrhaek. Tim only Kaste-rn lialf players nble to crark the first team were- I'erry Sehnarlr Aoel Krnnk Kinarel of Brooklyn at end and Inckle, reA|)eeli\ r-ly, and Wcr \\'illie' \\ilkin of \\'nvbi;i[;tein, ntso Rl laclil.-.
Baugh of \',"c,shint;[on Ur.Tkc o.' Cievclaml. baeks.
The IftH ve-eeine] Irftin \sas reimpovrcl of Itny Ilieldirk of Green Bay and Dick F'lasionn •>f tbe Iir»r< at ends; John Mellns of New York and Kil Keilnian of Ihe Bears «l tackles; liilt-y .Mathew.son of < leveland and Bill I-xluareK of New York nt gnanls; (.ieorge Sirndson of Green Bay nl ren- te-r; TnfTy Leemans of Ne\v York at qnarlerharh; Marshall (loldberg of ihe ( hieago Cnr- dinnls and White al halllmeks nnd I'ns Mamiers of Brooklyn, the If-aRiie's leadinc Rroimd cainer. at fullback.
ahgnng for Ihe evenl.
' gura of Kcuador.
Wi-st and -ProHowl" f'oolball
Hears. jArrile, line c-oae-h ul Notre Dame;
One Minute f>ports 1'asc
Jake Weber, veteran Ford-
jslar; Kcidie O'Melia. former Holy iCioss explain and end coach; Joe
Mnnle are point; ri^hl nhonil v.ilh
Mo^tr. '" • •lo'":' '->"li''iglH-year history of the Sugar ''""'•' pieimote'i. inelay. iJlo'.vi tennis tournament put toii- His M.-.temeni elnmj.ened theise-eeled Ted S< hrneder of Glendale were .loe Hiihnrieh of the Chi- tioprs of ih.j 'him e,' Shantcr Golf,Calif., into loday's tinal match cHU. of (Jii.age,. w||,,.h |,!1S he.enjngrnnst Dark Horse Franeiseo Sc-
NKW oui.KANS, [),.,- .10 cup,
KL Tni .Malmm-y. If l)un(py. rf . licndy] c . . . llnlierls, IK. Kelle-y, re..
• •IK, KoberRC ... !|', K.-llcy c, Hepaii . ...rf, McCall ...If, OTlrlen
The Roundup
liy HUGH FULLERTON, Jr. l.OWKI.l, A large croud is ex-} (Wide World Sports Columnist), • peeled lo be on hand tonight! NKW YORK, Dec. 30 (Wide ,
when Coach Jack O'Neill's Keith World)—.Signs of the times: academy i|iilntel opens its season! The tide defense which Wel- al 8 o'clock against one of Ihe} : strongest Alumni learns ever as-| lerwoight Champion Freddie Minhli'd on the Thornclike slreel Cochrane has promised to conrl.
eiVlock when Ihe Keith seconds
!l>lay a local amaleur learn. Seems he went up in the Jer-
un pn tbeir shooting,
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