Page 31 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 31
Lov/el^Sun ^and Citizen-Leader Tuesday December1 30 1941'
JoI'LouJs falks~oTPiansr"'isnsss"L [PLEASE GENTLEMEN"
SO— WHY "fc, YOU-
Another Fight
Sports Digest
NEW VO)m,.Dec. 30 (UP) -••Sfioili-pattcr from the na- tion's pres.s boxes:
nASKBALL-Sccrclnry <;abe Paul's figure fiibci't from Cin- einnali staling that the Re.ds would have won their third .straight .National leaguepen- nant last .season if they had Imd 10 more base-hits injected at Ihc proper spots, brought to Itghl Die fad that his club's balling decline was one of the year's biggest reversals.. .In 1010. 1'icce Cincinnali regulars, Frank and Mike McCormick and l-'rnie Lombard! wei'c in the .,'iso hilling class and sev-
Would Retire Undefeated
But Shufflin' Champ Would First Give "Everybody Around" Crack at His Crown; Roots for Rise of Lem Franklin
GREENWOOD LAKE, X. Y.. Da-. 30. (NKA)-Joc Louis Barrow turns into his lllh year of fighting with only a slight sear on his right eyelid to show for 110 battles— 5G as a professional.
Joe Louis will be 2S vein's ok!. May l.'i. He has rarnet| S1.750.k)0 wilh his lists. What arc the world champion's plans?
~ ~ ' , "Buddy llaer. Jan. ;', nilly CollegeBoy ('nun in June, ami I hii]ir- dal boy, I,cm Franklin kccji-) coming," replies I.ouis, in his simple, straight-forward way.
N.Y.U. Track Star, 2I, tsYoungest Athlete Ever to Receive Sports Most Coveted Annual Award
West Coast erid o'lhors neai" lhat figure {DartmouthHockey0,K.-ButNoIce bin ln-t season Ihe Reds fin-
Five Faces "Y" Varsity
Joe Kane of Perm, Scondras of Purple Play Tonight
.Mulligan, rf. ... Droll, c
f ostoponlos, IK.
JIAXOVKIt!, !D>e,.c,.. SMd. (lM-::..\\I_-Hnrmnri tr y ,t„,, erunntvinee hoiU,-
Kililio Jrrnnlali Unit Diirtninnlh is loi'alr - ,'mn\ north. All of tl.o Indinns' hoolioj- Knmos were ran- <-ollr,l hrnu-,r tl.,-r<- was n>. in- „„ |!,, onllrKl-'s ,>ii|,1,,,,r link In order to Kiir. hi. (ram ,m,. H,,,!;,,,,! |,,.for,. Martini; a ilillirnll sol.rdulo Jornniah In ink,- his M|,,;,d In H11 im[,,,,r rinfe ]„ Hoston. Orilnmrlly Ihoro i, ioo in llaiicnor shortly afl.-r 'I'hmihs- KltlllK.
Team Scoring First Goal B«
Needs Racing for Business
Southern California
Differs From Other
| Sections of Country
' I.DS A\i;i-:i,i;s, lire. 3ii IKKA'
Add jiniri.nic sperche.s: "| nm dec]dy iriiileliil 10 Lieut. {;en [>,•
ished v.iihoin a .300 baiter in Ihe li.ioun for (he first time since 1911.
lion of intcre; M-il! tak
tonight at 8 o'clock on (lie V. M C. A. court when the V. M. C. A varsity face; an All-Star team ot college boys horn" lor the ('liri*!- nia.s holiday.-.
MacMilchell, i'l. is n,e yulin^- csl [ipr.son to n-i-cit-i.' spoils mo"t coveted a\\airj since its maiiLaira- lion in I'J.'M.
(let the lirsl ;:oal, ams which scored lirst
lie- ucinx can phu- i t'-n- public moral-,-," In. and ry Sii uli.
COI.I.I.'ITIATKS them fi !l;r-
This game wasn't on the regular Mllt.
\a, linnnl follcKialc A! A. mile title ami the Intercollegiate A, A. A. A. indoor anil out- door mile crowns for a grand slam of thr year's major
jsilile point percenta-e of 7fi. In Auay frnm
Itlir 7i' Barnes in tvliii-li tin- visiior.s lirst in 8 > nines, and tinn :j
|Uiiempli.ymenl prohlem in a di(fi- u n i t period.
"V" schedule, hut arranged nl the last minute.
Bowl Tonight
"Hut I'd like lo retire unde- feated," continues Louis, "aflrr tiviiif everyhoity arounil a crack.
(n retire undefeated wliile in •1:01.1 to ri(ual Glci. Cunriingliam's
and Chuck Fonske's world indoor Louis lo be inrincled record. !n wiiminj: Ihe I. C. A. A.
scored they noil :\:> limes. ,,f (hem h
;losl -X. ami lied II. -rhc. ,-,,,;..,,, i Hawks , IJclioit Ited \\iiifjs were llie lirsl (-niinir.|- in yi (top team in the league in Ihc «on half of II Imnlter of scorhiK ihe first -oal. lime. They S(-,
hut diet ue,e not the tnp learn 'raj;o in II ',-nm I in Hie mailer of it inning Ihosc'tliem anil lo"i •> jKames, sliouinK IhU Iliere is mon-'llii-y nolched ih
Well, that miKlit lie so. Iml oul- !;side of ihe territory south «,f me " l'"'i lehaehapi. sneh a meetiii(; woiilrl
Sonthrrn California and Ford- Kain-
I'OOTKAI.L -.[Jim Suavely, who miglii bave been Colum- li'M-\Vil, (,„ Ins mess,,:,e. I l,,-|irve he biifs groaiesl center except lor a had leg. was, released Iiom Medical Center Saturday afler having a curtilage re- i moved from « bud left knee... Sieve Owen, coach of the All- mil ; l.l. Cen, ,ioli,i De \\'m of u,,.; Slar piolessional football team lirsl Knurl Ii Aimy <omiiuuul s i,i y,,,, wind meets Ihc champion a Cliicag i Bears in the annual anillif liy Jnn. Ij, or any other dale. IILO bowl game here Sunday, suchi""' u a i ' .silunlion is ,-iileviaU-iU has sereduled Iwo workouts a I here would ho no objeclion lo llie' day from here out for his oiJeniiiL- oC Sanlii Anita. squad...Loral odds favoring Ur, Striih, iiiiiiincinj; direcior of: KordbKiii over Missouri in Ihe Hie falmlons Arcatlin plant, Sugar Bowl game, look a quick es il uill continue in co-op- drop wilh the news that the erale in every tvny wilh mililary Hams' regular right end, Jim s. Thai's real ni'-e 0"fj Lansing, was .suffering from a moil- auay frnnl hmn h "'. Wbal'.s he RoiiiK to' shoulder bruise and would be seiirlni; the' inilinl ominler HI henii-, fiuiiii,- so in I 1 Barnes <l"'. (me all mrj, j,, im|fIH,n a irlle foi a couple of day... II"' mad. (II itioe. lln-y icon wimiiiiK nuiliiel lickei ? Lansing is one of Ihe team's in and InM .",. Al home 'in ].1 That would he- ii .sure shot wav most valuable men...He is a sanies, ihey tmii II and losl 1. to ini]Mdve morale.. g-ood pass-catcher and bril-
and olher.s in tiic lineup. The|nsts. No service fund uij] '
Previous winners were Kil16 16301^6 : llohhj- ,Iones, golf, 11)311; liar- j ''
match is listfil for S.30 o'clock. lo ask
ship services.
NewYear's Party
at Mt. Pleasant
beirm their lirsl
Niclidl- Ilie hcl-
"Anyone- Mike Jacobs picks."
Would he ho\ Franklin, Cleveland Negro who has- moved along like a prairie lire?
Krand-slani mile champion, will receive llie .[nines K. Sul- liiail meniiirin: Irojiliy fur haviiif done the must ilnriiit lllll to aiftani'e lln- eause ot sjiorlsinniiship.
Hans l.obert ivill take over as fLil'-iime manafiei- of the I'iiillie, for Ihe first time next season bin he already has a product of iiis system in Ihc Nalional league records . . . Chiefly because of his guidance late season, Ihe Phils fin- ished second in .stolen bases wilh 61 to (he Reds' 68 ... Danny Murtaugh. who joined (be club late in June, became (be individual champion with IS.
"I'nl quills I" vc Franklin It:, Sofinilra1. liuhl lloh Pastor in ('let i-laml o, lio.iu[[oii in February. I've seen him Itto
. .rf. Silk or three times.
"Saw tiiin lose a. siv round
IJiiiiR like sr;n,0fif) i\s Ihe rc-
meter <'liam|)ion^hjjj, ff,n
llrtme. they M-ored
for his champion- He expresses his! continue lighting
lor noliiing f country.
Crosby and Mrl.arnin Edge ('lininp
or Ihem. Attny from home,
""»• ''•'• "I" onk .an,e I liev I T , ' , 1 u
Hudsc. lennis, iflSl; Don Lash, LOWELL—Memheu of the Ml. about the war and golf Ihon hei track, I'.aK; .loe Fdirk, rowini;.
D l
Pleasant golf club anil guests will is about the Buddy hold a New Year's Eve parly at Franklins:. their club quarters toniorrim Though he has In ni£h[. Oil el Roberts is the genera!
l!»3!i and Crec Rice, track,
iai\« riding academy, ciubliouf !dancing pavilion.
e .si-ores and Ihr club iioasls Uliree Mrainhl \ictories in as
•'' lniiili "> si>ow for all ihc wear and lenr.
Of course ihe I.ouis of the vvm- nasnm, is a easily differr-m chap 'ban tb" one of Ihe mi/e rinr.
. r
Louis is vastly more
been reported killed in the air raid at Hickam field, Honolulu .. .lie was hospitalized with a broke.!, leg at Ihe time.
s Warn Nev/som
chairman of Ihc affair and. is as- 7-! lo his credit.
sisted by a committee composer!
of Charles Ganley. N'ic ... -. , ••• c"-.""I w•-UilNh iBiiu^ Cro.sbv aid in:: ( hl1
— lniaii\ stalls. The avcir.i-c.s In dale Timn i n r i ; follow-:
"With ihc Rrealeji ot pleasure.'
sa\s Louis "P.oxy (Manager John
J4o.\horrtii|;hi and Chuppie iTrain-
ei- .lack Blackburn) don'l think
much of him. but I Know lie ha^ York t niversily. the year's imi-iovi-H. 1 keep track of all
decision to Freddie 1idncta In
the (Jardi-n. lit- hasn'l hit 1'i-
iliicin yet. Iml that tva> four
years a^ci, ami Fidm-ia knew
ton much for him. lie'-, n right
hhild [iiinclier who depends fin
imm-liini: ami hns :L hiiltli' nount-ine his selection toda\. re- i ighl liaml. M'iiloil Ihal he hail won (he iiophy
-. .'-H' Tile 11. si M}. ^.n yn ||; clll'o i-(UI ^'i\-e his
"I hope Hint right hand filler .1 r-iiily ch>:,e hiiule witii stays in gum) repair sml Iliat Cornelius W.-imerdam of llie San •Julian licnulicn. fnrnicr "V" In- kccji-, liuocMiig Iliem fellas Francisco Ohmpjr Cluh. wuiid star, IUMV of Syracuse uuiter- nut until .-September. I'll he icconi liul.lcr in iii<- ]1()|, ^^n is in charge. n( tlir- Col- liKikln' fur an appninliiirnl ami llie rmly 15-fuok-r in hisiory legiate nulntcl tliat will fea- ahum that time." Some WIO spun., leaders through- ture ,|ne Kane nf tlie I'nivi-r- i IJow- IOIIL; would Louis- remain •nil Ihe country voleil on ihe sity nf Pennsylvania nml .Jim- in the tliicl; of tilings" ,ii«iii(l. ,-inii Mac.MitehcIl polled SIS
Aclunl ca.ucs lijurcs nrc tlli'sr: Thrri- ttore Iti.S league games plnjcd in Ihc rnil-ll season. lui( in one. ttu-re was no lirsl timl, this tame rr- sulthn; in n scoreless druit lu-lucen Iliiston and Toronto. lFm> ler.tin^ Hi; Klt,Wf, ., which n lirsl gtml mis sn.reil. (If these 'Kflmes, H,,. i,.,,m
my Sciimlras nf Holy Cross, guards; .limniy silk nf Te.v- lilc, anil .loliiiny IJimtsrlis fif St. Anselm's. forwards, lieau- lieu trill lie al center.
"I'lllil ncvl Sr-|iteiiilier. HII.V- 'pniiil.s ion a o-,'i-l linsi.s. (0 i;ii2 way," lie explains. f"i lln- pole vaultcr. .N'e>:l eame "Kight now I have Ihe uri;e Juc- 1'laiak, L'hii-a^o's handball as strong us I've eier had it- champion wirli ,)(;,'!: Dilly Hi own. Id such nil extent Ihal Tie Louisiana .Slale irack slar, tiiili Other college boys who \-.ill he spent llie holidays in a train- 'H't; lind \\';\n\, annleur -olf
ami Walter Listen of 'Lowell Tc.\- society, which will ncl Minir-
t^on !l!l, lost as -anil ilrcw :itl lime-..
on hand ready [or action will in-
clude: Jimmy Kc.otit;h of the Uni-
versity of Miami. Fla.; Chris '/.HI-
kis, Norwich univer>i!y: Pele encore with llie -I'l-pinmd 25.'-!. Kouchalakos. formerly of (,'oihy, lialiy liaer In the Naval Helief
I In- t'amulicns counted the Soulhcin I'aliforniii is inileed im- iianl en,
ing eninp." I'himipion, .'-ITS: Nniu-i .Mr-rki. unm- I.(nils did Ihis in order lo cn'.s sniinniin« tillcholiiei. .131. Kin- his entire purse frir llie and Karl Clark, Ohio Slalc diver.
of tictoiie.s nflf even larj:o] The whiliini; II of Iliem. Inslni; K li'.v. 'I'here. yon lenrn from husi- nl Mndisxin .Square (Jardcn is Ihome team was iir;,t t., score in and tli'iiiK :l times. They i ness men and civic hoilie.-, a hiu'h- expeclen to surpass the 100,000 |3.") o( Ihc ir>7 (,-ames, won M. lost scored (In- lirsl goal mi Moill- i rolling race- nieelin^ would so far total when the triple holiday |1">. ami drew II! limes, for a tvin- real ice 11 limes, won "i nml jlo re-estahlisli nrirmiil business
"I'll hang 'em lip al the lirst
MR" that I'm slippinK. Til Pike On Ihe hoard-: he ran a mile in
and only milk the section drv financial
:-«'e,,jly. w-iiile ,,,-ovidi,,K a loali,,K place ham-Hici: games last Saturday.
the army,"
|lo M-mniiif; a Kmnc lhan scorine limes, and won '! nnl
! lirsl. The lied Wings .scored tirsi iliese ^ames
|m M of their tames, winning- ir,. The Americans score llosme G and tiem;: 7 times. -|-|,rv 0,,|y iri qaines all sea iscored lirst 17 limes at home, were Ihe ,,,,|v team lii [WinniiiK 11 ^.nes „,„, i,lsinf. :;;vvil, ,„,„.,, ;)nrs (|)
use o[ iheir time clseuliere."
. Vou can't \iin n war improvinc
ofjllic hrcctl nl Ihc- sellers' window; llntr In llent Ixlllis
feature Sonja Henie opens at Mnili.sun Square I'anlcn on Jan. 1!) for an eight-perform- ance slay...The revue opened al Omaha on Nov. IS and has played at Indianapolis, St.
into llie army at any lime. ••Army life will do him tonil." asserts Handler Illaeli-
at Lawrence
I.OWKU,~Del Morel's Moose-• luirh. "And he'd |i|ir |,, ;,,. sport after five years-of .school-
head Cafe bowters will head down- losseil right ill nniflllE them 'boy and collegiate coni]ielition.
i l l ,
mil Ihe champion asthough lolally un- One n.orc ilop at Detroit is
livcr !nnif,'hl to meet, the slrorti; •laps in the I'liilippines. Fur ^He anchored the New York ,
.i (hey
P.ccrealion Five, of Lawrence, in "lie thiiiB, he won't do a-,
a match same on the Recreation; rniu-li intensive lm.\iim traiu- record at Ihe A. A, U. Nationals. ianes. The locals will select their itif: as he has done, in -infer | In the award voting, Ihe tribunal lineup from Henry Cohen, Arthur I" liccp his fighting dates. „,
Lemkc. Waller Arlin, Mickey a civilian." :look inlo considetalion not onlv
anil slay a\cay ihai be cli[>.= yon" upeninf- ... Charlotte Walter, "i\ ami ili-aiv- explains Hie Yonkers Nogio' lop Metropolitan ice skater- Ibcse K.-imes. id "The besl way is lo walk in for several years, now acts as
Plcin. Manuel -Silveria and Win
Chase. Lawrence will have sui-h " ""less Loui.-- is im-lurled in i
hoys as' Mike Jukins. Jim Gil-: M>i'lilhmary force, he will b
Niebolson should knoiv. He's impressive viclory strings in
«oo. losl, and dren. Thai
ll'-y scoreil Ihe lirsi ,.,„.,) ,,nd ,!-,~"° •'"K'U'enieni i,, jlm(, I
NK\V VOI'K. Dec. XII (IT) l.fslie MaOlitt-lirll nf New
The mr-niuitul eoinmiuee. in an-
of ihe
.Mne.Milehell mm ||lr \n- (iojinl A. A. I', onliinnr l,.-|(lll-
jnins Jiercen1a|;e of (57 nml a ],,,x- dretf ^ ol Ihese panics, ;con:lillon.s and |iiovenl a serious
double-beatler program con- clude:: next Saturday night... The firut three twin bills nf the year drew a lolal of 51,760 fans v.illi the lop crowd— 1.8,080 -witnessing tii L. f. u.-
1CK SKATlNO-'flio fifth 7 of OILS times, should he making ROOM figure-skating ice show to
A. A. cross country championship. ,he remained unbeaten in lhat
(-coi "e Nirholson's
"••nls of Joe Louis is In walk inlo Louis. Buffalo and Chicago...
jA«ay from home, they lallied in Kiinu-s in'which tbev
jln-M 12 limes, and won 5 of the^T! .n Ihe lirsl Meoal
Raines losing .).
The licislnn cluh scored lirsl
'.'» limes, losing only one of Ihese gnities, anil tieim; r,. Their Inss tins lo (Ilieagn in ovcrlimc. white Itvo of Ihr-ir
nry nrrlmgrr, Irack. ILtSl; I.()\\'LIJ. - Headed
Jim Ilanseli, Iraclt, 1032; Glen \\'lirelcr, i'.ho boasts an avcrasc they scored Ihr opener ]'!
Clinniiighani. track. !93:f; Bill of fliryj, the Lowell Marksmen's limes, winning R times and which they won
lo 0.
' — • ' • — • ' ''
jdis.tance medley relay team which
Leslie MacMitchell
»hen yon liy .,, | . ,-areful listed before the New York M
anrl they hail ;| there ami keep him busy. Don'l an in;,li iiclor al Buffalo. di-feal.', hi Ihem •.•'•lining on Ihe end of a inmen " IIOM\<;—One of the most
.established a new 'world indoor
' hmiiiK 'I. 1ns:-
Louis camp is: conliden Ifierformance.s hui also ads of
fjualilies of
.-•nip, suciijiin 0tj1f 'c'nI'amrareidrer., pere-;r- °*
in ihe .'I parlies, bo.ver]
-IMIII;,- JIKO t}'Jll loillld-' local ungs is owned by Light- n s sirl
i' "ill help tils' Hoiilliron. track, |!)3I; Law-
son Liltle, golf, mi.",; fileii dub rifle team, of (he S(u\r Line losing once.
In "II Ihal lime, he hns hee,, paigning os a lightweight when 'Hojijied only once -by (he richf- he tackles Mickey Farber to- i-ind end of a one-two. Ho claims night...San Francisco Feath- he liiifnl been shaken up more, erweight Danny Lavernc has '"!>n half a dn?en times. He hasn't
lie owns rwo aparhucnt Nicholas:,!,mmy McLarnin while in j.o', A n . '", '^'"
Morris, Iraeli. I33li; Don leasur, ranks wilh llie best in j
;!)i).:t;i, R. Fuller »7.«i, J. McCain,
and Campbell De.Mallie, E'-'les. Crosby had a 71. Mcl.aicui ••III manage In keep busy," |S,;p.V!| A A1)r,.1, ,.fi,n A [U|nl_ 3:in
\'ic and Snde. \*ariety
l)nct«. Wife Milr-slrmcs Slella Dallas in Music Lor. .lones (;lee <luh Willow llrnivn I'ress. News
I'lain Ijill
Malinee I Orchcslrn
iM ,i. mighi ,, .ip blokes like!to Report in Shape (
Favors will he dislribulcd lnin 7(i ,.„„, L Mill kickitiB declares l.onis. (i,cU ^s:! ,{ Ch-,1(..(, „, ^ j- t-ue.sU arid dancing will he en-ihimscK lor iakin.K. a f'-vi-n an,i \.hcr.-- w-ill he m;,|ic his home? A. Moieau S2.00. F. Keiinev SL.'.fm!
.loved from II ,,. m. until ,1 a. in.:SiX on ,he ta<t (w •'.My wife likes ( hieago.'
A buffet lunch will n" served SIN on Ihe last iwo holes to a,, smiles Louis, •1Chion.L;o is nil 1., Adams SL'Hi. T. .Sexton" 7C.OO.
!Tenor .Matinee i(Ircheslrn
,"bei'oro' 'lack, ,°7o',^ ^ "TM «^ «-- 5. «N^ ^ X.ielv ,,ossih,,. ? !;,' ,„.. ' :DVlra".. r"-„'e-''s I'a^v.^c warmed
livr above par for an SI.
His in golf <],,,,,„,>
Matinee [.Johnsims il''e, N'ettN!llol (ir-eonl-
possible Ihnl ihet
I ^'1 a p.-s.vcholoKieal lift, anil I'iliher BupJi Ncwsom to re-
righl wilh me. (no. except !)•- troil lias lireii my home since I was a liid. My people an1d most tif my friends are tber- .
hand. FA1,!. IIIVKII, lie,
team horn Dciroifs i-;-ist Side "I gin-ss il will depend on Lowell's Bloml Ti^ei dioppf-d
!<«irl .Marries LMnry Marliii •laclt Daltoij
<'•' liny l:ind u.sii;i|lv i« a hjr, port to Ihcir Florida training Jhelp follow inK a litfhl 'itith .loe 'amp in shape or not at all.
' L o u i News/mi, who won 12 games
•Mrale= Ihal Louis can ,,];,> U l , j - nny ?iliiir, i,,. ,,UI h i s ,n i n ,j',,n
Blond Tiger ninimi-r he «,«].- not Iravcl viih and I'd like lo .stay close at Drops Verdict
i I'nrlfn's Life ((.oldlier^s
'trphau Annie Netts-('asls
-I. Ariiislrong
and losl a) in 1911 after a Muili.celhilar coiHlni lio, grcal year In 1010, reported
One of Louis' n;Sr..-ts j.s ihai i,-,s,
'Tlir Ahhr.tls Mnsfenlr
his Broun Uotiih-i-i,. a E(lft |la!;
i \eits
The .Musical Xrws; Spoils S]torts. Mi^je
who's boss, the missus or me." a sis-romi'l sjiiit ilrcision :o [days a wi.-kul ^iir.-t base and n .-» : .Meanwhile. Joe Louis turns inli. Pat Die >-f-ci of Springfield in
|News; .Music N'etts niciris thai the panels are ,„„,,,,
,_oiher salary and S7:)00 in bonuses
whcro he was ,ais.d. .smoky' :r,i Kooil hitler.
I.niiis Has I roperty \Vhai it ill Louis
'l>ii:s the rins He otvn- 577
ol Dclrni;. .\jori.
arc- under cultivation. On (he ;r-| maininr; land arc cattle and flop-.
If!I'J--toady for anyone and ;.u\ Ihe boul of an in-
N'cits: Minic '•'••ord.-, Iheie ,-,1-e ,(, m,irn ,,ji ;)nfl
ncf lAino. f.- Arirly K.asy Aees 1-niloo Lewis •'Ppears in -,.• a series of sma|]: is due for a 50 per cent salary
acr--> i
g II
llnrjice. llridl Arl, Tratelcr: To
OINNtR TIME AT HIAUAH PARK-Bl.c'< and white tW 4nl fl
Icah Part, FU.. enjoy Ihc.r daily mcAJ of mash, cod liver oil legs carne from Cuba *nd Argentine.—AP Photo,
,. . Hli
Road nf Life -War N'ews ' Time
; Crilr. I'oslrr lOrclirstrft
? Nrv^s-.-asti [Air Scliool
kind of fight ing
lei "Hills; eai(| j,l Ihe r,1:.iliO
I-'.urfipr Netti l.nnny Kuss** ^Ir. Hern
: Ijitt rcner
Arl Hale Inside ."S[iorts
""" •I. S. Hunt Hraril
j Answer .Man l-'john M[,.f|e.
Marching .Mrn News; Spnrti
Stlini; Spot Hind
l-'nllnn Lewis I (lob
iioxlikr siiuriiiie.
slash in '12.
line in-t niei-,1 Ti,,- «:ti i>[il
.Springficlfl tx/y cnme Ihe lailer stages lo er slightest lend Ilie !,o-. had gainer,.
7:ir> 8:00
Orehesf rn
i Mmicale. ~!Tfn7~ Work
".Seioml Iliislianil"
Are You a
1'iirlls ,V
A mil
amingocltnd wld ducVs
and net. The flaminriocs wilh thr-ir
'.. McMnlleri Vill l.0|ier,
'•r cent of the (ime in-at home, am IIMIJ: the l!)lii.u si'.ison. |ov( •> ||
When llie loam n-nrinj; liisl
,was Hie Imme club. Ihe prn-xnlngr iipening conl in •;•; Kniiies. «' any oilier pan of ihe cuun- ItASKKTHALL— Attendance
siv tie Raines. .re nl>,, lu
•o t-.jion nicy seot(-ll lirst Ihev uci! lirsf. Ihev
"KaiiislIheIlawhs. Of(he «"il thry won 13 nint drew 2
1501) " " "
K. Wlueler !!!.:,'). ,! [lau-hrnly "1:00 The Slorm .Music flo.v ||)iv. Or,,h.iiit SM1S ,M^ JVrhitu ilerr.t's .Songs iHoney inn fll.H.",.I!, Know-lev iiu.ii'i .! Goiloii a:;,o !</uliiiiiK l.ltr News; Movies, (Hlier Wife.
; Trrnslircctirst f!. rinrns
In looliiiif; aliC'ul, we see thai (hp horizon is rinf onlirelv clear. I!iit we jilcdpr our- selves (o niitinf;iin in ISII2 (lie (Jtmlity of Service — Complete slock—Fair prices — which has built COX- I.ON'S repulation.
NalioiiAl ,v .N. K. \<-K»
Orehestrn Orchf slra
Helpmate I'oad of Lrfr
I.Mary Marlin Trp Vonnc
! Illid linrtnn
jlloinc ,
I Varieties i Weather
World News Talk Itulh Moss
Mel. Mrini^
i Moi irs; \et\
(Jrchrstrn <!"Ir. Box
i Horizons iliavirl Hnrurn |.\iint -If nny Gene. A- (ilrnnjKatr Smith"
5, (,1ml
And Apain—As in (lie Vast—We Are Prepared to Serve You Ihe Brand Von Prefer in
ALES-WINES-LIQUORS John Coition's Liquor Co,, Inc.
: R\K
S^sn Flrlon Trent
| I.ifr i In \\liilr
Judy A -Innp n and
I.I1I--IIH Ihoiisaml? \s-ho, in Ihese neril-
"'"' .'; "' <''- hecomini; his chief i weight Chel Rico of New York, lrlrr|irior whowilluyforliis;(Gthtri- ?1 Kltmcs, lo uere al linmr, ^•am<- r,«:iy liom lioin-, in whieniJ '"'','•"'', "' " '" "'f -''"'I umph m ,p!9 professional starts
against Canada's Harry JIurst in Ihe Colseum tonight. ..For- mer Featherweight Champion Tcley Scalm resumescam-
"oonn on enemnuy ice all .season. it.isL. ' ,'"I'l.'i'l" ally inialines Xichi.l-
liji lo
( ajil. .Mirlnight Applied lo Ih" niit;. ,,f s. .-\< fat and flabby last spring.
ship; The 1,-ilkative Bobo never-
Ihclcss received .$25,(WJ jn , oin \\ orhl Turlnj l.ow-'l Thomas. Around Town • p.irs that the fi-ame ,,f' the win-i for his mediocre efforts. He
j Xrws-Cnsls
'iiiltallrn" 'llcrh Lewis Sports "i1 in many boxes. [ri
.Missing Heir'.' Allrr
"We, The' People" IlejiOrt to
t.lenn Miilrr" I'uhlir Affairs •limn An rm
News, \Vtlirr
Master \\orks \\eall
"f Mnsir M
i Uanl
V\ KD.NKSDAV. DrX . 31. I'in
S> inp'loni tl ( onsnlr Slories
j.M«rl A Mnrgr j Stepmother
i I-'nnil Fair
Trent Time "Thr Man I"
rr-ciirils I.ovvrll
Lite of World Dr. Malone
Mtstery .Man [.|i>y Jordan
Valinnl Lady illet. \\'ilry
Arnolcl (jrini :Kalc Hoiriini ; Conc-crl
Drin McN'ill ".My \\ri.v
Store .Srws
llradfo'd Illnlhm Time
| Home Hour • N'rus ( asts
! Acrienllnre 'Ilic 1.1.1 Show ! Kailio Notes Iirr|iirs(
nvo KXTK.VNCKS im Tree Delivery ]\AIGK
DIAL <i07l' ST.
rotunird In
I.ON'S in lliii in over increasing num- bers. Wo'rp proud of and f;ralrful lo nur ciisionii-rs and wo H'-iiif lo thanli yon for your loyal Mipjinrl.
show rilt/fiis C0.\-