Page 30 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 30
• ' .,/ -;p£Gp. • HERE'S HOW THEY'LL LOOK TO GEORGIA—Texas Christian's starting bjckfield for the Or
ange Bowlvllofototabiialglamgea,mIeBM, l1e0fi io riqhl—Frank Krinq, Frank Medanlch, Kyle Gillespio and Nolan Sparh—showed p^p in the first full-dress workout at Miami yesterday.—AP WIREPHOTO.
.rw,l>rillon in, Davidson lUnlnii spares: C'owley, Cona- (licr, Wiseman, Crawford, .Smith, Jur>kv>ii, Cain, Miller, Thompson. Turnnto spare*: LaiiKellr. Me- Creeily, Taylor, Apps, Cni-r, Schrl-
r_ r r
— - — - ! wcialit cli:impion. aKiiins! tin
as it geneially is. when the cuts in an automobile accident, bears down on a medicine ball-li"*'on Bniins and Toronto Maple
War's Effect on Footbal To Be Probed at Conclave
Indoor Singles Play Advances
L B. C. Junior Quintet Steps
slur, Vnniij; 'i'oijslo-. tinslon, n former Hinatenr \\h< is said ID have s^onc a loni distam'• mid is u<tt>i\ enoiiKt to give the (jest pro
uver. It's a triui;! Inr the
I.enfs clash at Hie Boston Garden. at his camp at Lakewood, N. J., where he's training for his Jan. The Leafs, v.lio gave the Bruins
:9 heavyweight title date with Champion Joe Louis.—AP WIRE- a s«i:oii(l dnibbiri" in Toronto on
hockey day. '
league statistics released to- U'fiarRos snapped.
the ball
IsMack'sPlan trnni.=.
clean in Hit1 pro ranks by clown-
Kline. Nap Kucker, .loeTin- T-, ,. .ft ., , ... : coster, stopped Frank (jasiraro. ker, Babe Adams and Tic Por t.riff was the greatest pitchcrj E ast „„,,„;,; m lp roull(,_
Traynor. the National league, helped; 13j-imuiii]s: Rotirrt Porklns,
; DCTKOIT. !><-. .1(1. (INS!
[Wartime conditions as they inighii
litff'rt col-e;;iatf football were up;
[tor discus.inn today at the annual j f.OWKI.I^-Hlai;ing | meeting of she American Football,
.Mi'llu, nnd tin- latter Ihinlis1. hf cull stand bis rule Mil It all) of them. Tuples mill An- drews collide in a siv-roiuul scmi-finnl.
Coaches assni-ialion. } lock, the Lowell fiuys 1 1 jinndent juniors took i Mean . , iiiie, Ihf ennch"s ap- never t'f'JiiuniiHheti ami
jsir'i (.'ill-roll mak'-s his f.ow- di'b'jt all'-: a Ion" absence. , in ihi'if in a six-chapter mill
('an ft
III" New '.: for M-V< •t to run fiunrhcr.
NKW YORK, Dee.o» (INS)—| he prcaclind this new game.
pear-rl generally ;.j;r,-"'d that tin: iiiiTent rules guvf-niing the inlcr-
nutton slreot (tjllil las fUOOKI.INE, Doc. ,V> f.-?i -Four iic clinnKOil. However, th'Tc. '.vr•!•'.• E'.igo]iouli>s, \vith M point;
representatives of the metropoli- foe tiie winners while M | <.u!l in' <Ti:l>idrnT-d '.'.•lien Ihe ni!'<k
| poll? Annually, you know, writ- rious .struggle to gain an overtime Cartwright's in. hut a lot of 3-1 win.
tan district were ainrm^ lite five with nine, wns outstanding for the committee nf the N.'Minnal <'nH>> viip.quish(M< club. Tho summary:
i eis are asked to vote on which greal baseball men are out, wait-
BOSTON. Dec. 30 (UP)—Fred i0[ rrlo many baseball immortals ing io get in. If you have an ; _ Chicago plays at Montreal in
survivors to iay as IIK }f)L: na-.,,[;l|r Athleiic assrociation nl<.'<'ls in lional cirls indoor <-inn!es I l'hofini\. Am. .Inn. ;.
tournc-y entered the second Recommr-ndrttions for rhajt^e,
inrludc: A team should he ]
The ihrr/e players, ji/er! by an automatic :
non-defendinx Dorothy \Viglitman Iemerged from its huddle; a sub-! Puma.
of Brooklinc, Betty RKosemiuist slitute may repint to any otl'n-ial:
of South Orange, N. J.. and Judy 1 oflicials sliould notify each tr-arnj''|nHko:i, Atterbury of Great Neck. L. 1.,'llij'ee minutes before the start ofj lliomele^, were in the semi' final round. They the second half.
were called upon to mark timej " * lateral pass tin-own beyond|l
until fourth-sccricd Norma .Nieisler thfl lmn "' scrimmage is ruled n-
of Sharon completed her quarter- live Viird penalty
finals engagement with Helen •r! from the jjoinii
Vaughn of New Rorlielk N. V. of the illegal pass. | Kostecha, !(,-
f [Klio|»oulos,
Lillian Lopaus of City Island, N. substitute onto the iir.l(|0eori;a]i.,-,ko.-. if., V., lr\st year's runner-up tu the;after the team o i oticnse |,a.;[!<oum;muchs, If.
Four Kayos in
Rulm \Vaddell, Rogers tho hall some flay), Cabby Hart-
Hornsby, Frank Chance. Ed nett, Joe DiMaggio, etc.
Delchanty, Ed Walsh, Johnny 'J'Jie problem therefore would Knockouts today had settled four Kvfrs, -Miller HuKRins, Rnbbil seem to bo to separate tho wheal of .six open clas.s iina] bouts in
tric WaddMI, Hornsby »hc master m im , flis,aiu.0| follow : round dislanc
Anotlier suKKestion <'rnanatin[;i ijavin. iy fiom ("oaeh Charles Dorais, o[ t!uj!ilamer c I'liiversity of Detroit, uoitld allow; nnheitv If
'iihe holiday, it !nol<s like a big tional tonnis i-hampion, tonight
fjuirnoul cif the ring faithful for chulkcrl up his ^econcl win in Ihrco Mordecai Brown, \Vilhert Roh-
deathless baseball fame: the eccen- IIcsuUs of the linal rlap.s houtF, only two of which went the ihree-
MONTREAL, Dec. .'id IUI') — a team that is scored upon to Bryan I-lcxtall of the New Vor'-i cbonse Ihe goal it wants to defend^
t'lhe Tbursrlay carfi nt 'l.'\(\ j). in. stnrls as a pro \\ hen he toppled
insni!, Chief Hender, Herb 1'en-
nack, Itay HcliaJk, Hu«h Duf- patter the s upB,nR Delahantv n,.po,IIHjs: Tomrilv Lurkjnan, fv. Koss Vouncs, Huqhie .len- he astute Walsh Kvcrs and BrocUtoil( .lociMonp.I 'Gcorpc Ra- liinKS. Irnn .Man Mcfiinnity, | Hu^ins; men like Youngs andlju>r j VJ)n
Home Run Baker, Addie .loss, jAdaim ivlio dieii before their lime.j jis-pamids- Fit f.iilln • Cl I
Rangers picked up three points to
climb into a 1irst-plaoo lie at 'I'l
points with Bill Cowlev ofIhe.goal. Coach Lou Lilllo of CoHim- Tnhilr
Boston Bruins in ,lhe individual Ih l n recommended that -jvc yard P.rfejee: J'ftroulis.
scoring race, according to National jPenally he imposed if a player; Time: 4-8 minute periods
after each touchdown or fi?l(!]
in thoir
And "lead" can be what a leader does or what a plumber uses for pipe, depending on how you pro- nounceit.
Words—pictures—symbols, the things we all uso to convey ideas from one mind to another mind.
They are tools—the loots of civilized men, but they can be sharp or blunt, well used or misused.
first 10 choices, and I'll kt your; p,lay-am.i , became , the^ ,s-port's :S. X., ItBvnetl A| Bricn, Lawrence, double-rirvidf'Ts -^ Sltino juu'k cv- • 'The doubles learn of Budge anrt votes guide my own vole. .shrewrcst hoss trader.. Bulkelcy'sjJc(.on(| rljm,,|
to All America
You walk the paths of freedom; They arc glorious paths, but they are beset by dangers.
Words—pictures—symbols can poison you, can hurt you.
Your newspaper brines you; through words, pictures and sym- bols, two kinds of news:
Now, the very nriturc of news in a free country demands that you have, both the GOOD r.nri the HADnow?. You want the 1ACTS, the harsh, disheartening facts and the gentle, reassuring ones. You want the opin- ions of all sorts of men, Rood and bad.
Armed with these fads and opin- ions you arc able to perform the responsibilities of citizenship. If you accept nnti support the good, reject and cost out the bod, you ore armed to destroy
the rattlesnakes along ftio paths of freedom. Mere refusal to seeor hear won't help you. It
is the INFORMED man not the IGNORANT one who stays free.
Everyday your newspaper brings you hundreds or ',housandg of vital FACTS—the market prices, births, deaths, marriages, fires, meetings, happenings—the list is very long, and it is amazingly accurate and complete.
tvcryday your newspaper brings you many opinions its ownedi- tors' opinions, speakers', colum- nists'- even the weather man's opinion of tomorrow's climate.
Ivcry day in newspaper adver- tisements, merchants on HO'l'H SIDES OF 'IHF. STRUCT bring you the facts and opinions about thn goods and services they hope you will want from (hem.
The thing about America and American newspapers is YOUR KK;HT TO CHOOSI; what you will behove and whose urgings you will accept—whose products you will buy, whose policies you will follow.
This very right is what freedom is—the. liberty of every American to make up his own mind.
In Germany, Italy,Russia, Jopon; a government agency decides what the people shall read and hear. Not so In America. Do your part to preserve tho American way of llfo.
Keller, I '', years his junior. Doupl!lir? r 'nit. Team managers are : Ewinj;. I was reported that he i? br-ln^ crm- fered a double setback last night ; Minor. -iM-year-old <rout for the urped hv \V. P. A. officials, to Curiously enough. Cen. Ahnerisiflcred for a coaching berth with when Oregon State trounced Man- ! Chicago White Sox. Today was register as soon as possible so that i Douhleday credited with being; thel'lh(. Boston hattan. 47-31, and Wyoming shaded i baseball's latest fihulion \c\-n. schedule may be drawn up.
\\\\r nation's armed forces.
j Minor, who served \vilh The navy
cach Ti-rsi'iv in fAi's tpncc, the /ncs.crc£>-s al-wt yo'ir frr<v'v ond hw An%-riVrTs nr
¥>ii de'cxd if. Vc'Jr letters of comment u-iil hr. apprccio'rr! M ite editor on<i by this eo^i rr.ittrc —
Publishers Committee, 420 ls.r!r,/;tnn Airm.', A'fjr ^ nn: C'\l\.
\\> will turn ?our old platrs IT'S GREAT TO BE A FOOTBALL HERO—A welcome with glam- over to Ihe Amrricnn
orous effects awaited Ihe University of Georgia football team for NfiMonal Urfonso,
!.. B. C INT). .IRS.
if ..
perry. vc'<-ran ace, w'"jshall he admitted to the Coopers-'added starter who is not in the the Icasur-'.s ,,nly other paino. h. bark in action for the Pro-1town N. V., memorial. But in;list of thos:e named as never'
York Ja>t week.
^| A four rriund pi-eliminai >• is .still '•m m;r; LOSKS ACJAIN
BOSTON, Dec. 30 (IXS)—
,1. Don Budge. 0-7. 6-3.
A crowd of 3600 at Ulinn nrena
-.'iw Ri^r;s h{)at Budge for the
1 EverySunday I'arrrrs. 't was the second ]os?
H :
m :-t
the inimitable Ua/ity Vanee, and! .„ ,! . ,, " ^ f' r ' * been named anionj: the old timers one round.
\\-\^ '
Middleweights Feature
Holiday Ring Show Here
Waddy Washington and Sam Shumway
in Ten Round Main Event, as Lowell Boys Otherwise Command Under Card
LOWDLI.—The most promising professional boxing show of tho winter season looms Thursday afternoon, when Wariilnl! Washington, ebony-huerl middleweight of Springlirld crosses leather with Sam Shumway of Web- ster, perhaps the hardest hitting HiO-pounder in New Eng- I mil, in-a ID-rounder at the descent rink.
Lowell Sun' and Citizen-Leader Tuesday December 30 i94l
jBruins, Leafs
Hot Combat
N. H. L. Lead Is Trophy of War Tonight in Hub
:- fmliiiT f< v.nfthiee
; (lie National A. A. I .
. . ., _ . And Nobody s Cooing
to Talk Back
NKW YOISK. Ucc. Tl ilNSi Jo-- l.oi:is sported a j(M ^•e toda>- v.iih I,is
f Bro\'.'ne *.
Clapper, nl . Holli'tl. |i!.. Schmidt, el Hauer,MV., Dimmrt, hv
MAJ'LK I.KATS K, Broda ....r<\, McDonald
Ill, Hamilton
c, X. Melz
,Wins29-24 l.nucll hoy. lull he is K'-tliric treat Jinnillini; frmii Mid«e
A. 0. in a i.-lose battle
English Tennis Ace Beats Injury; Riggs Beats Don Budge
Will some, of yon older baseball
fans help me cast my vote in the
Baseball Writers' Hall of Fame sport there.
The Blrm.ic Tin<-r of Lowell sclif."in!TMl in hallle the « knov.n Paul Hallos of <.'amhr:d<,'ej^
r i lin another .six-rounder. The 'i''"''''jager" •'liias v.'im a string of v'cl'orios'!mo1er " jmostly on kiiyo.s in the Maine sec-j^.^ "..
he is nobody's pushover. | j ' ,
',-et see a mix
ind tho Ti^cr,
their pei-fonnancf-s 'I'lmrsdity v,ill| idecicl"- a lot in that direction. ;
injurv in an opening into that swank society of ghosts iatos Lefty drove (whoso 300 rnftU'h of the pro tour at New at. Cooperstown: victories wit! oortainly get him in
in IIm making. With", the spoilsj WASIIINCTON, Dt-L-. 30
Maranvillo, .lintmio Collins, | from the wheat. I-'or all the men
the weekly amatenr boxingpro-
ni .^..".„
W. P.A. Baskefball The Sahhatb finuble-henrJers ^\'ill HereJan,15
\Vnjner. Christy Mathowson, \Vnlter Johnson, Xnp I.ajoie, Tris .S|iealiiT. Cy Younjr, dro-
•—iiH'lnilinj; tin- (mil chilis."
f,rn into rfforl ;ifler (hf Ihird Sitn-
nml I.on Celirig. When the Hall of Kamr was founded, a conunitfee of hnschall men ar-
nn a deslroynr rlurini; tlte tirsl j World war,if-enli^lrd yr^ierriay. !: TJf' 15 innrrird and Die f?<1hfi'0t" an
IS-ycar-ohi dauchtor. iSTANI-'OHl) T(H) (iOOn
inventor of the game, is not in thcj Cucd'n(,no a .^i-onrt hawman City College, -tn-15. in the first of hall ol fame. Douhleday washonor-1 rtvlrjnf; ]lis m njor 1(?aqllc p]ayinp three double-headers scheduled for ert posthumously as Ihe game's managed the Jersey City this week in Madison Square Gar-
inventor by an investigation com- ^
team one year. den.
j I
IU,ltKK1,KV,-C:tl.. Her. - ni^plnyinj.: ln\prossive 5
But. if it die! happen t
T CIT; HOI I.KVM'K was first, committed hy Double- BOSTON. Dec. 30. (UPl—OutlieWcr .loe Di Magpin of the 1. rraic Hjhle n day, then he must have quickly; New York Yankees will receive the Paul H. Shannon trophy at
]f]llihti»t las! IML'hl
! the Ohio Stalo Hai n ! ;."\ Stanford led '^8
fall he failed to introduce the. during the past season. He was selected yesterday. sport there. The West Point, year]
hook of the year he graduated 1^^.
mentions that Donhlcday's chief;
N. J.. who
•-'.ei^ht cham-
rleinity atul a ^TRAINING DOWN—Buddy Baer, who recently suffered minor •iat emei'gciic;,'
niT, liampinaii. Church.
BOSTON, Dei-. :-.n i.]\ _ ni'.-t place in the National Hockey league will ho at Makr; again to-
Frank Kovncs kept his slate
.Saturday night, siiciificod consider- able headway the following night in Ne1,1. York when they were trippe.i up by the ly.vly Brooklyn Ameriians.
As a result, happy day's artis- tic stickmon, will have" onlv a half-game J.-ad when they face- Iriff against Aii iloss' aroused
crs. The Bruins are deter- mined to re-pain even terms with the Leafs. TIVL«;C they have been. turned rack by 2-« 'margins on Toronto ire and in their only Bos-- ton clash they h;.d to wane' a fu-
fessional tennis matches at Bos-isome case; we know considerably!having received enough votes for ton Garden Monday, according to loss about ;omc of the nominees i induction, put him in your letter,
leecived by General-Man- than do fans of long experience. ge Landis. for instance, but Brown Pro- Here's a list of baseball ^;he is a player, your added starteirii Thompso/i. Por;y v,\'ho ha\-e never been able to gar-j must hnve played during tho 19-11
dc-linnrl since sufior-! npr enough votes Io ho invited jseason. That obvivou.s, cliinin-
-Isiiov.' rather spiirsr? other1,1, isc oni —-Bobby RiRgs, last year's na- Koi;cr Brrsnalmn, Fred Clark, I now eligible have just claims to gram fit tlie Arena.
nut of three for the one-time grand slam winner of amateur
Frank Friscli, Clark Oriflith, Clark (Griffith--\\'ho should have
riULADKLVHIA. Dr-o. ^0 HNS) ( hi£ (hroiiRh an ea?y 6-1', 6-3 vic- Which one or more, do you be- form the American League, became!.L! ynn, scored a second round licve should be honored in'oternalpf^*- leaKijc's^first winning manager | knockout over William Timilty,
-('oniiio Mack. vctcMrtn ]n;m;i^cr- jlory over Gcnn Mnko in Iho opcn- bron?.e at Cooperslown? Drop me'.i-n«t.r—od->uced• much technique, into
o-.vnor nf the Alliloiii.1*, todiiy voni- ins match. lie heat Biidge in 1 KoxFnirv.
plotpti plans lor liis team to play N'ew York ami Riggs in Trenton. a card or brief letter, naming your the fi'iine — including the squeeze HiO-pnunds William lYnch, I.'.
n y Sunday nest ^e;isf>n in nr-i Mako jirovcri no match for Kovacs
ctt-r to acconiniodnte <lefense woik- and the inspired Riggs, .vho The Hall of Fame is gell'm a claim to fame seems to he that 'hei' n5.|)olmi|s: Michn(,, Ukrnil,p,
"AM rlub.s with tlir rxrn|i-
titiri nf nmi liavr n^rc^'d to shift n
snowcrl the veterans under. 6-3, ers have voted this type of immor- National league.
G-2, in Ihe night's finnt match.
talitv to the following:
Ty Colili, iialw Ruth. Tlonus
Anyway, it's up to you.
snmr of I heir wrrlc-day T^ >"-
iny [Jutc.s in nrdrr to yi\'r Ifir
dt'frtiNf \\Tirkrrs it trciit on
thrir off-dn>." snitl Conine. He
nddrtl: "It i1; n rhaiij;c Mint 1 LeaguetoOpen ver Alexander, OcnrKP .Sister, JerseyRelease; lhink u ill hf tirnt'nVial to all Kdilie Collins. \Villie, Kccler
upon arrival in Miami to prepare fcr the Orange bow! game with Texas Christian, New Year's day. Franlde Sinkwich, left, and 'Capt. Heyward Allen, center, are getting their share of attention
Bissonnette Motors — Service Dept. —
(iiiuiiMi T.r,Ar;ri; ,->'s I, Hinrs ».
U's I. O'Xfil's i).
iy'^ (. I..:aliry'r 0.
iii -Sjoe Di Maggio Feted in Hub Jan 28
He kept going,west as far ns llHUidi, where his descendants still live, anil introduced the
>M S ' ' *'*( *
Eddie i'lank, .Mickey Cocbrane,
Bill Terry, Daizy Vance, .Inhn by the Hall of fame committee. ]'2(i-[iotimEs: Wnllrr Barch, \Vor-
little crowded. The baseball writ- servcrt one year ns president o r t h c; B o s t drcisionc.1 Walter Scott,
I \Veslhoro. '
.B.C. Juniors Play
amblers Tonight
LOWELL—After opening their MayCoachBraves reason with a victory last week the Lowell Boys Club Juniors will (1ny of the s^a^on in an'nrd;iiu:ej l.OU'EI,!,—This i-ity's W. P. A. lillrnrily slocked it also with XK\V YORK, Dec. 30 (INS)—strive to anri to their victims iu'ith an American I'Mpnr lulin:;. [i)askclh;ill loapue \vili launchit.s .lohn .MeGrnw. Connie .Mack, when they moot the Ramblers Si'.nson nn the Lowell hi£h school Morc"ri It. Kulkcley (first Release of Tony Curincllo al his quintet on the L. E. C. court ar.
;uincx courts Jan.Io under the di- icc.'lion of Instructor Walter Foye.
president of the National ieapue,), GeorRc WriKlit. A. G. SpaliliilR. Iler.ry Chaihvick (in-
own request as manager of Ihe Jer- 7.30 o'clock tonight. Coach Walter sey City Giants of the Iniprnn- R. Joyes. Jr..ha.r worked his tional bnsehall league \vas an-
notinccrt today. squad hard in anticipation of this
CMK'.:VtiO, De . ".0 flNSi—Fol- duced ninl only players over 16 i honrne, Charles A. Comisliey, ! farm clubs, yo tliat he could ne- NEW YORK. Dec. DO U;P) —
lowing n the ft ntsteps nf Bonny ynars -M r*.^o \^ill he artniittcd to i Arthur Oinmiings nnd Iluck
1 gotiate for a major league .iol). H Metropolitan basketball team? suf-
rocrention renter, North nnd Cen- ventor nf Hie hox score), Ban ! Cutrincllo sought and obtained stiff te?i for his charges. tral streets, nil [his \veck nnd next. Johnson, Alexander Cart- j hi.N release, nocordinp to \\fillinni
Only a senior league will hecon- wrinlit, C»|i Anson, Hoss Racl- jTorry. hoarl of the NTc\v York Giant N. Y. I-T.VKS -SECOND KEST
mittee headed hy a close relative.'m!^_'^_L"L'— The date of the invention
established as 1839 in Coo;
mil. I. UiKhhinci M. Y,. !• tired of the pastime. For when,
he went oft to West Point that individual performance" in hiltinpr safely in Sfi consecutive games
sport was chess, ami thai he was. most seriantary young officer,
: tnry, across Ihe Potomac from Washington, bears no mention of his repvitcd invention of the game, thoush i! lists many of his exploits
all military. Onrtwripht
HIP father
forrnfi! the first regular teams in 1815, installed many of the rules, clrciiM that bases would be 00 fret apart, and spread the R05[)el of the came all the way aero>s the country.
He was in the gold rush of 'lit, and wherever the prairie
liis tombstone at Arlington ceme
slopped, on
We have the choicest Rroup of Wines in Ihe city — "New Year's Day With- out Wine—Is Like a Day Without Sunshine."
For the Convenience of Our Patrons -Open New Year's Eve 'Till 11:30 -Open New Year's Day 1 to 11 P. M.
Located Opposite the Big Cement Warehouse, on Bridge Sf.—Where Yon Can Parl< Your Car and Shop
of baseball. He
. . . For Your Tarty or for New Year's Day, Don't Forgot Powers' nig Selection of Foreign and Domostic
FREE I/ft ii5 put on your '12
'from some of theOrange bowl sponsors AP, NVIREPHOTO,^ Rear Rialto Theatre Blrlir. FREE PRIVATE CAR DELIVEftY
Liquors, Wines, Scotches, You Get the Proper Spirit.
Ales anrt
I5eers. . .Where
the Boston baseball writers dinner .Tan. 2S for his "outstanding