Page 867 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 867

It is obvious from this
            Chinese  war  junk
            model  that  Wo  Long
            had  a  close  working
            relationship  with  an
            artisan  silversmith
            that  not  only  well-
            versed  in  the  art  of
            silver  filigree  but  also
            one  who  could  create
            high  quality  minute

            Such  armed  junk
            boats were also pirate
            j u n k s  t h a t  p l i e d
            Chinese  rivers  such
            as  the  Yangtse  and
            Pearl  Rivers.  This  is
            exactly  the  type  of
            b o a t  u s e d  i n  t h e
            Opium  War  by  China
            against the British.

            This is not a miniature
            model;  it  weighs  over
            1 k g  w i t h o u t  t h e
            hardwood  stylised
            wave base.
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