Page 970 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 970
This early 20th century circular
tray with reticulated border and
faux bamboo rim is typical Zee
Wo merchandise. Although it
looks “typically Chinese”, it is
not the type of item one would
find at most Chinese retail
silversmiths; the quality is high
and the decorative treatment
absolutely right.
The tyg [below] is quite superb.
Zee Wo having captured the Art
Nouveau style perfectly and
married it to the Chinese
prunus blossom that springs
from each handle where it
touches the main body of the
stem and bowl and pedestal
Again, this is high quality silver
making and executed in heavy
gauge silver. Given the French
Concession was part of the
International Settlement,
acknowledging the Art Nouveau
style in Chinese silver and
doing it well is a stroke of