Page 980 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 980
The style and particular
type of cloisonné work on
this box is one that was
practised by
silversmiths/enamelers in
the latter part of the 19th
In particular, the use of silver rope work to frame and accentuate borders is almost identical to the work of Jing
Fu, who was one of the few enamel workers in Shanghai and Canton. The use of this vibrant blue and the jade
green is also very similar.
These small boxes have been very much overlooked, or even dismissed, until quite recently when realisation
that they are in fact high quality items that almost always have more character than the more rigid and formal
cloisonné work of the Imperial workshops.
Images courtesy of Dart Silver, Scotland, UK; Image Library Archive Image Library Archive