Page 978 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 978

            circa 1890-1930

                                                                                     This  is  a  rare  mark  to  find
                                                                                     y e t  i s  o b v i o u s l y  a
                                                                                     silversmith        with
                                                                                     extraordinary  talent  and

                                                                                     The  entire  decorative
                                                                                     treatment of this circa 1910
                                                                                     pair  of  vases  has  been
                                                                                     achieved  by  varying
                                                                                     degrees  of  highly  complex
                                                                                     engraving and chase work.
                                                                                     This  achieves  an  effect  of
                                                                                     different  shades  of  texture
                                                                                     sand  greys  to  the  point
                                                                                     where  it  almost  looks  [and
                                                                                     feels]  like  niello  work,  but
                                                                                     without the coloured infill.

                                                                                     The lotus flower heads look
                                                                                     three dimensional, which is
                                                                                     an  effect  that  is  further
                                                                                     emphasised  by  the  plain
                                                                                     highly  polished  ground
                                                                                     above  and  below  the  main
                                                                                     decorated area.

                                                                                     The  ears  [handles]  have
                                                                                     been achieved by the same
                                                                                     technique  as  well  as
                                                                                     fretwork  which  has  been
                                                                                     enamelled  in  varying
                                                                                     shades of green.
                                                                                     There  were  a  number  of
                                                                                    Chinese  silversmiths
            operating in Tientsin whose work managed to straddle a fine line between Chinese and Japanese. This is one
            such a silversmith.

            These  vases  were  made  after  the  1902  hand  back  of  Tientsin  to  Qing  control,  having  been  under  the  Eight-
            Nation Alliance’ Tianjin Provisional Government.

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