Page 486 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
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310 Index
Blue, ritual significance of, ii. 195 Buddha, ii. 40
Blue, scratched, ii. 144 Buddhism, i. 6, 36 ; ii. 284
Buddhist emblems, eight, ii. 25, 38, 42, 298
Blue, sky, ii. 232, 238 Bulb bowls, i. 109, 110, 114
Blue, souffle, ii. 127, 180, 218, 224 Burdett-Coutts Collection, ii. 164
Blue, sponged, ii. 180, 183 Burial customs, i. 14
Blue, Temple of Heaven, ii. 238 Burlington Fine Arts Club Exhibition,
Blue, turquoise, ii. 99, 184, 185, 229, 237
Bock, Carl, i. 87 catalogue of, i. 104, 114, 130, 149,
Bodhidharma, ii. 110, 285 150, 167, 193, 209 ; ii. 6, 27, 33, 60,
Book stands, ii. 276 68, 77, 78, 85
Border patterns, ii. 67, 257, 258, 302 Burlington Magazine, i. 12, 34, 50, 68, 72,
Borneo, i. 68, 87, 99, 189, 190, 193 ; ii. 70, 79, 88, 102, 106, 123, 163, 168, 171 ;
99, 223 ii. 14, 17, 23, 70, 73, 75, 89, 90, 105,
Borschmann, Herr Ernst, i. 8 209, 212, 213, 292
Bottengruber, ii. 260
Bottger ware, i. 178 ; ii. 192 Burman, A., ii. 43, 145, 164
Bow, ii. 112, 258, 260 Burton, W., i. 47, 49, 50, 154 ; ii. 127
Bowls, ii. 277 Burton and Hobson, ii. 247
Bowls, alms, ii. 285 Bushell, S. W., i. xoiii, 1, 39, 50, 54, 55, 68,
Bowls, brinjal, ii. 151
Bowls, bulb, i. 109, 110, 114 102, 104, 140, 143, 145, 154, 159, 160,
Bowls, double-bottomed, ii. 115 162, 165, 168, 206, 218 ; ii. 1, 2, 8, 18,
Bowls, fish, ii. 36, 59, 117, 229, 234, 275, 19, 22, 26, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 121, 176,
188, 190, 196, 212, 223, 242, 248, 267
281 Butterflies, ii. 266, 289, 295
Butterfly cages, ii. 160
Bowls, hookah, ii. 97
Bowls, medallion, ii. 264 Cadogan teapot, ii. 278
Bowls, Ming, ii. 97
Bowls, narghili, ii. 77, 278 Caffieri, ii. 194
Bowls, Peking, ii. 239, 244, 264 Cairo, i. 87
Bowls, Polynesian khava, i. 129 Calicut, ii. 209
Bowls, " press-hand," ii. 93 Candle design, ii. 25, 133, 203
Bowls, rice, ii. 148 Candlesticks, ii. 272
Bowls, soup, ii. 269 Canton, i. 166, 184, 188 ; ii. 202, 212, 251,
Bowls, swordgrass, i. 110
Bowls, tea, ii. 5, 278 260
Bowls, wedding, ii. 268 Canton Chun, i. 127, 172
Boxes, ii. 56, 57, 60, 68, 85, 160, 246, 265, Canton enamels, i. 166, 167 ; ii. 209, 211,
275, 276, 288 243
Canton merchants, ii. 140
Boy holding a branch, ii. 57 Canton, porcelain decorated at, ii. 211,
Boys, Hundred, ii. 62
Boys in branches, design of, i. 85, 150 256
Canton ware, i. 167, 171, 172, 179, 190,
Branches, the Twelve, i. 210
193, 194, 198
Bretschneider, i. 62 Cash, ii. 76, 288
Bricks, i. 201, 202, 205 Cassia tree, ii. 291, 296
Brighton Museum, i. 193 Castiglione, i. 205
Brinjal bowls, ii. 151 Catalogue of Boston Exhibition, i. 104
Brinkley, F., i. 97, 102, 104, 131, 163, 168, Catalogue of Burlington Fine Arts Club
171, 174, 175, 176, 190 ; ii. Ill, 113, Exhibition, See Burlington Fine
114, 190 Arts Club.
Bristol, ii. 141, 258
British Museum, passim Catalogue of Loan Exhibition, New York,
Brocade designs, ii. 38, 165, 167, 170,
243, 244, 303 i. 110, 124
Bronze forms, ii. 272 Catalogue of Morgan Collection, i. 140
Bronze patterns, ii. 240, 243, 247 Celadon, i. 32, 39, 46, 54, 76, 77, 80, 81,
Brooke, Lieutenant, i. 10
Brown, coffee, i. 103 84, 85, 87, 88, 114 ; ii. 77, 146, 188,
266, 270
" Brown mouth and iron foot," i. 60, 61, Celadon, brownish, i. 85
66, 68, 72, 78, 83 ; ii. 188, 217 Celadon, Corean, i. 51
Celadon, inlaid, i. 84
Brush pot, ii. 32, 60 Celadon, Japanese, i. 85
Brush rest, ii. 14, 60, 76, 275 Celadon, Ming, i. 81
Brush washers, i. 165 Celadon, Siamese, i. 88
" Buccaro," i. 120, 178, 181. Celadon, spotted, i. 80
Celadon, Sung, i. 81
Celadon wares, traffic in, i. 88