Page 491 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 491
Index 315
Glaze, preparing the, ii. 248 Han glaze, i. 10
Glaze, red, i. 117 ; ii. 10, 11, 64, 79 Han hsing, i. 97
Glaze, red Chiin, i. 117
Glaze, robin's egg, i. 120 ; ii. 217 Handles, i. 165 ; ii. 277
Glaze, shrivelled, i. 110 ; ii. 31, 245
Glaze, sun-stone, i. 200 Hang Chou, i. 43, 45, 60, 67, 72
Glaze, T'ang, i. 24, 31 Hang Chou Kuan ware, i. 61, 134
Glaze, turquoise, i. 48, 103 ; ii. 18, 99, 127, Han Kan, i. 25
Han Lin College, i. 218
184, 185, 224
Glaze, varieties of black, ii. 229 Han-tan, i. 147
Glaze, yellow, ii. 28, 126
Glaze. See also Black, Blue, Red, Yel- Hao Shih-chiu, ii. 64, 178, 219
" Happy meeting," ii. 282
low, Green, etc. Also Clair de lune, Hare mark, ii. 67, 82
Sang de boeuf, Crackle, Hare's fur.
Kingfisher's feathers. Tea dust. Iron Hare, the, ii. 286, 289, 291
rust. " Hare's fur" glaze, i. 93, 94, 113, 131,
Glazes, Chiin, i. 114, 118, 120 133, 164 ; ii. 108
Glazing, methods of, ii. 92, 249
Glazing mixture, ii. 163 Hariti, ii. Ill
Gods of longevity, rank, and happiness
Hat stand, ii. 31, 97, 277
ii. 159 Hawthorn design, ii. 134
Gofi Collection, i. 193 Heaven, symbol of, ii. 41
Golden brown, ii. 65 Heaven, Temple of, i. 205 ; ii. 195, 238
Gombroon ware, i. 148 ; ii. 173
Gotha Museum, i. 71, 79 Hei che shih, ii. 98
Gourd shape, ii. 94, 273, 287 Heng feng, i. 201
Gouthi^re, ii. 194 Herend, ii. 306
Graceful ladies, ii. 40, 136
Graeco-Buddhist influence, i. 34 Heroes of Han dynasty, the three, ii. 281
Grseco-Roman influence, i. 35
Graffiato, i. 106, 107, 135 " Hill censer," i. 12
" Grains of millet," ii. 13 " Hill jar," i. 12
Grain pattern, i. 44
Grandi'Jier Collection, Louvre, i. xxiii, Hippisley, A. E., ii. 64, 122, 216, 290, 292,
185, 195; ii. 75, 163, 168 300
Grape vine cup, ii. 24
Grass characters, ii. 301 Hippisley Collection, u. 99, 207, 215, 246,
Grasshoppers, ii. 24
Graviaia, Ii. 239 265
Great Bear, ii. 284
Great Wall of China, 1. 202 Hirado, ii. 14, 25, 76, 147
Green, ii. 238 Hirth and Rockhill, i. 86, 88, 188
Green, apple, ii. 177, 188
Green, cucumber tint, ii. 157, 238 Hirth Collection, i. 71
Green, eau de nil tint, ii. 238
Green, emerald, ii. 37, 51, 52, 271 Hirth, Prof., i. 5, 67, 81, 86, 89, 143, 145,
" Green of a thousand hills," i. 82
Green, opaque bluish, ii. 244 146, 188 ; ii. 30
Green, snake skin, ii. 127, 187, 223, 238
Ho (colour), i. 40
Groeneveldt, W, P., ii. 12 Ho Chou, i. 32, 94, 97
Ho Ch'ou, i. 17, 143, 144, 147
Grotto pieces, i. 197 ; ii. 151 Ho Chung-ch'u, i. 153
Grunwedel Expedition, i. 16, 23 Ho Hsien-ku, ii. 152
Gulland, W., ii. 29 Honan, i. 193
Gypsum, ii. 77, 196 Honan Fu, i. 27, 130 ; ii. 305
Haarlem, ii. 136 " Honeysuckle " pattern, i. 35
Hainhofer, Philipp, ii. 48, 73 Hookah bowl, ii. 97
Hai shou, il. 61, 293
Hakugorai, i. 151 Ho-pin, i. 1
Hall marks, i, 217 ; ii. 265
Halsey, Mrs., ii. 13, 47, 78 Horses of Mu Wang, the eight, ii. 289
Hamburg Museum, ii. 90 Horses, sea, ii. 294
Han dynasty, the, i. 5-22
Horse, the white, ii. 286
Hose and McDougall, i. 193
Ho-shang, ii, 285
Hotel, ii. 285
Hou Hsien Sh6ng, il. 288
Hsi Shih, ii. 282
Hsi Wang Fu, ii. 288
Hsi Wang Mu, i. 7 ; ii. 107, 141, 264, 286,
288, 289
Hsi yao, i. 97
Hsi Yung ChSng, i. 135
Hsi-an Fu, i. 15
Hsiang, i. 105
Hsiang Ch'i, ii. 282
Hsiang family, i. 199
Hsiang ling ming huan ehih, i. 24
Hsiang yao, i. 96