Page 496 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 496
320 Index
Ningyo-de, i. 164 Painting in enamels, i. 46
North, symbol of, ii. 41 Painting in gold, ii. 21
Northern Sung, i. 52, 54 Painting porcelain, system of, ii. 63, 105,
Nose drinking, i. 136
Numerals as marks, i. 109, 110, 113, 114 106, 163, 239
Nur-ed-din, i. 87 Painting, red and green, i. 104
Nyo-fu ware, i. 97 Pak-hoi, i. 172, 173, 184
Palace liall marks, i. 220
O. C. A. ( Oriental Ceramic Art, by S. W.
Palace porcelain, ii. 1, 271, 293
Bushell), passim. " Palm eye" markings, i. 53 ; ii. 9, 93, 219
Palmette-like ornaments, i. 28
Oesterreichische Monatschrift, i. 86 Panel decoration, ii. 133
Pan Fei, i. 24
0-fu. i. 2 Pan t'o tai ("half bodiless"), ii. 3, 195
P'an Yo, i. 16
0-fii (white earth), ii. 107 Pao hsiang hua, ii. 39, 87, 295
Pao kuo ssu temple, ii. 18
Ogre design, ii. 133, 263, 290 Pao shao, ii, 24, 224
Pao shih hung, ii. 10, 24, 59, 99, 123, 223
Old Imari, ii. 174, 260 Pao shih Ian, ii. 219, 224
Paper-beater, shape, ii. 268, 274
" Old Kochi," i. 190 Paragons of Filial Piety, the Twenty-Four,
O mi Co fo (Amitabha Buddha), i. 100 ii. 134, 282
; Paraphernalia, seven, ii. 297
Parian ware, ii. 266
ii. 302
Paris Exhibition, i, 173, 184, 187, 188,
On-biscuit decoration, ii. 242 202
On-glaze enamels, ii. 18, 48 Parthian coffins, i. 9
" Onion green," i. 62
P3rtl1.i3.ns i 5
Opalescence, i. 50 " Partridge cups," i. 93, 103, 131, 132, 164
Partridges, ii. 295
Open-work designs, i. 177 ; ii. 102, 245, 246 Pdte sur pate, ii. 77, 196
Opium pipes, i. 177 ; ii. 277 Pattern books, ii. 105, 303
Orange, ii. 296 Peach, ii. 286, 288, 301
Orange peel markings, ii. 8, 9 " Peach bloom," ii. 99, 146, 176, 177, 178,
179, 185
Orchid Pavilion, ii. 281
Peacocks, ii. 39, 258
Orientalisches Archiv, i. 145 " Pear skin " clay, i. 174
" Oriental Lowestoft," ii. 251 Pearl or jewel, ii. 291
Ormolu mounts, French, ii. 146, 194 Peking, i. 200, 205, 206 ; ii. 126
Peking bowls, ii. 239, 244, 264
Ornament, symbolical, ii. 285 Peking lacquer, ii. 263
Pekingese spaniel, ii. 39, 293
Orrock Collection, ii. 134 Peking, tile works near, ii. 237
Pen rest, ii. 32
Ostasiatischer Zeitschrift, i. 27 P'fing Chun-pao, i. 94, 97
P'eng ware, i. 164
Ou, i. 17, 37, 120, 181 ; ii. 65, 217 Peng-lai mount, i. 7 ; ii. 156, 290
Ou, Eastern, ii. 108 Peony, ii. 294
Perfume vase, ii. 68
Owen, ii. 76. Persia, i. 86, 193 ; ii. 12, 29, 30, 31, 44,
Ox, ii. 286 69, 247, 278
Persian forms, ii, 67
Oxide of copper, i. 118, 137
Persian glazed bricks, i. 9
Oxides, metallic, i. 49 Persian Gulf, i. 149
Persian market, wares for, ii, 73, 77, 81
Pa chi hsiang, ii. 25, 42 Persian monsters, i, 27
Pa kua (Eight Trigrams), ii. 39, 41, 67, Persian ware, i. 34, 103, 104, 148 ; ii. 30,
274, 290 48
Pa-kwoh, i. 187 Perzynski, F„ 1, 27, 35 ; ii. 43, 70, 73, 74,
Pa pao (Eight Precious Symbols), ii. 42 75, 89, 90, 105
Pa pei (handle cups), ii. 7, 23 Peters Collection, S, T,, i, 12 ; ii, 18, 190,
Pa Shan, waterfalls of, ii. 43
Pagoda, porcelain, i. 202 ; ii. 4, 20 191, 192
Pai ma, ii. 286, 294 Peters, S. T,, i, 114
Pai-o, i, 146
Pai-shih, ii. 211, 212, 213
P' ai-shih-lei-p' ien, i. 68
Pai-shui, i. 199
Pai-ting, i. 92, 96
Pai-t'u Chen, i. 97
Pai-tz'a, ii. 109
Painted decoration, i. 161
Painted T'ang wares, i. 34
Painted ornament, i. 91
Painted red flowers, i. 136
Painted Tz'u ware, i. 101, 103
Painters' signatures and seals, ii. 164, 212
Painting, i. 33