Page 498 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 498
322 Inde:
SA.QES meeting in landscape, U. 95 Shanghai, L 174, 188 ; u. 212
St. Cloud, ii. 112, 173 Shansi, i. 97, 98
St. Louis of France, ii. 252
St. Mark's, Venice, ii. 113 Shantung glass works, ii. 210
Sakyamuni, ii. 284
Shao Ch'Sng-shang, i. 59
Saladin, i. 87
Salting Collection, i. xxiii, 197 ; ii. 81, Shao yao, i. 61
83, 90, 95, 145, 156, 160, 165, 168, Shao-wu Fu, ii. 108
170, 179, 181, 185, 187, 235, 244
Salt glaze, ii. 144 Sh6 pi m, Ii. 126
Salv6tat, M., ii. 10
Saraantabhadra, ii. 285 SMn a Cong, ii. 247, 264
Samarra, i. 101, 148, 149 SMn U fang po ku chih, li. 81
Samian ware, i. 31 Sh6ng Tsung, i. 22
San kuo, ii. 11
San ts'ai (three colours), i. 197 ; ii. 26, ShSn-nung, i. 1
33, 79, 100, 151, 152, 153 Shih ch'ing (stone blue), 11. 9
San yang k'ai fai, ii. 43
Sang de bceuf red, ii. 11, 99, 121, 123, 124, Shih ch'ing jlh cha, ii. 93, 305
125, 146, 176, 194, 232, 271 Shih Huang Tl, i. 5
Sanscrit characters, ii. 62, 66, 240, 286,
Shih Ta-pin, i. 175, 176, 177
Sanuki, i. 200 Shih Tsung, i. 40, 41
Sarre, Professor, i, 101, 148 ; ii. 69
Sassaaian, i. 34 Shih-kao, ii. 196
Sassanian monsters, i. 27
Satsuma faience, i. 103 Shih-ma, i. 187
Saucers, ii. 278
Sawankalok, i. 81, 85, 88 Shih-mo (powdered stone), ii. 91
Scale pattern, ii. 158, 259
Scholar design, famous, ii. 25 Shih-tza ch'ing, ii. 98
" Scratched blue," ii. 144
Screens, ii. 277 Shih-wan, i. 172
Seagulls, little, i. 97
Sea-horses design, ii. 80 Shih ivu kan chu, ii. 30, 34
Sea v/aves, ii. 42
Seal characters, ii. 301 Shin sho sei, i. 94
Seals, ii. 276
Shop marks, i. 220 ; il. 89, 113, 152
Seasons, flowers of four, ii. 38, 56, 134, Shoso-in, i. 23, 25
156, 296
Shou, ii. 33, 42, 302
Seasons, landscape, ii. 297
Seats, barrel-shaped, ii. 8, 15, 17, 60, 97, Shou Characters, the Hundred, ii. 61
277 Shou Ch'eng, i. 25
" Secret colour " ware, i. 38, 59
Seggars, i, 156 ; ii. 248 Shou Chou, i. 40
Self-warming cups, i. 138
Seligmann, Dr. C, ii. 51, 67 Shou-hsing, ii. 287
Sepulchral furniture, i. 19
Sepulchral pottery, Han, i. 14 Shou Lao, i. 185 ; ii. 286, 287, 289
Shou Shan, ii. 286, 288, 290
Sesamum design, i. 53
Shou Shan fu hai, ii. 38
Seto, i. 123, 132
Sets, dinner-table, ii. 36, 267 Shu, i. 98, 198
Sets of five vases, ii. 97, 134, 279
Seven border plates, ii. 211 Shu chiao, i. 98
Sevres, i. xvi; li. 140, 251
Sevres Museum, i. xxiii; ii. 230 Shu. fu (mark), i. 161, 162, 163
Sha fai, i. 110, 123, 124, 128 ; ii. 141 Shu wing, i. 98
Shah Abbas, ii. 30, 69
Shakuan, i. 172 Shuko-yaki, i. 85
Shan Chou, i. 201
Shan kao shui ch'ang, ii. 263 Shun, the Emperor, i. 1 ; ii. 281
Shan ya huang, ii. 126 Shun Chih, ii. 117, 237
Shang dynasty, i. 44
Shun-te Fu, i. 39
Shuo Win, i. 141
Siam, i. 81 ; ii. 278
Silkworm scrolls, ii. 270
Silvering, i. 161, 163 ; ii. 20, 175, 192, 215,
225, 226, 229
Slip decoration, ii. 77
Smith, Lieut. C, i. 87
Snuff bottles, ii. 202, 203, 216, 227, 262,
266, 277 65,
" Soft Chun," i. 121, 124, 127, 128
" Soft-paste " porcelain, i. 150 ; ii.
75, 140, 142, 197, 241
Soleyman, i. 148
" Solid agate," i. 33
Solon, M. L., i. 181
Southern Sung, i. 43, 67, 99
South, symbol of, ii. 41
Spanish, ii. 89, 252
Spanish dollar, ii, 90
Spider mark, ii. 140
Spinning Maiden, ii. 291, 292
Spirits of the Doorway, i. 20