Page 503 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 503
By R. L. Hobson. Fully illustrated in
colors and half tone. Funk & "VVagnalls
Compan\-. Limited edition. Two volumes.
1 "v •'. The author, who is a leading authority
upon tills subject, embodies in this compre-
hensive account of the history and achieve-
• '< J* i^. ' ) ment of Chinese art in pottery and porcelain
the most recent discoveries and ascriptions
*'• :• .-.-• and revises in the light of late research much
, :; s
that has hitherto been accepted as to the
woric, methods and predicts of Chinese pot-
ters. He traces the history of the potter's
art in China from the earliest times to the
:' present, and presents- illustrations fiom all
. the S'l'eat collections in America and Uie Con-
tinent.^,y;pj^p5 /^ /f, /^0~^