Page 495 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 495
Inde X 319
Marks of commendation, i. 187, 224, 226 ; Monkhouse, Cosmo, i. xviii, 55, 68, 124 ^
ii. 26, 90, 220, 223
il. 6, 136
Marks of dedication, i. 224 Months, flowers for, ii. 295
Marks of felicitation, i. 224, 225 Monochrome, lustrous brown, ii. 191
Marks of painters, ii. 212 Monochromes, blue, ii. 179
Marks, palace, ii. 264 Monochromes, dating of, ii. 176
Marks, palace liall, i. 220 Monochromes, green, ii. 187, 238
Marks, potters', i. 221-222 Monochromes, red, ii. 177
Marks, prohibited date, i. 208 Monochromes, yellow, ii. 189
Marks, shop, i. 220; ii. 89, 113, 152 Moon, goddess of, ii. 291
Morgan Collection, Pierpont, i. xxiv ; ii.
Martaban, i. 77, 88
29, 51, 69, 70, 79, 81, 116, 118, 156,
Martabani, i. 77 168, 220
Mortuary wares, i. 24
Martin, Dr., i. 34
Mosaic, ii. 133
Massagetae, i. 144
Mother-of-pearl, ii. 234, 247
" Mat marking," i. 3 Motives for painted decoration, ii. 60, 280
Mott, Mr., i. 168 ; ii. 177
Mazarin, Cardinal, ii. 183
" Mazarine blue," ii. 183 Moulds, i. 2, 27
Measures, Chinese, ii. 234 Mounts, metal, on porcelain, ii. 68, 69, 77
Medallion bowls, ii. 264 Mu Wang, Emperor, ii. 288
Mu Wang, the eight horses of, ii. 289
Medici porcelain, ii. 44
Mei hua (prunus), ii. 153 Muffle kiln, i. 120, 177 ; ii. 20, 79, 101
Mei jin, ii. 136, 282 Munich, National Museum at, ii. 73
Mei p'ing, ii. 79, 94, 95, 274 Mus6e Cernuschi, i. xxiii, 56
Musde Guimet, i. xxiii; ii. 288
Meissen, i. xvi; ii. 112, 173, 251, 258, 261 Museum fiir Ostasiatische Kunst, i. 133
Melon-shaped vases, i. 32, 97 ; ii. 47, 94 " Musical cups," i. 39, 146
Metal band on mouth, i. 90
Metallic specks, i. 200 Musical instruments, eight, ii. 297
Musical instruments, porcelain, ii. 201
Metropolitan Museum, New York, i. xxiii " Mustard crackle," ii, 220
ii. 251 Nagasaki, ii. 173
Nail heads, i. 53
Meyer, A. B., i. 86, 87, 193 Namako, i. 167
Names, potters', i. 223
Mi s6 (millet colour), i. 68, 71, 99 ; ii. 28, Nan (-ning Fu), i, 137
Nan-Ch'ang, i. 152
190, 199, 220, 223, 224, 225 Nan-feng Hsien, i. 98, 164
Miao hao, i. 213
Milky way, ii. 291 Nan ting, i. 89
Mille fiori glass, ii. 234
Nanking, i. 153, 187, 202, 206
Mille fleurs, ii. 295
Nanking, Old, ii. 173
Millet colour. See Mi si. Nanking Pagoda, i. 202 ; ii. 4, 20
Millet markings in glaze, ii. 9, 13, 93 Nan Shan, i. 15
Ming ch'6n sbih pi chou chai yii fan, Nara Collection, i. 23, 25, 32
ii. 52, 57 Narghili bowls, ii. 77, 278
Ming colours, ii. 98
Ming period, porcelain assigned to, ii. Natural History Museum, New York, i.
151, 155 xxiv, 182
Ming pottery, i. 194 Nature worship, ii. 290, 292
Ming shapes, ii. 94
Ming Ti, i. 6 ; ii. 284 Nei yao, i. 61
Ming Tombs, near Nanking, 1. 205 Neue Rundschau, i. 35
Ming Yiian-Chang, ii. 303 Neuwenhais, i. 193
Minister, the Chinese, ii. 233
Minoan pottery, i. 2 New Year, Chinese, ii. 134
New York Exhibition, i. 72, 113
Mirror black, ii. 192 Ni ku lu, i. 218
Miscellaneous marks and symbols, i. 227
Miscellaneous potteries, i. 184-206 NichoUs, Dr., i. 15, 146
Mitford Collection, ii. 121, 122 Nien hao, i. 213, 214
Nien Hsi-yao, ii. 121, 200, 227
Mo hung, ii. 179, 225 Nien yao, ii. 121
Mohammedan blue, ii. 3, 12, 21, 29, 32, 33,
Nightingale Collection, ii. 75
34, 35, 37, 43, 44, 45, 52, 59, 66, Ninagawa, Mr., ii. 115
70, 98 Ning chai ts'ung hua, i. 136
Ning-kuo Fu, i. 201
Mohammedan design, ii. 31
Mohammedan flowers, ii. 31
Mombasa, i. 87
I Mongols, i. 159, 165 ; ii. 1, 27
Monkey in design, ii. 82, 294, 297