Page 492 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 492
3i6 Inde X
Hsiang Yiian-p'ien, i. 50, 54 ; ii. 14 / chih, i. 208 ; ii. 35, 38
Hsiang-hu, i. 71 ; ii. 220, 224 IHS, ii. 252
Hsiang's Album, i. xviii, 62, 71, 77, 90, 93,
/ shou, ii. 61
94, 118, 161, 175 ; ii. 7, 9, 12, 13, Imari, ii. 171, 173, 174
20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 32, 127 Imari, Chinese, ii. 161, 173, 174
Imitation of Chia Ching ware, ii. 225
Hsiao Hsien, i. 97
Hsiao nan, ii. 65 Imitation of Chun glazes, ii. 217, 268, 223,
Hsieh An, ii. 282
Hsieh Min, ii. 223, 229, 230, 231, 237 Imitation of Chiin yao, ii. 234
Imitation of five colour porcelain, ii. 208
Hsien, ii. 40, 289
Imitation of Hsiian Te and Cheng Hua
Hsien Feng, ii. 267
wares, ii. 55, 224
Hsien hung, ii. 3, 6, 10, 11, 34, 37, 52, 55, Imitation of Ko, Kuan, Ju and Lung-
59, 99, 123, 223 ch'Uan glazes, ii. 223, 268
Hsin Chou year, ii. 213 Imitation of mother-of-pearl, ii. 234
Hsin-p'ing, 1. 141, 152, 156 Imitation of peach bloom, il. 178
Hsin ting, 1. 94 Imitation of Sung wares, ii. 216, 224
Hsing Chou, i. 37, 147 Imitation of the antique, ii. 201, 203, 243
Hsiu hua, i. 91, 101, 161 Imitation of Ting ware, ii. 65, 74, 142,
Hsiu nei ssH, i. 60, 59, 61
197, 223
Hsu Ch'ih, ii. 35, 55 Imitation of Tung-ch'ing and Lung-ch'iian
Hsu Ching, i. 39, 54, 151
glazes, ii. 224
Hsii Chou. i. 107, 108, 166 Imitation of various substances in porce-
Hsa hua fang, ii. 265
Hsu Shui Hu, ii. 281 lain, ii. 234
HsuTz'u-shu, i. 93 Imitations, i. 83, 117, 119, 120 ; ii. 11,
Hsii wares, i. 66 43, 82, 156, 203, 304-307
Immortals, Eight Taoist, i. 79; ii. 40, 110,
Hsii Yu-ch'iian, i. 175
134, 141, 159, 287, 289
Hsiian Chou, i. 201 Immortals of the Wine Cup, Eight, ii. 130,
Hsilan ho po ku fu lu, i. 44
Hsiian T6, ii. 6, 7-21, 22, 24, 32, 204, Imperial colours, ii. 189
246 Imperial factory, i. 123, 153, ; il. 1, 29,
Hsuan T'ung, ii. 271 30, 64, 105
Hsii-chen, ii. 35 Imperial porcelains, lists of, ii. 223, 267,
Hsun -wares, i. 66, 134
Imperial vases, ii. 81
Hu kung, ii. 64 Imperial wares, ii. 148, 195, 207, 229
Hu yin tao jin, ii. 64, 65
Hua (ornament), i. 91 ; ii. 43, 130 Incense burners, i. 128, 161, 194, 198,
Hua hua (carved ornament), i. 91, 106 206 ; ii. 108, 112, 113, 276
Hua shih (steatite), i. 99 ; ii. 141, 196,
Incised designs, ii. 112
198, 201 Incised fret pattern, ii, 275
India, i. 88, 193 ; ii. 44, 76, 278
Huai-ch'ing Fu, i. 201 Indian lotus, ii. 25, 38
Indian market, wares for, ii. 73, 76, 78, 81
Huang An, ii. 288 Ink pallet, ii. 80, 155, 276
Huang Ti, i. 1 Ink, porcelain painted in, ii. 214, 225, 229
Ink screens, ii. 160, 276
Huang-chih, i. 143 Ink slab, ii. 31
Inlaid designs, i. 84
Huang-ssii, i. 205 Inlaid ornament, i. 107
Insect cages, ii. 246
Hua-ting Chou, ii. 107 Inscriptions, i. 177 ; iL 62, 112, 252, 301
Hui hui ch'ing, ii. 12, 98 Inscriptions, Koranic, ii. 255
Hui hui hua, ii. 31 Inscriptions, posthumous, i. 9, 12
Hui hui wen, ii. 31 Iridescent colours, ii. 241, 242
Hui hu ia ch'ing, ii. 13
Hui si (ash colour), i. 61, 67, 71 ; ii. 199 Iron oxide, ii. 189
Hui Tsung, ii. 164 Islam, i. 148
Hulagu Khan, ii. 30 Isles of the blessed, ii. 286
Hundred Antiques, the, ii. 297, 298 Ispahan, ii. 30
Hundred Birds, ii. 295 Italian wares, i. 106 ; ii. 44
Hundred Deer, the, ii. 61, 243 Itier, M., ii. 10, 230
I-yang, i, 201
Hung Chih, ii, 28, 29 I-yang Hsian, i. 201
Hung-chien, i. 108
Hung Chou, i. 38
Hung fu ch'i t'ien, ii. 62, 300
Hung Wu, ii. 1, 2
Huo yen ch'ing, i. 113
Hu-t'ien, i. 160, 163 ; ii. 28