Page 79 - Chinese porcelains collected by Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taft, Cincinnati, Ohio, by John Getz
P. 79
No. 1 3
Pair of Small Bottles, blue and white, pear-shaped, with small necks,
white semi-soft-paste porcelain, perfect glazing, and pellucid color.
The decoration is in two distinct shades of blue, painted before glazing, and repre-
sents a combination of the so-called " lace pattern " and the triangular lancet border
(surrounding the shoulder and base), curiously known as the " Vandyke pattern," a motive
more analogous to the Chinese adaptation of the fungus " Ling-chi."
The four foliated panels encircling the body show the blue filled in and leaving an
effective arabesque design, in white reserve, mvolving a lotus flower : the same scheme
is carried into shoulder and base borders and the small panels at neck.
The neck is covered with a flowered diaper minutely drawn, ending at the rim in a
chevron band.
Foot bears a leaf-mark.
Era of K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).
Height, 7 '2 inches.
Diameter, 4 inches.