Page 82 - Chinese porcelains collected by Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taft, Cincinnati, Ohio, by John Getz
P. 82
Garniture formed by five specimens, in "blue and white," of the so-called
"Lange-lysen "^ pattem, composed in the following order, and begin-
ning with the center
No. 16
Tall Jar-shap)ed Vase, with cover, of pure white hard-paste porcelain,
painted in brilliant dark and lighter shades of blue upon a white body
of translucent texture.
The symmetrical design covering the vase presents a series of slightly raised lotus-
petaled panels, which rise in three row^s or tiers each doubly outlined in blue, sustain-
ing flov^^ering plants in varied jardinieres upon stands alternately with the gracehil fig-
ure of a lady on veranda with balustrade, attired in gracefully flowing robes in a style
of the Ming dynasty, and variously engaged in feminine amusements, motherly devotion
being also depicted on the upper section by the companionship of a child.
The field above the panels, including the shoulder and neck, is filled in with floral
sprays, and also encircled by a band in "herring-bone "-fret.
The low bell-shaped cover, with blue knob, is decorated with divisions and similar
alternate subjects.
The foot bears leaf-marks in blue.
Era of K*ang-hsi (1662-1 722).
Height, 8
1 '/4 inches.
Diameter, 7 inches.
' The appellation "Lange-Iysen" was first given, and under this term (or " long Elizas ") they are
in Holland, to the objects from China with this now generally known in England and America,
design, on account of the long, slender figures