Page 141 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 2015
P. 141



331                                             332                                                                333
BUDDHIST DEITY                                  FIGURES                                            333
18th century                                    13th to 17th century                               A BRONZE RITUAL DAGGER, PURBHU
The detailed stand cast with a bull copulating  Comprising a figure of Guanyin holding a           16th/17th century
with a prostrate woman, the animal decorated    sceptre seated on a flaring lotus base rising      The ritual dagger’s hilt cast with a three-
with jewelled swags with inset turquoise        from a wood stand, dated by inscription            headed wrathful deity with flaming hair
beads, all raised on a lotus petal plinth.      to Tianshun and of the period; a figure of         crowned with a vajra point, the handle
10cm (3 7/8in) wide                             Buddha seated on a double-lotus base               with foliate lappets, the tri-part blade with
                                                with both hands held in his lap, dated by          interlaced stylised bird heads surmounted
£1,500 - 2,000                                  inscription to the third year of Jiajing (AD1524)  with three makara heads, perspex stand.
CNY15,000 - 19,000                              and of the period; and a figure of Guanyin         32cm (12 5/8in) long (2).
HK$18,000 - 24,000                              holding a child on her lap seated on a tall        £400 - 800
                                                plinth, cyclically dated xinsi year of Chongzhen   CNY3,900 - 7,700
For similar iconography of a buffalo and        (AD1641) and of the period.                        HK$4,700 - 9,400
recumbent figure, compare the Central           The tallest: 30.4cm (12in) high (4).
Tibetan painting of Raktayamari illustrated in
P. Pal, Desire and Devotion: Art from India,    £1,000 - 2,000
Nepal and Tibet in the John and Berthe Ford     CNY9,700 - 19,000
Collection, London 2001, p. 238.                HK$12,000 - 24,000

A bovine vehicle is often seen in thangka
and gilt-bronzes representing the terrifying
Yamantaka, see Sotheby’s Indian and South
East Asian Art, New York, 19 September
1996, lot 48.

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