Page 74 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 2015
P. 74
177 178 179
A pale green jade bangle A white and russet jade thumb A grey jade carving of a finger
Probably Ming Dynasty ring citron
Carved in relief to the exterior with a Qing Dynasty Qing Dynasty
continuous band of seal script characters, With a slightly concave base and convex top The fruit carved with many tendrils, the base
the stone with mottled creamy and russet rim, the stone of a mottled grey-white hue issuing a leafy stem, the exterior with a fine,
inclusions. with a deep ochre coloured patch of skin to smooth polish, the interior well hollowed, the
7.7cm (3in) diam. one side. stone of a creamy grey hue fitted wood stand.
2.5cm (1in) high 9.5cm (3 3/4in) high (2).
£1,500 - 1,800
CNY15,000 - 17,000 £500 - 700 £3,000 - 4,000
HK$18,000 - 21,000 CNY4,800 - 6,800 CNY29,000 - 39,000
HK$5,900 - 8,200 HK$35,000 - 47,000
Reputedly purchased from Spink & Son Ltd.
in the 1950s, and thence by descent.
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