Page 87 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 2015
P. 87

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213                                              214                                              The narrative scenes on the present lot depict
A FAMILLE NOIRE SQUARE TAPERING                  A FAMILLE VERTE SQUARE TAPERING                  a group of eight drunkard poets of the Tang
VASE                                             VASE                                             Dynasty, made famous in the poem ‘Eight
19th century                                     Kangxi                                           Immortals of the Wine Cup’ by Du Fu (712-
Each face finely enamelled variously with deer   Brightly enamelled to each face with the ‘Eight  770). Often the subject of paintings and
amongst pine trees, carp frolicking below        Immortals of the Wine Cup’ framed in leaf and    porcelain decoration of the late Ming and early
peony and rockwork, red-capped cranes            fruit shaped cartouches, reserved on a grass     Qing Dynasty, they comprise of He Zhizhang,
perched on a peach tree and two dragons          seed ground with butterflies, the neck with      Li Jin, Li Shizhi, Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin, Li Bai,
vying for a flaming pearl in a turbulent ocean,  four archaic vessels, cut down, wood stand.      Zhang Xu and Jiao Sui.
all on a deep black ground, the neck with        46.5cm (18 1/4in) high
further carp and waves, carved hardwood
stand.                                           £1,000 - 1,500                                   The most recognizable here is the devout
49.5cm (19 1/2in) high                           CNY9,700 - 15,000                                Buddhist Su Jin who sits cross-legged on a
                                                 HK$12,000 - 18,000                               tiger skin rug, praying before a golden statue
£2,000 - 3,000                                                                                    of Maitreya but with his well-used wine cup
CNY19,000 - 29,000                                                                                and several wine jars not far from reach.
HK$24,000 - 35,000
                                                                                                  For a full description of four of these poets,
See a similarly shaped vase in the Victoria &                                                     and a wucai square vase, Shunzhi, with
Albert Museum Collection no. C.1305-1910,                                                         comparable scenes, held in The Nelson Atkins
where, interestingly, the porcelain is dated                                                      Museum of Art, Kansas City, see S. Little,
Kangxi and the enamels 19th century.                                                              Chinese Ceramics of the Transitional Period:
                                                                                                  1620-1683, New York 1983, p. 102, no. 44.

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