Page 306 - J. P Morgan Collection of Chinese Art and Porcelain
P. 306


                        CASE XXXIIl

813. LARGE PLATE. A court ceremonial scene,

with many figures in brilliant enamel colors and gold,

covers the entire surface; on the back four pale green

rocks divide a tumultuous deep green sea in four sec-

tions, over each of which fly two cranes.

AMark: seal in double ring.

K'ang-hsi (i 662-1 722).       Diameter 20>^ inches.

TWO814,815.   VASES, tall, flask-shaped, with

necks spreading slightly at rim, and straight bases.

White dense porcelain. On the body two large lions,

resplendent in purple, yellow, and green, are guarding

two brocaded balls decked with ribbons against two

smaller lions, one red, the other green. The base of

the neck is encircled by a red line below a broad border

of green foliated pattern with conventional chrysan-

themums, in brilliant red and blue. The rim is encir-

cled by a rich border of inverted lotus petals.

K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).         Height 21 inches.


with tapering necks and spreading mouths. Rich and

elaborate decoration throughout, a red chrysanthemum

and diaper ornament completely covering the middle

ground and broad palmations of intricate design.

K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).         Height 28>^ inches.

TWO818, 819.  LARGE VASES with ovoid bodies,

cylindrical bulbous necks, and flaring mouths. Elabo-

rate and intricate decoration in palmated designs on

body, repeated on the neck with floral and arabesque

ornament in the white spaces.

K'ang-hsi (i 662-1 722}.       Height 26K inches.

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