Page 311 - J. P Morgan Collection of Chinese Art and Porcelain
P. 311


847. SQUARE CASKET with pyramidal top. White

porcelain, the sides decorated with flowered rice-pat-

tern in black on a green enamelled ground interrupted

by white scalloped-edged lozenge-shaped reserves; on

top a golden lion.

K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).             Height 4}4 inches.

  848. FLATTENED BOWL, fluted and scalloped.

Chinese, after European model. Decoration of flowers
and leafage in transparent enamels.

K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).
                        Height 6 inches. Length ^j/^ inches.

849. COVERED OVAL BOWT. Of white porce-

Alain, elaborately decorated in green and gold.     cu-

rious bowl-shaped receptacle of Buddhist design for

chips of sandalwood, supported by three heads emerg-

ing from the waves of a primeval sea. The bowl has

the eight Buddhist symbols of good fortune {pa chi

hsiang) enclosed in the meshes of its floral band of or-

nament, and the cover is surmounted with a knob

shaped like the effulgent jewel of the sacred law.

Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795).

5^Height                  inches.  Width 4X inches.

  850,851. TW^O HEXAGONAL WINE-JUGS with

bevelled shoulders, necks, rims, and covers. White

porcelain. The upper panels of the necks decorated
with conventional flowers and leaves and pierced al-
ternately with two and four holes. The lower panel
shows sprays of flowers. On the shoulders a border
of curved triangle-work in red. The panels on the
bodies show, alternately, figures of ladies and vases

of flowers.

K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).             Height 8^4 inches.

  852. INCENSE-BURNER with metal mount.

Peach-bloom saucer.

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