Page 312 - J. P Morgan Collection of Chinese Art and Porcelain
P. 312
Mark: Ta Ch'ing Kang-hsi nien chih (Made in the
reign of K'ang-lisi of tlie great Ch'ing dynasty).
K'ang-hsi (1662-1722). Diameter 4^ inches.
853. HEXAGONAL STAND. The centre pierced.
On each side an imperial dragon in yellow on a ground
of black curl-work on bluish-green, on which em-
blems are scattered. Each side is pierced in the shape
of a ju-i head.
Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795).
3^Length 53^ inches. Width inches.
854. SHRINE, in the shape of a peach. Inside
stands Shou Lao, the god of longevity, a boy standing
at his right. The outside is covered with objects in
relief upon a richly decorated ground.
K'ang-hsi (1662-1722). 6^Height inches.
855,856. TWO SALT CELLARS on octagonal
bases. Salt cellars of antique design made for the
European market. Elaborately decorated with scarlet
peonies and green leaves, the interstices being filled
in with blue scroll-work on a yellowish ground.
K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).
2^Length 3>^ inches. Width inches.
857. PORCELAIN PILLOW. On top two phoe-
nixes, disporting among red, white, blue, green, and
yellow peonies, with green leaves and scroll-work. At
one end Shou, and at the other Fu are pierced in circu-
lar form.
K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).
Height 2}i inches. Length 12X inches. Width 4}^ in.
858. PHCENIX or Feng-huang.
K'ang-hsi (1662-1722). Height 4>^ inches.