Page 60 - Pavillion Sale OCt 6 2015 Christies
P. 60

PROPERTY FROM THE YANGDETANG COLLECTION                            唐  魯山窯黑釉月白斑執壺

    75                                                                 來源:

    A HENAN BLACK-GLAZED BLUE-SPLASHED                                 養德堂珍藏,入藏於 1985 年以前
    TANG DYNASTY (618-907)
    The ewer is potted with a globular body rising to a trumpet neck,  1987,圖錄 22 頁
    the mouth and shoulder connected by the handle surmounted          《中国名陶展 : 中国陶磁 2000 年の精華》,東京,1992 年,
    by a knob, the other side of the shoulder applied with a short     圖版 15 號
    spout, covered with a dark-brown glaze splashed with milky-blue
    mottling particularly to the upper section, the glaze stopping     著錄:
    above the foot, exposing the pale grey body.
    7¿ in. (18 cm.) high, box                                          譚旦冏,《中國陶瓷史》,上冊,台北,1985 年,94 頁



    Yangdetang Collection, acquired before 1985


    National Museum of History, The Exhibition of Chinese Ceramics of
    Eight Dynasties, Taipei, 1987, Catalogue, p. 22
    Chugoku meito ten: Chugoku toji 2000- nen no seika (Exhibition of
    Chinese Pottery: Two Thousand Years of Chinese Ceramics), Tokyo,
    1992, no. 50


    Tan Dan-jiong, History
    of Chinese Ceramics,
    vol. 1, Taipei,
    1985, p. 94

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