Page 74 - Pavillion Sale OCt 6 2015 Christies
P. 74

(side view 側面)

    PROPERTY FROM THE YANGDETANG COLLECTION                                    唐  三彩寶相花紋三足盤

    90                                                                         此盤造型規整,裝飾華貴富麗,非常罕見。日本永
    A VERY RARE LARGE SANCAI-GLAZED                                            略不同,口沿飾海波紋,外壁罩綠釉,定為日本重
    TRIPOD DISH                                                                要文化財,見 1976 年東京出版《世界陶磁全集》,
                                                                               11,圖版 54 號。Eumorfopoulos 舊藏另一件相似例,
    TANG DYNASTY (618-907)                                                     尺寸較本拍品大 (38.1 公分 ),現藏倫敦維多利亞阿伯
                                                                               特博物館,見 Margaret Medley 著 1981 年倫敦出版《T'ang
    The interior of the tray is incised with a central flowerhead              Pottery and Porcelain》,圖 25 號。
    encircled by linked ruyi-heads forming a large florette within a
    border of detached clouds, all reserved on a resist-spotted ground,        來源:
    glazed alternately with green and amber. The three loop feet
    and exterior are covered with a clear glaze, stopping above the            居正堂藝品有限公司,台北,1985 年 5 月 29 日
    underside revealing the buff ware.                                         養德堂珍藏
    11º in. (28.7 cm.) diam., box



    Chu Cheng Tang Ltd., Taipei, 29 May 1985
    Yangdetang Collection

    Sancai dishes of this size and rich design are very rare. A similar dish
    of larger size (38.1 cm.), from the Eumorfopoulos Collection, and now
    in the Victoria and Albert Museum is illustrated by M. Medley, T’ang
    Pottery and Porcelain, London, 1981, p. 37, pl. 25. The author proposes
    that the decoration on dishes of this type would have been inspired
    by the chased decoration on silver. Compare also to another similarly
    decorated sancai dish with a slightly different flowerhead design and
    a wavy pattern on the mouth rim, covered with a green glaze on the
    exterior, in the Eisei Bunko Collection, Tokyo, illustrated in Sekai Toji
    Zenshu, Tokyo, 1976, pl. 54.

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