Page 77 - Pavillion Sale OCt 6 2015 Christies
P. 77

PROPERTY FROM THE YANGDETANG COLLECTION                               遼  三彩印牡丹花紋八方硯

92                                                                    此硯及拍品 91 號由硯台和筆洗兩部分組成。中國
                                                                      歷史博物館 2002 年舉辦《內蒙古遼代文物精華 – 契
A MOULDED SANCAI-GLAZED                                               丹王朝》曾展出一件類似的八角硯及三件圓形硯,
OCTAGONAL INKSTONE                                                    一件未及施釉,著錄於該展圖錄,2002 年,北京,
                                                                      302–308 頁。另參考一件圓形硯,著錄於《中国陶瓷
LIAO DYNASTY (907-1125)                                               全集 17– 遼代陶磁》上海,1986 年,圖版 61 號。

The top is moulded with a bracket-lobed recessed water receptacle     來源:
moulded with a single spray of peony, levelling to an unglazed
grinding surface, surrounded by moulded peony sprays on the           Galaxie Art & Gift Company,香港,1993 年 11 月 27 日
well. The facetted sides are decorated with alternating panels of     養德堂珍藏
leaping beasts and diaper patterns. The vessel is covered overall
with cream, amber and green glazes, the green glaze extending to
the countersunk base.
6º in. (15.8 cm.) wide, box



Galaxie Art & Gift Company, Hong Kong, 27 November 1993
Yangdetang Collection

This current lot and lot 91 function both as an inkstone and a brush
washer. Several similar examples, one octagonal and three circular
ones, were included in the National Museum of Chinese History
Museum exhibition Exhibition on the Collected Treasures of Liao
Dynasty from Inner Mongolia, Beijing, 2002, pp. 302-308. Another
circular example is illustrated in Zhongguo taoci quanji -17- Liao,
Shanghai, 1986, pl. 61.

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