Page 73 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 12, 2015
P. 73

73                                                                          The three line Tibetan inscription verso identifies the figure as Phyags.
A RARE INSCRIBED GILT-COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF                                pa dgra bzang.po, a variant of the simple shortened form of Bzang.
ARHAT BHADRA                                                                po, by which Bhadra is known.
Tibet, 17th century
The arhat seated in lalitasana on a lotus base incised with a lengthy       The voluminous robes are incised with delicate foliate motifs that are
inscription identifying the figure as Bzang po, wearing heavy inner and     realistically drawn to reflect the heavy folds over his entire body and
outer robes finely incised with floral scrolls and flower heads, the right  almost totally obscure the lotus base. Another portrait that is most
hand in vitarka mudra, the left hand resting on the lap, the face with a    likely from the same series of arhats sold at Sotheby’s New York, 4
meditative expression, the hair cropped short, the back incised with a      June 1994, lot 25 and a further later set of thirteen, formerly in the
Tibetan inscription, the base sealed and incised with a double vajra.       Manheim Collection, sold at Christie’s New York, 16 September 2008,
17cm (6 6/8in) high                                                         lot 533.

£7,000 - 9,000        CNY68,000 - 87,000                                    The garment hook over his left shoulder and his curled-toe boots
HK$82,000 - 110,000	                                                        relate directly to Ming period thangkas depicting the Buddhist elders
                                                                            (luohans), illustrated in J.Singer and P.Denwood, Tibetan Art, 1997,
西藏十七世紀 赤銅鎏金跋陀羅尊者坐像                                                          p.111, no.92. For another arhat seated on a single row of lotus
                                                                            petals covered by robes, included in a private collection, see HAR -
Provenance: the Jeannette Claude Jongen collection of Buddhist Art Also compare with a portrait of Brog
                                                                            mi Lo tsa ba dated to the 15th century preserved in the Jokhang, see
Published and Illustrated: A.Neven, Etudes D’Art Lamaique et de             U. von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures Tibet and China, 2001, vol.2,
L’Himalaya, Brussels, 1978, p.114, pl.16 (the catalogue is offered as       no.276C, p.1073.
part of the lot).

來源: Jeannette Claude Jongen夫人珍藏佛教藝術品

收錄及出版: A.Neven, Etudes D’Art Lamaique et de L’Himalaya,
布魯塞爾, 1978年, 頁114, 圖16 (此拍品將附贈圖錄一冊)

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