Page 78 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 12, 2015
P. 78

Tibet, circa 16th century
The figure well cast, seated in vajraparyankasana on a beaded double-
lotus base, the right hand held in bhumisparsha mudra, the left in
dhyana mudra, wearing a voluminous robe finely incised with floral
scrolls, draping elegantly over his shoulders and falling in loose folds
over his crossed legs, the serene face with a meditative expression
and downcast eyes, flanked by pendulous ears cut with vertical slots,
the hair and ushnisha arranged in tight curls and supporting an ovoid
jewel, the sealed base incised with a double vajra.
26cm (10 2/8in) high

£15,000 - 18,000       CNY150,000 - 170,000
HK$180,000 - 210,000	

西藏約十六世紀 赤銅鎏金釋迦牟尼坐像

Provenance: the Jeannette Claude Jongen collection of Buddhist Art

Published and Illustrated: A.Neven, Etudes D’Art Lamaique et de
L’Himalaya, Brussels, 1978, pp.117-118, pl.22 (the catalogue is
offered as part of the lot).

來源: Jeannette Claude Jongen夫人珍藏佛教藝術品

收錄及出版: A.Neven, Etudes D’Art Lamaique et de L’Himalaya,
布魯塞爾, 1978年, 頁117至118, 圖22 (此拍品將附贈圖錄一冊)

The sumptuous robes falling in compacted delicate folds across the
arms and legs are similar to those of a circa 15th century Buddhist
hierarch in the Nyingjei Lam Collection, see J.Casey and D.Weldon,
The Sculptural Heritage of Tibet, London, 1999, p. 133, no.49. Both
figures share the same attenuated form and are raised on similar lotus
bases. The hemlines are incised with bold foliate designs, as is the
unusual under-garment across his chest. Compare with a gilt bronze
Maitreya of similar proportions and wearing a full cloak-like garment
sold at Christie’s New York, 17 September 1998, lot 133.

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