Page 29 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 29



        WU WEI 1459-1508                            PROVENANCE                                                      吳偉    谿山清遠                                 鑑藏印:(金城)「金鞏伯精鑒印」、「鞏伯平生真賞」、
        Ink landscape                               Sotheby’s Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Paintings, Property of the                                               「拱北」(騎縫印,八鈐)
                                                    Estate of Dr. Ip Yee, 21 November 1984, Lot 4                   水墨灑金藍箋    手卷
        ink on gold-flecked paper, handscroll                                                                                                                  來源
                                                                                                                    引首:(常宗豪)谿山清遠。恕齋。鈐印:「均風樓」、                  香港蘇富比,葉義醫生收藏中國書畫專拍,1984年11月21
        signed Xiaoxian and with one seal of the artist   HK$ 500,000-800,000                                       「半痴小印」
        Frontispiece by Chang Zhonghao(1937-2010) and with two   US$ 65,000-104,000                                                                            日,拍品編號4
        seals of his                                                                                                款識:江夏小僊寫。鈐印:「吳偉」
        with ten collector’s seals of Jin Cheng (1878-1926)
        32.4 by 590.8 cm. 12¾ by 232½ in.

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