Page 102 - Chinese Ceramics the Linyushanren Collection Part 1 , Christie's
P. 102

Dishes of mallow-shape are rarely found among persimmon-         盤呈六瓣花口,折腰,高圈足外撇。內外施紫金釉,釉質螢
glazed wares. A very similar dish is in the Idemitsu Museum      潤,光亮可鑑。
of Arts, Tokyo, illustrated in Chinese Ceramics in the Idemitsu
Collection, Tokyo, 1987, pl. 525. A similar persimmon-glazed     紫金釉在北方諸窯口中皆有燒造,具有代表性的有河北定窯、
mallow-shaped dish is attributed to Ding ware, illustrated in    磁州窯,河南當陽峪窯,以及陝西耀州窯。在紫金釉中如本
Nezu Museum, The Colors and Forms of Song and Yuan China:        例的葵口盤器形較為罕見。東京出光美術館藏有一件近似的紫
Featuring Lacquerwares, Ceramics, and Metalwares, Tokyo, 2004,   金釉葵口盤,著錄於《出光美術館品圖錄:中国陶磁》,東
Catalogue, no. 24. Another persimmon-glazed mallow-shaped        京,1987 年,圖版525。據信,紫金釉瓷器為模仿漆器而生
dish from the Tokyo National Museum collection with a            產,相關的漆器例子可參照一件李氏家族珍藏的宋黑漆葵式
circular unglazed area on the interior is attributed to Cizhou   盤,售於佳士得香港2008年12月3日,拍品2103號;以及李氏
ware, illustrated in ibid., Catalogue, no. 25.                   家族珍藏的另一件宋朱漆葵瓣式盤,售於佳士得香港2012年11
The mallow shape was also popular in lacquer wares of the
period, for example a red and black dish and a lobed bowl,
dated to the Northern Song dynasty, included in the O.C.S.
Hong Kong, exhibition, 2000 Years of Chinese Lacquer, 1993,
and illustrated in the Catalogue, nos. 11 and 12. Compare
also a Song dynasty black lacquer dish from the Lee Family
Collection, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 3 December 2008,
lot 2103, and a red lacquer example, also from the Lee Family
Collection, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November 2012,
lot 208.

The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(一)                                               100
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