Page 95 - Christie's Fine Chinese Paintings March 19 2019 Auction
P. 95

The Shanghai Painting Academy sponsored artists on trips to factories and felds to paint the workers as   MY COUNTRY    我的祖國
                     they were performing their tasks. Joining together with other artists, Zhu established a sense of solidarity
                     with the masses. He hoped that an invigorated Chinese painting style would evolve under the infuence
                     of “plein air” sketching, because he was convinced that Chinese painting must continue to evolve.


                     CITY SCENES                           HUANGPU RIVER
                     Album of eight leaves, ink and color on paper  Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and color on paper
                     Size 11 ¬ x 18 Ω in (29 x 45 cm.)     Size 15 x 13 º in (38 x 33.7 cm.)
                     城景 設色紙本 冊頁八開                          Dated 1972
                                                           上海黃浦江之晨 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七二年作

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