Page 24 - The Ruth and Carl Barron Collection of Fine Chinese Snuff Bottles: Part I
P. 24

                                         (two views)

219                                                                      PROVENANCE:
SIGNED MA SHAOXIAN, DATED TO THE YIHAI YEAR (1935)                       Belfont Company Ltd., Hong Kong, 1994.
                                                                         Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 1684.
One side is decorated with two wrestling black huan below a three-
character inscription, shuang huan tu, and the reverse has a lengthy     Ma Shaoxian appears to have painted this subject throughout his career.
poetic inscription followed by the artist’s signature, Ma Shaoxian, the  This example is one of the later ones, and exhibits more attention to the
date, and a seal, Shao.                                                  fowered ground than earlier versions. For an example of the same subject
2Ω in. (6.3 cm.) high, pink tourmaline stopper                           painted in 1904 see Moss, Graham, Tsang, A Treasury of Chinese Snuff
                                                                         Bottles, the Mary and George Bloch Collection, Volume 4, Part 2, Hong
$3,000-5,000                                                             Kong, 2000, pp. 490-491, no. 626. An example from 1914 is illustrated by
                                                                         Dennis Low in More Treasures from the Sanctum of Enlightened Respect,
乙亥年(1935) 馬紹先作玻璃內畫「雙歡」圖詩文鼻煙壺                                             Hong Kong, 2002, p. 360, no. 325.

                                                                         For a discussion of the artist, who was the nephew of Ma Shaoxuan, see
                                                                         the note to lot 212.

                                                                         TWO ROCK CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLES

                                                                         The frst has a tapering body carved with eight facets, the second of
                                                                         fattened, globular form.
                                                                         2¿ and 2Ω in. (5.5 and 6.3 cm.) high, mother-of-pearl stoppers (2)



                                                                         Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, nos. 3638
                                                                         and 9 respectively.

                                                                         1750-1860年 水晶光素鼻煙壺兩件


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