Page 119 - Chinese and Asian Ceramics from an Indonesian Collection
P. 119
Ceramics from the Musi River
Figure 198. Two spouted kendis from Lampung and Bukit Tinggi. These ranged in height from 16–38.3 cm, probably C19 to
early C20. Catalogue Nos (L–R) K34, K2676, K3, K31, K94, K2677, K97.
Figure 199. Three ‘Loop handled’ kendis collected in the Musi River (slightly forward), compared with a lidded dish and similar
kendis from Lampung District. Heights of Musi kendis 20–24 cm and Lampung kendis 22.7–27 cm. Catalogue Nos
(L–R) K1082, K2680, K1638, K2681, K997, K35.
Figure 201. Bottle kendis from the Musi River, Batu Ampar site
(L), compared with two from Lampung District
(C), and from Banda Aceh, Sumatra (R). All had
an everted foot ring with recessed base, flat upper
rim to receive a stopper and similar decorations,
heights ranged from 20.7–31 cm, probably C19
to modern. Catalogue Nos (L–R) K2655, K93,
K2678, K2679.
Palembang revealed two and four-spouted kendis, which
according to Adhyatman (1987) may date to the 8th
century. She considered these two-spouted kendis were
Figure 200. Five spouted kendi , shoulder striated with red from Palembang. And noted that simple two-spouted
slip, height 28.2 cm, Sumatra, Lampung District,
probably C19 to early C20, Found in the Musi River. kendis were still being produced at Kayu Agung on the
Catalogue K2687. lower reaches of the Komering River in the Kabupaten