Page 12 - Chinese and Asian Ceramics from an Indonesian Collection
P. 12

Figure 199.  Three ‘Loop handled’ kendis collected in the Musi River (slightly forward), compared with a lidded dish and similar kendis from Lampung District. Heights of Musi kendis
                20–24 cm and Lampung kendis 22.7–27 cm. Catalogue Nos (L–R) K1082, K2680, K1638, K2681, K997, K35.   102
         Figure 200.  Five spouted kendi , shoulder striated with red slip, height 28.2 cm, Sumatra, Lampung District, probably C19 to early C20, Found in the Musi River. Catalogue K2687.   102
         Figure 201.  Bottle kendis from the Musi River, Batu Ampar site (L), compared with two from Lampung District (C), and from Banda Aceh, Sumatra (R). All had an everted foot ring
                with recessed base, flat upper rim to receive a stopper and similar decorations, heights ranged from 20.7–31 cm, probably C19 to modern. Catalogue Nos (L–R) K2655, K93,
                K2678, K2679.                                                                             102
         Figure 202.  Censers, carved with edges coloured with red slip, from the Musi River (L) and Kecamatan Menggala, Lampung District (R), heights 18.2 & 23.8 cm, respectively, Catalogue
                Nos (L–R) K2477, K149.                                                                    103
         Figure 203.  Miniature ‘Lampung ware’ kendis and a kundika, heights 5.6–11.7 cm, from the Musi River, Sungai Rebo (2), Pusri, Sungai Bunut sites. Catalogue Nos. a) K754, b)K1575,
                c) K1303, d) K1114, e) K749, f) K717, g) K1584, h) K757, i) K873, j) K756, k) K872.       104
         Figure 204.  Miniature kendi-shaped water dropper, height 9.2 cm, local ware, C8–C19, from the Musi River, Boom Baru site. Catalogue No. K1977.   105
         Figure 205.  Miniature fish-shaped water dropper with aggregated river soil wedged in its handle, height 6.2 cm, local ware, C8–C19, from the Musi River, Boom Baru site. Catalogue No.
                K2292.                                                                                    105
         Figure 206.  Miniature bird-shaped toy, height 6.2 cm, local ware, C8–C19, from the Musi River, Boom Baru site. Catalogue No. K1669.   105
         Figure 207.  Miniature prawn-shaped toy, height 9 cm, local ware, C8–C19, from the Musi River, Sungai Rebo site. Catalogue No. K1543.   105
         Figure 208.  Miniature crocodile-shaped toy, height 4.6 cm, local ware, C8–C19, from the Musi River, Sungai Rebo. Catalogue No. K1661.   105
         Figure 209.  Kendis, heights 11.9 & 12.8 cm, C13–C19, from the Musi River, Pusri site. Catalogue Nos L & C: K2009 & K2010. And bottle kendi R, height 16.2 cm, from Bajawa, Central
                Flores. C19–C20. Catalogue No. K751.                                                      106
         Figure 210.  Miniature mangosteen fruit toy, height 9.6, local ware, C8–C19, from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K2688.   106
         Figure 211.  Stove to support small pots, decorated with vertical incised lines and impressed open circles, three prongs repaired, height 9 cm, C15 to recent, from the Musi River, Sungai
                Rebo site. Catalogue No. K1396.                                                           106
         Figure 212.  Pottery from Pusri and Boom Baru sites in the Musi River, height range 12.6–23.4 cm, produced in Ciruas, Banten Provence, West Java. Probably C19–C20. Catalogue Nos
                (L–R) K1401, K1659, K2188.                                                                107
         Figure 213.  Figurine ‘toy’ pigeon, height 4 cm, unknown origin and date, from the Musi River, Boom Baru site. Catalogue No. K1662.   107
         Figure 214.  Figurine ‘toy’ elephant, height 11.5 cm, unknown origin and date, from the Musi River, Boom Baru site. Catalogue No. K1660.   107
         Figure 215.  Figurine ‘toy’ sheep, height 6.2 cm, possibly Tang Dynasty or earlier, from the Musi River, Sungai Rebo site. Catalogue No. K1667.   107
         Figure 216.  Figurine man on a ‘camel’, height 12 cm, possibly Tang Dynasty C7–C10 or earlier, from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K1247.   107
         Figure 217.  Figurine, man on horse, surface degraded, three legs of horse restored, height 12.5 cm, possibly Chinese, Tang Dynasty or earlier, from the Musi River, Sungai Rebo site.
                Catalogue No. K1541                                                                       108
         Figure 218.  Man in prow of boat, height 8 cm, possibly Tang Dynasty, C7–C10 or earlier, from the Musi River, Sungai Rebo site. Catalogue No. K1542.   108
         Figure 219.  Figurine, ‘dancing dwarf’, height 5.8 cm, probably Tang Dynasty, C7–C10, from the Musi River, Boom Baru or nearby Pusri site. Catalogue No. K1978.   108
         Figure 220.  Possibly a votive deity, height 10.6 cm, possibly local, C13–C15, from the Musi River, Sungai Bunut (S. Kesamasan) site. Catalogue No. K1308.   108
         Figure 221.  Torso of Buddhist deity, height 7.5 cm, possibly Tang Dynasty, C10 or earlier, from the Musi River, Pusri site. Catalogue No. K1770.   108
         Figure 222.  Woman holding what appears to be an animal, height 2.9 cm, unknown origin or date, from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K1047.   109
         Figure 223.  Figurine, crudely potted, sitting person with arms crossed on chest, height 6.5 cm, origin and date unknown but high brow and recessed hairline suggestive of Chinese style,
                from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K2686.                                                 109
         Figure 224.  Man with ‘leather’ vest and epaulettes, arms and head reconstructed, supported on a tripod stand, height 15 cm, unknown origin or date, from the Musi River. Catalogue
                No. K964.                                                                                 109
         Figure 225.  Support for cooking pots, height 14.8 cm, local ware, possibly C13–C20, from the Musi River, Sungai Rebo site. Catalogue No. K2308.   109
         Figure 226.  Supports for cooking pots, height 8.7 cm, local ware, possibly C13–C20, from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K2272.   110
         Figure 227.  Stove, grate with five holes above fire-box, height 12.3 cm, possibly Ciruas, Banten, West Java, C19–C20, From the Musi River. Catalogue No. K1211.   110
         Figure 228.  Jarlet, degraded pinkish slip, height 9.8 cm, Northern Central Thailand, C14–C17, from the Musi River, Boom Baru site. K1329.   110
         Figure 229.  Pot, base slightly convex, decorated around top of shoulder at base of neck with a broad band of impressed vertical criss-crossed segments, height 16 cm, possibly Central
                Thailand, C14–C17, from the Musi River, Sungai Rebo site. Catalogue No. K1421.            110
         Figure 230.  Bowl, impressed sloping lines of dots separated by band of incised lines around shoulder and neck, height 8.6 cm.%North Central Thailand. C14–C17, from the Musi River,
                Sungai Rebo site. Catalogue No. K2279.                                                    111
         Figure 231.  Tiles, impressed connected swastika pattern, measurement 13.7 x 26.5 x 3.2 cm, possibly from Majapahit Java, C14–C15, from the Musi River, Sungai Rebo. Catalogue No.
                K1112.                                                                                    111
         Figure 232.  Group of Dusun jars, height range 7.4–19.5 cm, Guangdong Province, C9–C11, from the Musi River, Boom Baru (2) & Pusri (5) sites. Catalogue Nos Back (L to R): K1204,
                K1203, K2014, K1200, K2015. Mid: K1199, K2216, K993, K2462. Front: K1930, K2401, K1931. K1929, K1923. Note: K2216 is a different form and has a mustard coloured
                glaze. It was probably made in South China.                                               114
         Figure 233.  Globular Dusun type jars, height range 23.3 cm–33.5 cm, Tang Dynasty, Guangdong Province, C9–C11, from the Musi River, Boom Baru site. Catalogue Nos K1071, K1633,
                K1632.                                                                                    114
         Figure 234.  Jar, carved inscription below neck of Dusun Jar, height  25.3 cm, Guangdong Province, C9–C11, from the Musi River, Batu Ampar site. Catalogue K2647.   114
         Figure 235.  Jars, short spouts, heights 19.5 to 30 cm, Guangdong Province, C9–C10, from the Musi River, Pusri site. Catalogue Nos L to R: K2622, K2245, K2626.   115
         Figure 236.  Jar, height 55.2 cm, Tang to Northern Song Dynasty, Guangdong Province, C9–C10, from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K2612.   115
         Figure 237.  Jar (lid missing), height 19 cm, Tang Dynasty, Henan Province, Gongxian (Gonyi) kilns, C9–C10, from the Musi River. Catalogue K934.   115
         Figure 238.  Jars, average height of jars 17.3 (11.4–27.1) cm. South China, Fujian Province, Southern Song to Yuan Dynasty, C12–C14, from the Musi River, Pusri (5), Boom Baru (1)
                Rebo (1) sites. Catalogue Nos, Back (L to R): K2238, K2223, K2224, K1069. Mid: K744, K1205, K2225, K932. Front: K1921, K2201, K2337, K899.   116
         Figure 239.  Jar, rim diameter 12.8 cm, probably Guangdong or Fujian Province, C11–C12, from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K1100.    116
         Figure 240.  Jar, lugs decorated with monster masks at base, rim diameter 15.6 cm, Song or Yuan Dynasty, Fujian Province, C12–C14, from the Musi River, Pusri site. Catalogue No.
                K1897.                                                                                    116
         Figure 241.  Jar, base concave, four lugs with raised triangular ventral base, impressed dragon on shoulder, height 28.5 cm, probably Southern Song - Yuan Dynasty, Guangdong or Fujian
                Province, C12–C14, from the Musi River, Batu Ampar site. No. K2653.                       117
         Figure 242.  Jar, height 51.3 cm, Southern Song Dynasty, possibly Fujian Province, C12–C13, from the Musi River, Pusri site. Catalogue No. K2620.   117
         Figure 243.  Jar, decorated with finely incised wave pattern over much of body and with what appears to be part of a ‘flaming pearl’ sgraffito, height 32.4 cm, probably Southern Song,
                C12–C14, from the Musi River, PT Sharp site. Catalogue No. K2049.                         117
         Figure 244.  Jar, height 38 cm, probably South China, Guangdong Province, but similar to Cham jars, C14–C15, from the Musi river, Boom Baru site. Catalogue No. K2624.    117
         Figure 245.  Jar, height 20.2 cm, Northern Song or Jin Dynasty, possibly Hebei or Henan Provinces, Cizhou Ware, C10–C13, from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K743.   118
         Figure 246.  Bottle, height 29.7 cm, Song or Yuan Dynasty, Fujian Province, Quanzhou kilns, C12–C14, from the Musi River, Sungai Rebo site. Catalogue No. K2407.   118
         Figure 247.  Jars, unglazed but high fired, height 22.9 &, 27 cm, South China, probably late Song Dynasty, Fujian Province, Quanzhou, C12–C13, from the Musi River. Catalogue Nos
                K1008, K1009.                                                                             119
         Figure 248.  Jarlet, height 7.3 cm, Song or Yuan Dynasty, Fujian Province, C11–C14, from the Musi River, Boom Baru site. Catalogue No. K2215.   119
         Figure 249.  Jar, base flat, four bulky lugs pressed to neck, decorated with a Tradition—type 2 dragon applied and carved around shoulder, height 16 cm, probably C15–C16, South China,
                Guangdong Province, or Central Vietnam, Go-Sanh kilns, from the Musi River, Pusri site. Catalogue No. K743.   119
         Figure 250.  Jar, olive green glaze with blue spot on shoulder, height 43.9 cm, China, Ming Dynasty, C14–C17, from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K2619.   119
         Figure 251.  Jars, lugs in shape of sea mammal or rats, decorative beading around upper body, height 28.3, 30.4, 25.8 cm, Yuan to early Ming Dynasty, probably Fujian Province, C14–C15,
                from the Musi River, Boom Baru. Catalogue Nos (L to R) K2247, K1206, K2189.               120
         Figure 252.  Jar, four lugs in form of squirrels around shoulder, decorated with applied beading around shoulder, most of body missing, rim diameter 23 cm, Yuan to early Ming Dynasty,
                probably Fujian Province. C14–C15, from the Musi River, Sungai Rebo site. Catalogue No. K1481.   120
         Figure 253.  Jar, decorated in ‘Tradescant style’ with five applied flowers of two forms connected with vines with occasional pinnate leaves, height 23 cm, late Ming Dynasty, Guangdong
                Province, 1567–1644, from the Musi River, Batu Ampar site. Catalogue No. K2540.           120
         Figure 254.  Jar, six lugs of monster masks and imperial characters, two moulded and applied Qing style dragons around shoulder and cloud pattern incised to lower body, height 73 cm,
                Qing Dynasty, Guangdong Province, C19, from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K2628.          121
         Figure 255.  Jars, iron spotted glaze. Heights 26.7–46.6 cm, Guangdong Province, Qing Dynasty, C17–C19, from the Musi River, Boom Baru site (1). Catalogue Nos (L to R) K2335, K2041,
                K2613.                                                                                    121
         Figure 256.  Jar, height 25.8 cm. Qing Dynasty, 1644–1911, from the Musi River, Boom Baru site. Catalogue No. K2398.   121
         Figure 257.  Jar, shadows on shoulder from kiln wedges, height 39 cm, probably South China, C17, from the Musi River, Pusri site. Catalogue No. K2611.   121
         Figure 258.  Potiche (lid missing), grey iron under-glaze of complex tendril and leaf decoration, height 16.7 cm, Central Thailand, Sri Satchanalai kilns, C14–C16, from the Musi River.
                Catalogue No. K703.                                                                       122
         Figure 259.  Potiche (lid missing), height 12cm, Central Thailand, Sri Satchanalai kilns, C14–C15. Catalogue No. K1274.   122
          Figure 260.  Jars, heights 54 & 57 cm, Central Thailand, Singburi Province, Mae Nam Noi kilns, early C15, from the Musi River, Boom Baru & Pusri sites. Catalogue Nos K2015 & K2614. 123
          Figure 261.  Jar, large depression in body from firing, height 36.3 cm, Central Thailand, Singburi, Mae Nam Noi kilns, C15–C17, from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K2618.   123
          Figure 262.  Jar, height 27.3 cm, Central Thailand, Suphanburi kilns, C14–C16, from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K1081.   123
          Figure 263.  Jar, height 19 cm, Central Thailand, Suphanburi kilns, C14–C16, from the Musi River. Catalogue No. K1430.   123
          Figure 264.  Jar, impressed with ribbons of sloping paddle marks, Central Thailand, Phitsanulok kilns, late C14–C15, from the Musi River, Pusri site. Catalogue No. K1810.   124
          Figure 265.  Jar, height 28 cm, Southern Thailand, C11–C14, from the Musi River, Pusri site. Catalogue No. K2040.   124
          Figure 266.  Jar, two circles of elongate firing spur marks on shoulder (7 & 9 marks), height 48 cm, North Vietnam or China, C14–C16, from the Musi River, Pusri site. Catalogue No.
                K2222.                                                                                    124
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17